I have no Facebook, no Myspace, no Twitter, etc., etc., etc. I don't even have an email account. Neither does my girlfriend.
As a result the pointless, irritating drama in my life has been reduced to almost ZERO.
The only remaining drama comes from all the drama lamas we encounter in the real world.
ALL of which are Facebook obsessed or glued to their cellphones 24/7.
Why do people refuse to give up all this online/mass communication garbage when it obviously causes thousands more problems than anyone needs or wants?
Why are people so fucking stupid?
The best thing that ever happened to me was meeting my woman. The second best thing was giving up all social media. It served absolutely no real purpose.
Far too many idiots online posting selfies. The narcissism is way out of control. The lack of privacy is even more jarring.
I DO NOT want to see you dressed like a whore/shirtless, nor do I want to know how many points you got playing Candy Crush while you were taking a dump.
Why the fuck would I? Only an idiot would fall for that trap and its hidden fees. If I need to pay for anything, I just use my debit card or cash. No hidden fees, less invading of my privacy, etc.
Brandon James
I understand no social media since I don't use that shit. no email, no online banking. just don't be a fucking retard about it
Jordan Phillips
I have email, Facebook and WhatsApp, and I have ZERO drama. People who say facebook sucks because the discussions there suck simply have terrible friends and are stupid enough to participate in or follow the irritating drama.
Easton Foster
>I dont have email. Enjoy your NEET life, pleb.
Evan Hall
Everything about online banking is retarded. Email serves no real purpose. Nothing is so direly important that it can't be done by snail mail.
Jayden Turner
You have zero recognizable drama. It will catch up to you when you pull your head out of your ass.
Austin Jones
le boomer neet, a rare sight on pol, for the record old man, myspace has been dead for over 10 years now
what's the fucking difference? snail mail still have to give out your address. I guess you could use a PO Box but you could just use an email address that has nothing to do with your real name
Lincoln Brooks
I'm employed, idiot. No decent job requires email. Any job that does is clearly run by millenial trash.
Nathan White
Not a boomer or a millenial. Boomers are from before my time. Millenials are from after.
Chase Lee
I have to use the faggot work email they gave me to put in for leave
Hunter Carter
I use a P.O. Box. I dislike having people know my actual address if it can be avoided.
Juan Cox
People that don't use these things tend to never shut the fuck up about it. Just another way to get attention, contrarian.
Michael Williams
I guess if that works for you fine. I just don't really understand the no online shit when you are posting here. like anyone who want's to can't find out shit from using the internet. they will if they can or want too
I'd find an alternative. There is always a legal alternative that they are required by law to offer. They just like being all up in your business so they don't tell you the truth. Ever.
Isaac Gonzalez
>Neither does my girlfriend. get out normie
Jackson Turner
i'm a huge cynic but sometimes you have to play by the bullshit rules or just get fucked. I don't want to do stupid surveys and shit about how much I like my manager. I know it's not anonymous
Luis Morris
I'm so antisocial networking that I'm not recorded on any servers and my name is so absurdly common that even if I were, I'd be lost in a sea of names identical to mine.
Jow Forums is fine, because it's totally anonymous. It's not like anyone here is my neighbor.
Aaron Hernandez
I live right next door Johnny
Evan Cruz
I never play by the rules unless I choose to play by the rules. Having rules forced on me will only result in others ending up in tears. I don't play well with idiots or control freaks.
Jose Peterson
Funny. Name isn't Johnny. That is a common name though.
My name has three parts...
First, middle, and last.
All are insanely common. Even in combination.
I love having a boring name.
Nathaniel Perry
you can bend, break or subvert the rules. but choosing when to go about it is what makes a man your mum gay, hello
Nathaniel Richardson
Hello Dale Gribble
Adrian Nguyen
any part of the internet where you can retain anonymity, or at least not expose personal shit to the public facing world is beneficial
everything else is pretty much cancer and only serves to feed egos, fuel narcissism, and crave attention
Tyler Smith
Good, I abandoned my FB for almost 9 years, I made the mistake of calling work with my cell phone one day (had the same number for 12 years) and then I got a friend request from someone in management; I hardly talk to those people. Keep a landline phone and use that only for business/work related stuff.