I found this commie shit on my campus. What should i do pol?

I found this commie shit on my campus. What should i do pol?

Attached: F59E5A20-753A-4C4F-9FDF-AA2B38D9091F.jpg (4032x3024, 1.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:


make equivalent


This. Tearing shit down and complaining never works. People need to start their own equivalents to this shit. If that involves starting a book club to discuss Mein Kampf, Culture of Critique, and others, then so be it.

Copy it exactly. Replace the QR code with something more interesting.
Change out all the posters.

Put ((())) in Goldman.


>Join the discord
Trick the discord trannies into raiding them

Somebody text the number and get us a discord link

it's on the poster

>gather intel
>report any illegal shit you can
>if this doesn't happen go with option b
>cause so much infighting that the group collapses
>if that fails, option c disrupt communications and move on
"Shut that shit down."

It’s says anarchist book club.

join dumbass

This. Won't achieve much but it'd be hilarious. Just be wary of security cameras cuz if they find out it's you they'll kick you out.
That'll get him expelled bro.
It's the same shit retard.
Realistically it's too hard to achieve anything that way. And at worst they'll figure it out and it'll be the first thing an employer finds when looking up his name on Jewgle.

Send a copy to university administration, keep a copy of your email alerting them, then keep the original and start your group. That way, if the school shuts yours down but not theirs, you're a wealthy man. Put a good attorney on speed dial. If enough of us do this, it'll bankrupt these universities.

No one uses them anyway

quit being a cuck. become an anarchist


...i mean, just to troll, of course


Bahahahahahaha what a bunch of dumbasses

Post a flyer on the number of people killed by communism by nation.
Russia gets too much attention let Cambodia and Rowanda get some time to shine


>Realistically it's too hard to achieve anything that way.
You have no idea how unbelievably stupid campus leftists are.

Correct the poster to read (((Anarchist Book Club)))

Attached: 1532091399005.jpg (315x550, 17K)

Lmao I’m not compromising my phone number for the link, you do it faggot

It's under the qr code, retard.

Make the same poster but change the scan code to a link to Jow Forums or something like the DailyStormer so they get redpilled

Barrel roll.

Echo that Goldman.

Most western anarchists are anarcho-commmunist, usually if they're otherwise they won't just say anarchist, they'll say AnCap or anarcho-primitivist or something.