It's time for Jow Forums to abandon Jewish capitalist ideology and realize the true enemy of the people are the globalist capitalists who plunder anything and everything in their way.
The capitalist has no care for the working man, nor for the nation, nor for borders. The main goal of the capitalist is to generate wealth for himself, at the expensive of others.
The capitalist likes to claim that the communists are for open borders, yet no one has imported more brown people to white countries than the capitalists, who want to replace your jobs with brown slave labor.
Capitalism must be cut for at the head and government must guide the market to act in the best interests of the people, not of the corporations.
Don't be a slave to the fiat of the central banks.
If capitalism was responsible for mass immigration, it would look like Dubai, not California. Dubai imports low paid labour from 3rd world shitholes. They do their jobs, are deferent and respectful to real people, and if they misbehave, are sent home instantly. Our immigrants are legally privileged over us, do not get sent home even if they kill and rape, and survive off crime and handouts rather than work. We are not importing workers for the sake of profit, but whores and lowlives for the sake of drowning white civilization.
Capitalists are responsible for H1B visa immigrants, low paid skilled foreign workers. But when Trump drastically curtailed H1B, the capitalists moaned a bit and obeyed. Compare how difficult Trump has found it to build the wall. Obviously capitalists do not have power, but are merely doing the bidding of those who do have real power.
Ayden Scott
*white individualism logs in*
Colton Evans
based op
Colton Watson
left vs right is nothing but a meme created by kikes
What makes you believe your right and everybody else is wrong? So rude
Parker Richardson
The governments job is to set immigration policy and the capitalist lobby to make illegal immigration easier, not difficult. And deporting people harder, not easier.
Capitalists need a constant flow of labor to keep their profits high.
James Adams
Fascism and nationalism are left. They are lefter than democracy, which is already frothing at the mouth insane left.
Also this.
Real capitalism has been tried. We should try it again.
Dubai is an example of an actually pro profit 3rd world immigration policy. As leftists complain, it is mighty similar to slavery.
There is no "capitalist lobby". Suppose capitalist A, an agricultural employer, benefits from importing Mexicans who will work for less. But capitalist B, a property developer, benefits from not importing Mexicans whose smelly presence will lower his property values. Because capitalists are all competing with each other, there is no common interest.
And furthermore, we are not even importing Mexicans to work for less. We are importing underclass Mexicans to live off crime, welfare, voting left and terrorizing white people. This is not a profit scheme but a political scheme.
Western countries were already far down the leftist toilet long before we started opening the floodgates. Democracy, feminism, socialism.
>Fascism and nationalism are left. I meant fascism and national socialism.
David Gutierrez
You have the internet and running water in your home. You are the 1%.
Bad bait.
Andrew Howard
>Western countries were already far down the leftist toilet long before we started opening the floodgates. Democracy, feminism, socialism.
Feminism and other social ills are a sign of s stupid population, which is a caused by a brown population.
Not sure what your point is.
>Because capitalists are all competing with each other, there is no common interest. The common interest of capitalists is profits, which is accomplished by offshoring factories and jobs or importing slave labor.
Carter Hall
ITT: bootlickers who can’t into basic economics
Hoppe will keep us alive
Nolan Campbell
>haha dude just give all the power to the government, the same government that is jew loving, spic living, nigger loving and all those others. Yeah no thanks nigger. I'd rather a race war.
Brayden Brooks
Capitalists will fund armies to defeat your race war in order to preserve their brown skinned slaves.
Caleb Sanders
Probably the gayest image I have ever seen
Adam Parker
We were already insane frothing at the mouth feminist in 1903, when Marie Curie was awarded a Nobel Prize for supposedly doing work that would have been unremarkable if a mere man had done it. We were not a brown population in 1903.
What is good for the profits of capitalist A is bad for the profits of capitalists B, C and D. And you have not addressed my point, that the swarms of spics, niggers and whores pouring into white countries are not doing anyone's profit any good, because they come not to work, but to sponge off state handouts and crime while voting left and terrorizing whites.
Nathan Ward
>stop liking what I dont like But if it didnt they wouldnt have leverage to control you.
Ryan Turner
Try this one.
As I keep saying, real capitalism has been tried, and we should try it again.
Feminism exists to produce better consumers and get women into the workforce. A strong family unit doesn't waste money on convenience services and constant distractions because they don't need too. Most social ills exist to keep you sad and alone, relying on paid services Woke capital isn't a new thing
William Peterson
Wtf i love socialism now Seriously end yourself shill. Socalism is the ideal breading grown for whats happening now with cucks/trannies 50x. You got horse face retard AOC, jew lovers in congress and house, muslim in ANY part of government. There is no way you'll convince someone giving those people MORE power will benefit whites. Cheapest way to fix things is hope a country starts WW3
Landon Gutierrez
Capitalists have no allegiance to any nation and they move from nation to nation at will. They lobby governments to do what is in their own interest, which is to increase profits. Be it importing brown slaves, at the cost of the country, and at the profit of the corporation, or offshoring factories to third world, or creating tax shelters for themselves.
None of that is in the interest of the country. Which is why they're importing brown people to America at the expensive of the American worker and the nation.
Charles Peterson
We're not socialists as in for socializing corproations. National Socialists are for guiding corporations to do what is in the best interest of the people.
And what's happening now is a result of brown people in Americs, not national socialism.
Keep your opinions in Canada.
John Davis
Good point.
Women are stupid like brown people and easily fall for Jewish lies.
Robert Cooper
Who benefits from importing brown people who don't work, or do the most menial possible work, otherwise living off state handouts (which the capitalist pays for), crime, voting left and terrorizing white people? Do wine growers or bricklayers control the government? Think about what you are saying in concrete terms.
Jonathan Nelson
>im not from discord doing a gay ops I swear Spamming this board won't change anyones views. 99% of people here love a nigger shot dead. Celebrated zimzam walking free. Got your "evil" president elected. You think honestly you'll sway hundred of thousands of people by promoting AOC whos legit retarded. Hasn't done a single debate correctly. Now you switch to gibs me dat $1000. You definitely fail to see what this board is about.
Jason Fisher
No. Feminism exists because women destroy society if you fail to hit them with a stick.
Hunter Martin
based & redpilled user.
Jace Gray
>who benefits from importing brown people who don't work
Only people that have no allegiance to the nation and can profit off of them.
James Turner
Women today get hit with a stick all the time. Don't be a slut - lose social status Be a slut - lose social status Get a job - no kids Raise kids - lose social status Women are the ultimate atomized consumers. In a constant rat race against each other and lashing out at men for not protecting them from this predicament.
Connor Ramirez
Levi Cooper
Who benefits from Sweden's Somalians? What industry is showing record profits due to the wonderful cost efficiency of Somalian workers?
These people are imported to vote left and terrorize white people, not to work.
Cameron Peterson
Capitalists who sell goods and services that are paid for by the indigenous Swedish people's welfare dollars, that are intentionally siphoned to those immigrants.
John Morgan
Who's in congress and house passing resolutions to protect poor nigger apes? The point of Hitler moving to a different type of party was to when he was elected he'd get others out. Now use your galactic brain here retard, you think pushing for natsoc (which isn't whats being shilled, socialism is) when those types of people are in power is a net benefit for white people? But hey I'm arguing with 2 shills so of course you'll think its good.
Somalians are mindless consumers buying overpriced garbage to signal to each other and taking out loans they will be stuck paying back for years. They don't even need to work, they can just be an excuse to force whites to part with their money.
Julian Price
Muslims and niggers are permitted to hit women with a stick. White fathers and husbands are not. This is the whole problem.
If you attempt to control or discipline your daughter or wife as a white man, it is not Goldman Sachs who will come after you. The police will come after you. And if the head of Goldman Sachs attempted to discipline his wife or daughter, the police would come after him too.
Look at Zuckerberg. If he is so powerful, where is his harem? Why don't men cringe before him, and women wet themselves in arousal? Elon Musk's wives keep leaving him. Bezos goes all soggy like a faggy 16 year old over an aging whore. His wife is going to take billions. The rich are as terrorized as we are, indeed more so.
The victories of feminism from 1857 to the 60s were nothing to do with entering the work force. It was women acting out and looking for a spanking all the way, and it still is.
Kevin Roberts
>we need more immigrants to increase business profits
You're advocating for keeping the government on cruise control and eventual white genocide.
So: fast food outlets and the makers of gaudy gangster clothing control the government.
Why don't property developers or the makers of sturdy family cars control the government?
Jeremiah Watson
Most of the goods they're buying are being produced by multinational corporations.
Secondly there are other proximate reasons to import brown people which is to create a racial mixture of the permanent under class which will forever be enslaved by the capitalist.
And thirdly voting to separate the working class from their money by increasing taxes on working class people and forcing them into wage slavery.
Jacob Morgan
Lmao rich people can do what ever the fuck they want and as long as they don't step on richer people's toes nothing is going to happen. Some rich fag in LA shoves meth up niggers assholes to get off, killing several of them, no problem. Some rich pedo has a rape island, no problem Even lower level kikes get their own private jew "prison" if they end up having to do time.
Also the state is just mercenarys for capital. The police are not there to protect you, laws are not written with your interests in mind. If slapping your wife is a crime it's because some rich busybody thought it should be or because a think-tank decided it was a good way to socially engineer change. Besides that you would rarely even need to resort to violence in a society where the nuclear family was normalized and divorce resulted in community ostracism. Where having sex before marriage was a social taboo and potentially life ruining (implying it's not already life ruining)
it's lefty to have nationalist views? or are you just caalling them lefty because of them being socialists, so you just lump them in with schizo marxists? not very bright, my dude
Mason Allen
Capitalist.and communists act with violence when you don't repeat the talking points. If you have your own thoughts and opinions the jew will label you as a heritic while plundering your country.
Robert Sanders
free reign capitalism, a market that is unchecked and has become a swamp with the ills of this nation. National Socialism or any other fascist government blueprint would see the illnesses of the swamp reverted, and a new clean land in its place. Never 100% free market, always switch between central planning and free market(as with whaat the national socialists did) Source: economy of destruction
Lucas Jackson
Jayden Stewart
I meant to say, national socialism is lefty.
Asher Hughes
ok i'll leave but ONLY because you said to or else i wouldn't.
Christopher Barnes
Back to the_donald
Zachary Cook
So, McDonalds wants to sell slightly more burgers in Malmo. They influence the government of Sweden to commit total cultural and biological national suicide in order to do so.
On the other side of the balance, we have every business in Malmo whose trade is interrupted of totally destroyed by the reduction of large parts of the city to Mogadishu conditions. And yet McDonalds wins out. I don't buy it.
60 years ago, Sweden's business was making cars and steel. Whites make steel, whites buy steel. What changed so that the Swedish makers of cars and steel lost power, and fast food outlets and gangster clothing makers gained power? None of this has any relation to reality.
My theory is that the floodgates have been opened by the left to bring in more voters to terrorize and outvote white people, with the wishes of capitalists largely irrelevant.
Adrian Thompson
Of course they want to out vote white people. The capitalists want to kill white people and create a permanent racially ambiguous underclass. Read the rest of my post.
Austin Gutierrez
If the state were mercenaries for capital, they would be invading Venezuela for oil and gold, to turn the place into a division of Exxon Mobil, not to restore democracy.
If the state were mercenaries for capital, the inner cities would be cleared of niggers and crackheads and restored for the use of real people.
If the state were mercenaries for capital, the Middle East would be a lot of oil derricks and a few nuclear craters.
If the state were mercenaries for capital, Africa would be in the process of being cleared of niggers and developed for profit.
I wish the state were mercenaries for capital.
Nathan Hughes
Zyklon /b/
Bathe your bones in baja blast greasy flesh stripped with solvent mass Grave for angry losers bulldozed over shredded fedoras take your swastikas and shove them up your ass Wooded boxes filled with mjolnirs sunwheels and totenkopfs gold teeth chains and cords allowance financed religious trinkets dying gods melted down May every coward who takes power in finding edge on fascist razors be crushed under the very boots they sought to wear Die without hope Die without mercy Die without forgiveness May every last second of the end of your life be a thousand years in agony you spineless worthless sacks of shit grind your corpses to dust and piss in the urns
Fuck you forever
Leo Jones
Kevin Torres
Nazis >Communists are Jews! >Proceed to declare war on every country in Europe, reducing it to rubble and grieving half of it to a Georgian communist who purged Jews
Also Nazis >Capitalists are Jews! >Proceed up pick up the failure that is socialism and plunge the world into depression for the next 50 years.
Gas yourself retard
Christian Wilson
>wars are actually for democracy >having a milieu of mindless consumers that exist to transfer money from wageslaves to niggers to corporations works against capital >producing that consumer garbage in third world sweatshops instead of first world factories full of high agency whites works against capital. >there isn't capitalism in the middle east >Africa isn't already being exploited for resources
Josiah Cooper
You should see your flag bootlicking faggot
William Nguyen
See Newfag
Zachary Lewis
So the capitalists can plan far enough ahead to create a mixed race underclass, but not be able to see that such a population would sustain a poorer and shittier society, dramatically reducing your supposedly all important profits? Who has a greater GDP per capita, US or Brazil? Where would you rather be a capitalist, US or Brazil? Which has had the greater number of idiotic wealth-destroying socialist coups, white countries or the 3rd world?
The browner and lower IQ the population, the more likely they are to vote to loot the shops and liquidate the gold mines for a quick buck. Capitalists are not doing well in Venezuela.
Let us observe South Africa. If capitalists are behind everything, they are pursuing a mighty strange way of turning a profit. The electricity is going out. Niggers are raised to high positions of authority in every large company, by law. When Rhodesia, which colony was founded by a capitalist for profit, was destroyed and replaced with Zimbabwe, which capitalists were behind it, and how did they benefit?
Gabriel Thomas
Why do I care what this retard had to say?
Reminder that in saying the communists were Jews that the Nazis sold half of Europe to a Georgian commie that purged Jews.
Ayden Nelson
>some nazi that doesn’t understand economics does my thinking for me
Gabriel Morgan
and how is this
Christopher Carter
Threadly reminder: the only school to rebuke cultural Marxism is the Austrian school And where the did cultural Marxist school originate I wonder? Bootlickers is not like the answer
How did they sell half of Europe? They were the one of the only nations that fought against the USSR. The other half wouldn't have escaped such a fate without them. Why did Stalin need to purge the jews?
Jackson Richardson
What are the wars for, if not democracy? Why isn't Venezuela or Iraq a division of ExxonMobil? Seems to me they are very poorly run, if indeed they are already under the thumb of Capital. Venezuela's and south africa's gold mines run dry and new ones are not built.
No, on the whole, Africa is not being exploited for resources. On the whole it is being wasted as a habitat for an ever growing population of unproductive subhumans. If Africa was being exploited for resources, it would be Rhodesia from Cape to Cairo. I know this, because when a capitalist did decide to exploit Africa, he built Rhodesia.
Asher Moore
We're Natsoc, not Marxists you idiot.
Connor Barnes
It is redpilled on race, but bluepilled on economics, and bluepilled on sex. Command economies are inefficient. Women need to be beaten with sticks if they misbehave. Hitler was not nearly patriarchal enough, and failed to raise German fertility significantly.
Elijah Cruz
Stop acting like a retard please or stop lying if you're intentionally being deceptive. It's easier to have a government control people and have the corporations plunder the wealth.
What is the Frankfort school? You won’t do any research you’re a worthless bootlicker and terrible shit poster. Eat an entire bag of dicks and lick that fucking boot nigger. Lick it now!!!
Samuel Peterson
>command economies are inefficient
That's why China's gdp went from almost nothing to #2 economy in the world in 20 years?
Keep believing in Jewish lies that destroy white countries.
Chase Clark
Jewish social Marxism, not national socialism.
Matthew Bennett
Do you think the oil pumps have been abandoned? Do you think Iraq or Libya have flourishing democracies now? China has the rights to half the minerals in Africa. Im not going to pretend to be an expert on South African politics but do you really think the people across the west all independently decided your nation needed to be destroyed and niggers needed to run things. No of course not, the average man is not concerned about much more than his local community.
Julian Harris
Keep thinking the nazis weren’t given money by Jews you boot licking nigger. Austrian school master race
>60 years ago, Sweden's business was making cars and steel. Whites make steel, whites buy steel. What changed so that the Swedish makers of cars and steel lost power, and fast food outlets and gangster clothing makers gained power? They stopped making cars and steel when the capitalists decided it was cheaper and more profitable to import cars and steel from abroad. Maybe that was the correct action for a small nation like Sweden, not sure every country needs it's own car industry. But it's also what happened to the US with China, we stopped making steel, and started importing inferior Chinese steel because it was cheaper, and long term quality isn't as important as the initial sale profit. This has been disastrous.
Nietzsche's Ubermensch and Plato's philosopher kings the basis of fascism.
Wyatt Turner
>I really really like the Austrian school >I really really like the term "boot licker" >Nazis were marxists I mean what is there to argue? The Frankfurt school was clearly not national socialist. You deny this. Can't really progress anywhere from this point