How does the purchasing power of a country rise if every increase in income triggers immediate inflation?

How does the purchasing power of a country rise if every increase in income triggers immediate inflation?
And why has it been in free fall over the last 4 decades but has steadily climbed before that?

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What? No inflation is the opposite of increase in purchasing power. I assume what you mean is why is that if you give people money it leads to inflation. Even if you take that money from the rich and give it to the poor? Well, that's simple there is more money competing for the same number of resources. If you give a bunch of people money to buy TVs or even bread. There is not more TVs or bread available magical. So the money spent wasn't given for creating additional resources then when the company that gets the money for TV or Bread goes to spend it in the economy there also using money that didn't create additional resource to buy more resources. Now, this effect is instantaneous but it does happen. eventually the inflation kicks in because there simply isn't additional resources created when you give someone money unlike when the earn it. Even worse when you take money from the rich you are usually removing it from where it is invested meaning that less resources are actually available.

Now, if there are increases in resource availability for example due to making it less labor intensive to create say automobiles the cost of that resource will fall and thus the purchasing power of people working raises. TVs today are extremely cheap for example adjusted for inflation.

>Now, this effect isn't instantaneous but it does happen.

But there's too much shit available, they can't sell anything out. Entire chains have recently died out because they weren't able to sell anything. That was not the case in the 1950s yet the purchasing power was rising.
These days there are too many products and the pp is falling

purchasing power increases through increases in productivity - those are usually achieved through economies of scale, and technology.

That's why if you get increases in salaries, it doesn't lead to inflation necessarily - if you have higher investment in machinery and training.

Productivity has tripled since the 1980s but wages haven't. pp has gone down.

If the economy is doing well wages tend to grow faster than inflation, thus the purchasing power increases. If the economy isn't doing well, or the productivity drops or whatever, then inflation may grow faster

All your dear free market theories go into the toilet when your government and (((banks))) print, confiscate and funnel money at will.

the economy is doing well but the wages aren't growing at all

Inflation is here, only off-loaded by the Petro/narco Dollar

Any item with an inelastic supply will increase in price. The biggest necessity is a place to live and that is inelastic.

central banking
fractional banking system

I would argue that everything you have today is better and actually costs less aside from real estate (see inelastic argument).

you're full of shit inflation doesn happen because of supply and demand since the fractional banking system
it's why it was so stable before getting off the gold standards and creating money from thin air
you learned that crap in school but it's a gibberish to not call usury usury

Jews ransacked our country and gave all our wealth away.

Wages are actually growing faster than inflation right now. Just no by much. Growth of wages largely depends on unemployment. The fewer people looking for jobs and the more companies looking for them the faster will wages grow. It's like supply and demand

Greenbacks leaf. Fiat is a tool used to debase, it is a tool that can as well hold value.

Increases in income do not trigger inflation. Inflation IS an increase of the money supply, price -inflation is not the same thing and is a trick word like hedonic adjustment in a CPI or how the "employment rate" is not the same as the labor force participation rate.

housing, cars, education, healthcare, all the basic needs cost more. only small scale luxuries like electronics cost less

It's bullshit trickle down economics talk. Brought to you by the people that have kept wages low depite huge increases in productivity levels. Increase in wages in accordance with productivity levels don cause any tangible increases in inflation. There is no documentation on that, same applies to the implementation of minimum wages.

>every increase in income triggers immediate inflation

This isn't true. Inflation happens when demand for something increases past the point where supply can meet it. Your demand for toilet paper is constant regardless of your income (aside from quality).

most of the jobs created are part time trash jobs in the service industry. i doubt they're driving any wages up

yes, because supply of labor has gone up

Regulations. We live in the SAFEST country in the world. Americans like to think that they value freedom, but that is bullshit. They want mountains of regulations to protect them from the existence of small businesses, and meeting those regulations is what drives up the price of everything; food, housing, medicine...everything.

nice quads. so the when retards are saying that UBI will cause inflation they're talking out of their ass

You nailed it.
Thank you for being intelligent user.

so UBI can't actually cause inflation by itself, especially since there's an overabundance of products instead of scarcity

But they have mapped with production and caused inflation. We have women and immigrants as social dumping on labor market.

Cars are much better.
Healthcare is better.
Education is fucked and run by liberals who have created an artificial demand while restricting supply.
Housing is worse for the most part but that is a demand pressure on supply.
People were struggling then and they are struggling now. Unless we go to pre 1970s. But from 1975ish onwards things have become more expensive but they also have become better.

The current demand is held in check by them not having a $1000 check. Once they have that it will increase demand.

there's too much stuff that never gets sold and is simply destroyed. food, retail goods. we're swimming in that shit now

explain the retail apocalypse, then. it seems the problem is people with not enough money to spend, not a shortage of things to spend it on

When you look at purchasing power, forget about the numbers and money. look at the production - what people actually make and do. We live in a society (meme intended) full of rentseekers who do nothing actually productive, instead wasting thier workweek slaving for companies that are economic parasites. No production means no value. Nothing worth trading for means the dollars value sinks.

When you look at a foreign country and the
>perceived value of thier currency,
look at the recent production economics. Canadas dollar is collapsing because OPEC paid enough lobbyists to stop any oil sand projects; SFI and other initiatives means raw lumber isnt worth as much, and dont get started on the dairy cartel.

Also, the quality of work done is why no amount of immigrants can help us. They do labor, and produce, but they consume so much in public resources that they are a net loss. We dont want cheap fucking avocado toast and pomegranates, grown solely by migrant labor at a loss to the public, if we want to go back to the moon.

Money is an illusion, currency doubly so. Focus on production.