Our greatest ally

How based is this? $23,000 american dollars to every israeli family every single year. This is almost double Yang's Neet bucks proposal. Why does Trump fellate the jews every chance he gets?

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But 1k a month will cause inflation, we need to keep sucking off Trump

alt righters are nazies narative

>$23,000 american dollars to every israeli family every single year.
When you can't into math but deserve 1k a month. Dividing 3.3 billion by 6,336,400 jews in Isreal comes out to 5 dollars a year per jew.

Welcome to the Jew World Order

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>Trumpcucks have the nerve to call you a kike shill
>When their very one idol sucks kike dick
Hahahahahahahahahaha absolute state of trumpcucks

try again bro. 5 x 6 million = 30 million. Way off.


The money doesn't go to every Israeli family you fucking retard. Jesus christ you think it's like some cartoon where every jew gets a paycheck. It goes towards loans to buy US armament.

Not possible, this will cause inflation and sheeit

why do we "sell" arms for our own money?

Israel has universal conscription, so yeah it actually does.

To strengthen the military industrial complex


Look at this
This is why we hate Jews
He's saying that somehow we giving Jews free stuff is a good deal for us

>for dinner tonight shlomo we're gonna have F-15 motor oil and a side of 5.56 rounds

Even if it were $5 I'll take it. I want to opt out for religious reasons.


How much of that US aid goes back into buying US arms I wonder?



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Because Israel functions as USA outpost in middle east. They are like unofficial 51th state.

How does it get stronger if nobody is actually buying anything, it's just our money all the same? And why doesn't it cause a huge inflation?

According to that logic the US actually has free college tuition because of loans

Israel is not even in Nato


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guys he can be two presidents at once nothing to worry about here

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No it’s more like $500 per Jew

Probably because of the Palestinian reparations the USA is paying out - also Hamas

nice maths

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What do you think conscripts are eating in military canteens?

B/C they've got him on video doing some very nasty things.

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Fuck this, I'm getting on the yang yacht.

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