Would porn be outlawed in your ideal state, Jow Forums?

Would porn be outlawed in your ideal state, Jow Forums?

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Yes. sage


Attached: 5564A179-64C4-4020-A234-5DFE28838349.jpg (737x1200, 159K)

Attached: tAgBSSo.jpg (593x647, 115K)

No, but it would be heavily restricted and there would be a THOT tax of 75%.

only porn with dicks in it

I would tax it more than alcohol and cigeretes

Which city is that?

>it would be heavily restricted
In what way? The content they are allowed to produce?

Porn is a symptom of the ills of society. Banning degeneracy only serves to mask the problems that already exist. You want to be able to uphold libertarian ideals, but have those same individuals be men of character.

No, women's clothing would be