Be UK citizens

>Be UK citizens
>Vote for Brexit, because you hate Pakis, Indians and Blacks
>Not realising third world immigration is controlled entirely by Brit government, not EU
>Exit EU and cut off all White European immigrants
>Black and Brown immigrants remain in the UK, none of them leave
>A great many of White immigrants leave
>Black and Brown immigration increases even further
>Fuck up your country's economy
>Lose Scottish territory
>Either lose Northern Ireland or face renewed terrorist violence

>Ordinary Brit finally gets it: "Fuck my life..."

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Other urls found in this thread:

>White European immigrants
Slavs aren't white

The world is fucked vote Yang

Who is the UK equivalent of Yang?

Sure... And neither are the Irish, and the Italians, and Spaniards, and Greeks, and Portuguese, and the French, and the French Belgians, and the French Swiss, and the Baltics.

Only Brits and Germans and Scandinavians are white.....


Well if only Brits, Germans and Nords are white then I'm glad I'm not white because all the groups named above are a bunch of degenerate Protestant faggots and cucks.

Sarcasm, mate.

Slav here.



> Be UK citizen
With nose firmly wedged between European buttocks.
We can already control immigration from outside the EU. Soon also from within the EU.
As to the rest of your bollocks, I've heard more believable shit from mystic meg.

>Blame the Estonians
What the fuck did we do?


> 'Brexit may be lost'

What did she mean by this?

Slavs are not white is entirely pushed by pakis, pajeets, and other brownies. If you haven’t realised this yet there’s no hope for you.

Only 17 more days left of this bullshit, woo hoo~

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No idea. Probably written by a Romanian gypsy.

Slav here...

Sarcastic post...


It says Etonians, tho.

The political elite doesn't want to leave without a deal. It'll fuck up the economy, because of tarifs.

Attached: est.png (1200x900, 1.38M)

Illiterate Estonian proving the point.


You get deported.

As a romanian I want you people to exterminate all who are romanian in UK, not only there but in all of Europe if possible.

Much better.

Brexit is succulent. Brexit is the destruction of Britain. Brexit is an act of God. God bless Brexit.

Damn, you were faster than me

Britcuck cheering about a Slav getting reported while Brit girls get gangbanged by n*****s and Pakis...

And no, I'm not getting deported, faggot.

I was hoping for it to do Ireland much damage and hoping the EU would shaft us so the snooty millennial anti brexit Pro EU types would be laughed at but none of that has transpired yet. I wish the Brits all the best.

Even after 2 years you really just don't get it


If you guys get NI back, what's gonna happen to all those loyalists?

Don't you worry they might start bombing Dublin?

Its referring to the Eton not Estonians lmao.

White = Germanic, celtic + northern france but NOT IRELAND

I do get it. I live here. Dumbass chavs listen to Nigel Cuck who tells that that Brexit will cut off immigration, while the other side of the screen (during the interview) shows cops in France scrambling over a Haji terror attack, so they immediately think about Pakis and Blacks...

kindly leave, friend

I'm pretty sure the EU set quotas on accepting shitskins.

6 gorillion hours in MSpaint

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Retard alert.jpeg

We deport all Loyalist tards to the Queen's country which they love so much. Proddies are NOT Irish

>inb4 Russian jokes about Estonians being the slowest creatures on Earth

Stop shilling your chink kike.

Attached: Yang Supporter.jpg (800x672, 271K)

And shithole Eastern European countries rejected those quotas, but the UK can't reject them? The UK CAN reject them, but they don't want to because they're in bed with the multi-racial globalists.



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You know what you did fag.

I doubt you'll deport them... Let's be real... They'll stay and cause havoc... Just like the IRA caused havoc for England.

The Republic will inherit the terrorists, except it'll be Protestant terrorists.

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Believe it or not, most Brexiteers don't think along racial terms like you do, you absolute spanner.

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Well he is not wrong, fuck Eastern Europeans, romanian genocide when?

Cry more I like it.

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Cry what faggot romanians are a plague that need to be exterminated and I say this as one.

You talking about the political elite or the ordinary folks who voted?

Ordinary folks DO, but they'd only admit it in private conversations. How else do you explain all the attacks on Pakis and brown people right after the referendum?

Brexit isn't gonna happen.

I can definitely see them going towards a second referendum and guess who'll win? They'll even rig the vote if they have to, I bet you!

A new kind of accelerationism?

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Start with yourself, Oana.

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The amount of times i have responded to an already archived thread is disenheartening. Also next balt-pol starter image.

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First other European nations will start the mass genocide then I will volunteer to be purged till then I have to continue to live to make sure all ethnic romanians die.

James Mason would be proud of you.

I don't get how people can be butthurt about the Baltics? You guys are kinda like Scandinavians, especially you Estonians.

Except you've inherited the based Stalinist-fascist attitude of the USSR.

>t. Oana Mardare

Admit it darling, you are triggered because you can't marry your gay gf in Romania.

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Is that Romanian Jesus?

It would make more sense for those protestants to start bombing London since they abandoned them.

I am not a woman, thank God for that the only good thing in this life and second of all romanians are subhuman mutts by design, so exterminating them would be like killing roaches

Lad, we voted brexit to install a far right nationalist party and purge the invaders. We can't do that whilst being inside the EU.
Don't you see the long-game here?

>I am not a woman

Holy damn, you identify as a demi-queer then?

Now I understand why you try to exterminate Romania since here there are only 2 genders man and female.

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Good luck with that.

Remember when the EU tried to force Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic to take in their migrants? Good times.

You fucking bongs deserve it for not killing Henry 7 and his new bankers.

Pls stop fighting ;_; no more tranny wars


You want me to post my dick to prove that I am a man? And there are 3 genders since there can be genetic anomalies such as hermaphrodites or possible genetic mutations that allow for more genomes.

100% romanian being able to trace my line since the 18th century.

how is life in romania?
when you join schengen do you think the gypsies will leave?

Romanians are Bulgarians.

*mic drop*

Ay Tone.....

>And there are 3 genders since there can be genetic anomalies such as hermaphrodites or possible genetic mutations that allow for more genomes.

Handicappeds are not a gender

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Horrible and gypsies dont leave for good only to steal and get gibs then come back and build land,stock,hotels,companies and then use their connection to force everyone else out of that sector.

Its a genetic disorder that has real physical implications, but since the state of romanian schools is a joke I dont expect you to know anything.


You said it, so they are handicappeds. period.

Kek go back to Buzzfeed you white knight prick

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disorder !=mental illness
I dont expect much from romanians but even the meaning of words are difficult for you?

why are you making this about race?

disorder = disrupt the systematic functioning or neat arrangement of.

Handicapped dosen't apply only for mental issues but also for phisycal issues.

Nice one, you played yourself.

I am 37 years old and I've been here too long my friend and I have some sound advice from my conclusions of this world and this image board. Stop giving a fuck, no really just stop caring about shit that you and I have no control over, people are going to be people. People = hell, fuck them, they are too stupid to see that their problem is their own ego's.

Kill you own ego, break free from condition thinking, stop allowing other people to control the way you act, feel and think. Life is an illusion of sort, it is a game that can either be your paradise or your own version of hell.

But they dont have a physical imparity only extra organs or different development of body and muscles.Now please enter in my oven.

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Fucking Nazis


Don't blame me for my fellow citizens being parasites.
Don't blame the gypsies next to me for living under a Juche regime for 19 years. (1971-1989)
Don't blame fictional countries.
Blame yourself for allowing this.
You could have prevented this.
You've made your bed.
Now lie in it, remainercuck.

Michael Moore, that talk show host and the Anti-Pope Francis are nothing to do with Ireland. That pic makes no sense.

I doubt there will be any Loyalist terrorism. They have no capacity to wage a terror campaign other than shooting random Catholic civilians and a lot of the time they did that in the past they ended up shooting some innocent Protestant civilian. Loyalists are pretty incompetent.

what part of europe is the commonwealth from?
that ferry contract that was in the news - was that to deport all the pakis on march 29
so we send all the pakis back to europe during april
then we get to rape white slags ourselves
- is that the may deal
then junckers hands us a big massive cheque with
made out to


Thank you!

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I want our economy to slow down and immigration to slow and that's my logic behind my comment. The snooty, reddit millennials here are cancer and sickeningly and naively very pro EU and it would be good for the retards to realise that the EU is not our friend if they shaft us.


>Not realising third world immigration is controlled entirely by Brit government, not EU
I didn't know, so the British government control third world immigration into ALL EU countries simultaneously?


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People who go to Eton a British upper class private school.

Yang isn't happening and the constant shilling is making pol hate him.

>third world immigration is controlled entirely by Brit government
It all makes sense now.
>Okay get this
The British government controls the world right, not through the obvious union that demands open borders and refugees quotas but through some other hidden union created by lizard people which is basically mind-controlling Juncker, Tusk, Verhofstadt and Merkel every time they are pro immigration. Simple right? I know its so obvious.
And the opposition of Europeans who dont want to be replaced by shitskins are jews!! Yeah I know, 90% of Europe are jews, its so obvious.

And the EU being a wonderful pretty beautiful thing is trying to protect their innocent integrity and defenseless little politicians against harmful and bad words and memes, which makes them sad and cry.
All the European banks and industries tied to the EU are ofc based because they are fighting against capitalism with the based Antifa-eu bros who beat down the oppressive working class population who seek to turn the world into a white elitist shithole.

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The EU means freedom of movement for Europeans. If you have an EU passport, you count as European. Even if you come from somewhere else.