Have you ever wondered if you're a "trusted" member of white society? Here is one way of knowing.
When white people remotely lock their cars in a parking lot, the horn and lights sound when the car locks---if they do it twice while you are around, that means they are nervous around you and want to make sure that you know the car is locked.
>-if they do it twice ... then they unlock theirs cars.
Ryder Cruz
Or not even nervous, but just being a cunt. It has happened to me (and evidently you too) and I told the fat landwhale..".No one wants your raggedy Buick, honey."
David Bailey
>pressing a button twice is being a cunt
David Hill
Well this guy is a bit over the top, but i had a problem with my central locking once and the fucking car refused to lock a random door, so i understand the paranoia.
Parker Clark
desu I would be nervous too if I saw someone observing me as I leave my vehicle.