Italy bans unvaccinated children from school.
Italy bans unvaccinated children from school
Shit. First fluoride poison, now this. I want to fuck off and live in the woods
what if vaccines are the mark of the beast and we are all already cursed and going to hell?
Compulsory mercury?
Compulsory lead. In the back of your head.
But no-vaccers perform a valuable service.
They make it possible for "dead" diseases to return & racemix with other, more modern diseases to create new ones that have the potential to be pure "fuck you humans" extinction level events.
We need those. Leave the no-vaccers alone.
>what if a high chance of immunity to filthy diseases is the mark of the beast
diseases aren't real, dumbass
But autism is?
is it?
If God's going to be that petty about shit, rather be in Hell anyway.
autism is a politically correct term for brain damage and if you were genitally mutilated as a baby you already suffered brain damage from the trauma.
A law from the previous commie government.
It’ll be deleted in the near future
>I could totally warn you about that thing being the terrible mark of the beast
>that way if you took it you'd actually deserve Hell
>Nah lmfao, I'll just keep my mouth shut & sentence anyone who got it to Hell regardless of whether they knew what it meant or not
Totally worthy of worship, bruh.
- Be immunocompromised
- free pass not to go to school
- be shitskin who won't get a vaccine because muh religion
- free pass to ban shitskins from public schools
>don't get (((vaxxed)))
>banned from ZOG indoctrination
Seems like a good deal tbqh.
This but unironically.
>I want to fuck off and live in the woods
And I take Galiza from you!! It's mine! Mine I say!!
Nice move
Sounds good, but they should also have truancy laws to make sure that kids have to go to school. Thus, if you don't vaccinate your kids, you will also be breaking truancy laws and get sent to jail.
Merck,bayer, pfizer, novartis, glaxo smith kline,make so many billions a year they truly bribe politicians. Vaccine recepies are a secret. Im sure swiss, british, etc billionaires who own these companies stock in huge amounts, get a private vaccine no ones heard of. It has no mercury, aluminium or even harsh side effects
The thing I never hear mentioned in any of these discussions. Any of them especially in the main stream. Is that its not the vaccine that is thought to cause the problem but it is the preservative that gives it a very long shelf life. Thimerosal as a primary example. Aluminum salts. Mercury and other heavy metal additives for the purpose of longer shelf lifes to maximize product life and profit. Why is this never really brought up? We need vaccines. We don't need unsafe heavy metals injected into children during the developmental phase of their brains. It is really simple. Make everyone happy. Take a hit on your profit maximization and live with a shorter shelf life and get this shit out of the products and everyone will chill the fuck out.
>supporting state sponsored injections forced into your body without question
Good goy, inject this tracking device into your skin. We promise this vax won't cripple your brain and dull your senses so that you keep voting leftism.
Fucking spineless bootlicking bluepill cucks want nothing more than FEMA camps for non leftists.
And there is no need to do this other than a company being able to make more money off its product. Thats the only reason.
Good, you should be homeschooling anyway.
>her body her choice!
>except for vaccines tho
You can always go to the doctor, ask for kid to be vaccinated, give 2000dollars in money, say dont vaccinate, but write in computer that the kid is vaccinated.
I wish they would do that here aswell so I dont have to send my kids to school anymore.
uhuyuuyyuuuh dont u know vacci nations are made to weaken us? there was a plane chemtrailing an autism vaccine over my house... fucken jews man
Good. Schools are just retard factories. Vaccinate all of them.
>giving doctors more money
Alternatively, just tell the doctors that you've made the informed choice, knowing how the immune system works and how adjuvants in vax cause increased inflammation and a more aggressive immune response, that you'd prefer not to cause damage to your kids with vax.
Then cite how many people have died from the diseases that vax "protects" us from compared to the amount of deaths and injuries vax have caused and watch as the "educated" doctor fumbles over their fake stats or realisation that they're fraudulent FUCKS.
yea this
and they wonder why kids keep getting more ill throughout the years.
can somebody explain to me why vaccinated kids need to be scared of un-vaxxed kids if they are immune to the sickness?
but why tho?
if the kids that didn't get the vaxx get a disease, the vaxxed kids wont get it. what is even the purpose of this?
When the disease infects a human, the genetic form of the disease evolves into something that other people haven't been vaccinated for. Apparently.
Cuz Jews say so, dummy.
There's no good reason for that. How an unvaccinated child is dangerous to vaccinated ones already? It is supposed to work?
What happened to, my body, my choice? Suddenly nu/pol/ likes the idea of violating the NAP, faggots.....
SCIENCE! fags in AltRight:
>Jews are enacting a massive, centuries long plot to genocide the white race
>Jews are the saviors of the white race with their vaccines.
Make up your mind, faggots.
then if someone who wasn’t vaccinated
got some kinda super flu
and everyone else got the super flu
we’d be witnessing one epic fucking happening
ride strong, my non autistic anti-vaxxers. burn the modern world.
If you oppose (((circumcision))), then you must oppose (((vaccination))).
Only one is politically safe and tame and the other gets the I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! cult on you.
so get your flu shots like Woke Wil Wheaton
No the fuck it doesn't. It doesn't suddenly incubate and morph. Only thing rino-virus aka the cold and flu do that and people get sick more so cause of its many strains. This insistence on vaxxing is fucking jewish and high satanism
God is the greatest doctor of souls and body and most people(whites) with good genes(whites) will never neee of this shit. Only being exposed to 3rd worlders will...
You're free to merge with them inside of Spain anytime.
Kys kike
Why are vaccine free whites so much healthier than the gross, puffy vaxxed population?
(((You))) should've received all your vaccination in the temples
Is nice
When did Jow Forums become a fucking hillbilly jamboree?
Hello nufag
Nigger, you're retarded. The Bible teaches what the mark of the beast is and anyone who has a relation with God and keeps His covenant will know that. Sounds you're just an epic butt hurt faggot who is too lazy to be saved
>>into the pit of hell fire it goes
Enjoy jew
Retard where does the Bible day it's going to be a vaccine, vaccines are never administered to the hand... gtfo kike.
>> tfw mark of the beast will be a microchip into the left hand
>bans unvaccinated children from school
then citizens must ban taxes
no service, no taxation.
government in cancer.
>Pay taxes
>Not allowed to use the services you already paid for and still paying for
It's the right hand or forehead.
If that's is true means god is evil himself
Not even trying
Maybe they should just ban shitskins instead as they're the ones bringing eradicated diseases across our borders.
So, the vaccinated children, who are now apparently proudly immune to the disease, are afraid of children who might potentially have the disease ? What was the point again of the vax ?
My brain is hurting on this one. o.O
>kids are now free to be filled up with religious bullshit (or the pastor's cock) all week long.
Gratz italy!
based and pastapilled
you are right. but no1 cares.
Because we still rely on our white blood cells to adapt and recognise the disease, so that it can fight it to prevent us getting it. If someone wasn’t vaccinated, it means they could be attacked by the disease at a point where it could incubate and adapt into a strain that is not recognised by vaccinated individuals white blood cells. Furthermore, a percentage of the population can not be vaccinated due to biological intolerances or allergies to different chemicals found in vaccines, meaning that they rely on the overall population being immunised to help reduce the disease’s presence in the general community. This is referred to as “herd immunity”.
So it's basically like paying taxes you have to sacrifice yourself for subhumans.
That would be the case, but you also directly benefit from the vaccine as it helps protect your body against preventable diseases that could otherwise seriously harm you.
>can not be vaccinated due to biological intolerances or allergies
Implying that anyone will test a newborn baby for allergies before hitting it with tons of toxins and pathogens in a syringe.
Allergies are THE result from this madness you brainlet.
Rope yourself pathetic shill. Or let us do it for you.
>be vaccinated
>need to be protected from illness that non-vaccinated kids carry
This is the confusing part for me.
I believe in vaccines being safe, but it is pretty clear that the war against unvaxing is political in nature, and does not give a shit about children at all. (Why else is so much focus placed on it when there are far bigger killers of children out there)
Right, because nobody ever had allergies before vaccines.
Oh, wait, no, allergies have been consistently 4-5% for the past 80 years.
Child mortality is GOOD
The scripture is clear the mark is a circle. And the jews perpetuate it on their dicks.
every individual who is about to be vaccined will have to be screened by either a doctor or the nurse before it is administered to minimise such risks. And in the event a problem may arise, the most notable ones such as anaphylaxis will occur within minutes of the administration, which why most individuals who are being newly vaccinated (especially babies) will be kept for 15 minutes as a safeguarding period to ensure nothing is wrong, or they can quickly receive help if necessary. Also, if you’re afraid of toxins or harmful chemicals, know that you can freely check the content of any vaccines at any time via a medical professional or a relevant website. Also nice redditspacing, newfag
>allergies have been consistently 4-5% for the past 80 years.
excellent source you've got there shill.
Nope. Even Lega is in favour of vaccines. Only five star retards eat up the antivax propaganda
We must ban fast food, alcohol, sitting more than three hours and any other thing related to an unhealthy lifestyle because this weakens the immune system and thus increases the probability of epidemics, threatening the herd.
y o u c a n n o t screein sheit RET-ARD. A Nurse or GP knows jack-n-shit about the internal condition of a new born.
anaphylaxis is not the only comp1ication that can can 0ccur. there are issues than can dsiplays them self-years laiter.
>if you’re afraid
i'm not afrain and idont care bout "medical professionals" and their corrupt opinion.
p.s. nothing personal but you sound too dumb to be human on pol. in case that you are, please accept my condolences you have some brain deadly degeneration.
>don't have to get vaccinated
>don't have to get brainwashed
Vaccination isn't a 100% protection against infection. And some kids can't get vaccinated because they have an immune system that's been obliterated because of AIDS, chemotherapy, etc...
>Vaccination isn't a 100% protection against infection
And exactly how much percent is their protection then?
Science is exact and precise and vaccines are science aren't they?
I don’t get how unvaccinated children can transmit to vaccinated children.....unless vaccine don’t work
When do Jews and Muslims riot?
do you have any learning disabilities
Also this means those vaccinated will no longer die of the flu?
People aren't scared of vaccinated kids being infected, they're scared that one an infection starts, it will spread like wildfire amongst the unvaccinated ones.
As long as there are few (
>yes goyim vaccine memes are hip
>yes goyim antivaxxers are conspiracy nuts
>yes goyim suddenly there are "outbreaks" due to antivaxxers
Take the vaccines, they will help you remember the 6 gorillion
reminder that vaccines is a SCAM
So measles outbreak at local school where kids are mostly vaccinated are just a myth? I mean they had to close school.
Nice, always wondered why this isn't the norm everywhere in the civilized world. Herd immunity is a precarious meme but I suppose exceptions will need to be made for "allergic" kids provided they're actually allergic (aren't there always slightly more costly alternatives?) and it's not just batshit insane parents who read some shit on Faceberg and gave their GP a blowjob to write a note.
Pakis and many Africans are wary of vaccines because of the US.
Try to force vaccines on Jews and Muslims in Europe and see how it turns out.
O really? When was the last cholera outbreak and how many people are vaccinated against it?
t. triggered NPC