Americans want trains and better public transportation. Why are you against it?
I say we bring our troops home, cut the military budget and welfare system, and use the surplus on building some fucking trains that'll make Europe jealous.
>A Harris poll released February 8, 2006 found that, “as personal travel and freight transportation grows in the future, the American public would like to see an increasing proportion of that traffic going by rail...The modes of transportation which the largest number of adults would like to see ‘have an increasing share of passenger transportation’ are: commuter trai ns (44%), long-dista nce trains (35%), local bus service (23%), and airlines (23%).” The comparable percentage for “long-distance travel by car” was just 10%, long-distance bus service 6% .
>If you build high-speed rail in America, they will come. According to a 2015 survey released by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), if high-speed rail were available today, two-thirds (63 percent) of Americans are likely to use high-speed trains and this jumps to nearly seventy (67) percent when respondents were informed of the costs and time saving benefits of high-speed rail service.
Stop denying the viability of trains.
Trains and public transportation
Trains are for fags
What does car-Jew semen taste like?
Agreed. While we have a great train system here, it's too expensive and time consuming. It would cost me double and take about 1.5 of the time it takes for me to get to work
>wanting gay fast trains
>not wanting chill ass trains
europoos i'll never understand
Bottom left is italy not france, we're the only retards who bought into the AGV meme.
>Alstom's first, and for the moment, only customer for the AGV was Italian company Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori (NTV).
OP's pic is misleading as fuck :
Most train in Europe don't even look close to this.
The various TGV are barely ferrying 100 millions people per year.
That can sound like a lot but consider, in comparison, that the whole SNCF (the main french railway company) is ferrying about 1,1 billion people per year.
Across Europe, most train look like pic related
i like the slow steady smooth ride of an amtrak train. Fuck rushing around to get places.
I've ridden on Italo and honestly if Italy can have these types of trains there's no excuse why the United States doesn't. They were good trains.
amtrak trains are good too, i've ridden one and it was better than literally anty other form of transportation I have taken except perhaps an ocean ferry.
First of all, American public transportation is older because the United States developped it sooner.
Second of all, everything is so spread out in the United States that public transportation is useless to 98% of voters. Even Detroit doesn't need public transportation like shitty trains.
How many times do we have to go over this?
QRD on the subject is "niggers".
wasnt Trump supposed to spend like a trillion dollar on US infrastructure? didn't he say that during the campaign? I guess he meant to say that he was rebuilding infrastructure in israel
Yes, Trump did.
No, it was not sent to Israel. Nothing has been funded.
Unlike what you or Trump understand, the President does not control the budget, the House of Representatives is the source of all appropriation bills, that is to say, spending and taxation.
America is building for the jews and sweden for muslims
They're overengineered, they've jacobs bogies and permanent magnet dc motors.
Four or eight axle loco in front and a rake of 200km/h coaches behind is the best solution.
Nation almost as large as Europe
Multiple countries smaller than Texas
These do not seem equal in terms of construction costs
Muh Mass Transit..
Beijing Subway, Line 13, morning rush hour - just a little crowded
Italo is 100% private so it's only a matter of someone wanting to put the money down and do it
>For Jews
>For Muslims
I commute with train, it even counts as homeoffice.
I drive my car only for fun. And my wife does not touch my car, she has her own.
They are expensive to use, though
Pic related is for a trip roughly 600 km.
Traveling with normal train would cost as low as 50 $USD...and take about 8 hours if you can have no waiting time between connections.
American looks the best desu everything else looks gay
why would I want to ride a train when I can lease a Ford F150 XLT for $419 a month and zero down to commute to my data entry job
Germany is the Right Train, ist used very often.
Doesnt help you waiting 2 Hours bc ist delayed
>look at all of these nice trains
why the fuck should i, the owner of an automobile, give a shit? what are you trying to say, that europeans and asians can't drive??
> it's only a matter of someone wanting to put the money down and do it
Not quite, they run on the same tracks as trenitalia, in the american case they've to build new tracks outright.
Yea if you buy the day before. If you get them early they're as low as 20€ round trip
The rural place I'm from will never have trains or public transit and I'm fine with that because it doesn't mainline niggers into the place I'm from
Good goy
You're implying niggers don't drive cars or fly in planes. Go into any American airport right now and all the staff will be niggers. You can't escape them.
America already has the tracks, they're just not owned by the state
Smaller, but more densely packed and with far more general shit in the way. Long straight rail through the middle of nowhere is relatively cheap. It's when you hit civilization and start having to do complicated things that it gets expensive, fast.
>The virgin fiberglass egg
>The chad steel brick
Not high speed ones.
Padova-Brescia isn't high speed either but we still get Italo and frecciarossas coming and going
If you book it few weeks in advance is like 40€ for the no stop ( 3 hours).
>it looks better so it's better
Nigga that's not how trains work. French trains are always late, company is on an endless strike, and ticket prices are skyrocketing. Well at least they're fast I guess.
Sauce: I'm in a French TGV and the train is fucking stopped and late by half an hour, at least they aren't on strike today.
It's already possible to travel by train in the US. We shouldn't upgrate old technology, we need to invent new. Teleportation, high speed vacuum tubes, bicycle lanes with airport style belt speed accelerators.
Obviously there are things to work out but you have to admit the convenience and accessibility that trains offer otherwise you wouldn't ride in one
Strikes are on friday, desu.
They do the same with the lecce-torino, they've sent a frecciarossa to do pleb-tier tracks till it reach bologna. What a waste.
Nah, it's just faster than by plane, because to reach the airport you need to take a train, and that train being generally late leads you to miss your plane.
It's only more convenient alone over LONG distances. If you need to cross the country from east to west, or just starting at two people, a car will be more convenient and cheaper, despite the overpriced gas we get which led to yellow jacket protests.
That's how fucked up it is. Don't you fucking think just because trains look cool that the rest follows. I'd rather have shitty trains that are on time and affordable, than fast and comfortable.
If I wanted to drive my family from Seattle to Spokane, it would cost roughly 60 dollars per person, one way. So if I was to travel with 4 people, that would be 480 dollars round trip.
Now I can drive to Spokane almost on one tank of gas which costs about 60 dollars to fill up, that's 120 dollars round trip.
Not only can I leave when I want, stop when I want, take a shit where I want and almost take as many people as I want, but it's also cheaper.
If this isn't bad enough, should the rails and trains get improved, that's only going to increase the cost of travel, which means nobody is going to use it.
Trains are cool, I get that but you're straight up delusional if you think we're going to do anything with them in this country.
>I'd rather have shitty trains that are on time and affordable
AmTrak is neither on time or very affordable
They have to pass there to connect Venice to Milan, you absolute retard. Plans to upgrade the railways area already undergoing.
I have thought a lot about this issue lately.
There are some problems and benefits with public transportation, but it seems to be very cultural. I've been to Japan and Taiwan
>Train is always on time
>Superfast high speed rail
>people respecting each other
Meanwhile in Germany
>Train stations are the #1 spot for drugdeals
>Muslims harassing you
>Never on time
>Everyone is rude as fuck
I'm pretty sure it's similar in other countries like France.
Even apart from the cultural issues there is conflict. Poor people in remote villages don't want to subsides trains they will never use.
That's also a reason why the US hasn't got many trains. The population density is just way to low.
I think trains will become more popular once automation and cheaper manufacturing will happen. The cost is just too high.
Trains helped with the rise of this country, they're part of our history. We used to have better and more rail lines than Europe.
Huh it's almost like you don't need to have a full high speed rail network to run high speed trains.
Really makes you think
heh bitching about this shit. try australia.
High speed trains cost more than regular commuter trains to buy, operate, and maintain. If they can't run fast they're not worth the cost. So yes, you need the infrastructure first.
High speed railways already cover Turin-Salerno, Venice-Salerno, and Bolzano-Salerno routes, so it's worth for companies to operate Turin-Venice even if not 100% of the track is high speed rated.
Amtrak and us rail system is ran by old dotarded faggots that's why
Petro dollar if it's not burning oil it's not for the Jewnited states of America
Jews want you to use oil duh
trains are for slant eyes
which country put billions into trains? that's right nips and chinks!
real men drive, not put up with being sardines in a tin can
I just spent 2 weeks taking trains all around Japan.
Fuck that I’ll keep my car thank you very much.
But besides that, and for the last fucking time
We have the most robust and well maintained highway system in the world a relatively un-dense population that isn’t cundusive for people to use trains AND cheap and plentiful vehicles and gasoline to drive them worth.
America doesn’t have trains because America doesn’t NEED trains the cost and absolute lake of demand means no trains are going to be built.
This isn’t complicated
My links say otherwise
Except we did when we had and used them two centuries ago
Niggers are already everywhere and the face you'd rather us live in poverty because of niggers is pathetic.
The train networks we had two centuries ago still exsist in the places where they make sense to exsist: the eastern seaboard
Trains exsist when and where they need too, not a minute before. Try to be less retarded please
>Americans want trains and better public transportation. Why are you against it?
Because of non whites. I would unironically use public transportation if I was guaranteed that there would be no niggers, faggots, or kikes.
Point is the northeast already has a somewhat high-speedish line so they could just branch more lines from there. And if Italo can turn a profit on pleb lines I'm sure it can be done in the US as well
>it's too expensive
Well if we had it here and made the tickets cheap, it would quickly become filled with shitskins who would trash it and make it unusable
You're implying we can't make a rail from one tip of California to Oregon or Texas to North Dakota which is completely wrong. You can. All states can be connected you dumb fuck
You really don’t understand how absolutely spread out the USA is.
Population density of Italy: 520/sqmi
Population density of USA; 92/sqmi
Wow sounds like Chile.
I didn’t say we can’t I said there is no need for it.
It would be massively expensive to run and thus to buy a ticket and would take longer and cost more than taking a plane.
The USA doesn’t have trains because it doesn’t need trains
What is so hard for you to understand
trains look nothing like that where i'm from. russia has the most similar looking one.
>it doesn’t need trains
It doesn't need cars either. We could have easily built an extensive rail network instead of a highway system under Eisenhower. Such a dumb argument.
>sharters cant into geography
Union of Europe is just as big, territorially and population-wise, as United Sharters
An HSR train from Paris to Berlin would cover the same distance as a shart buggy from NYC to Sharttown, Midwest USA
If there is demand as OP says, there's a way.
But yea the US is too spread out for trains to ever be successful in the same scale as in Europe
Why would we have done that when it was cheaper and easier to build a more comprehensive road network across vast swaths of territory that require much less maintainence and money to build
You are retarded there are no cross continent HSR trains from Russia to Lisbon there are some har trains in independent national rail system and those countries pay out the ass for hem because they are massively densely populated compared to 95% of the USA and have much more expensive oil and vehicles.
I don’t know how to make you understand this.
Demand for trains = trains
No demand for trains = no trains.
There isn’t , where there is demand (local dense metros) they have trains. The rest of the country is covered by highway networks.
The few legacy amtrack lines that exist from before ww2 are run by amtrack and totally unused outside of the northeast where they make sense
Exactly, tre investment will flock to where the demand is, but an interstate passenger rail network will never happen and if it does it will survive almost entirely off of taxpayer money
For example back in 2003-2009 when oil was most expensive the USA (independent cities) built hundreds of lines of rail, light rail, street car and subway in dozens of cities all over.
Now that oil has become cheap the desire to build commuter transport has basically stopped dead.
Better and faster trains in American would be a more rapid negro delivery system to white areas.
Trains are fucking terrible. They are a outdated mode of transportation. Anyone trying to keep this industry alive is a retard.
user why do you have a picture of nuke plant locations?
>I say we bring our troops home
Remember when Trump tried to do that to expose the media?
: ^ )
Thats what we thougt, we sold all our trains and moved to Airplanes and Trucks to move trade.
this was only 20 years ago.
Now we are trying to build it back but before it was easier (yeh we hused slabes like in murricaland).
Argie is sad
>rich people bad
arguably speaking we need to go back to public transportation which means more buses and more trains.
If you read this, you'll see that street cars and other forms of public transportation was profitable but GM closed down the public transportation lines in favor of selling their own cars.
>we need to go back to public transport
Arguably how? Why the fuck do we need to do that when personal vehicles are affordable to own and operate and now modern tech has opposed up literally fleets of private curriours to take you anywhere you need?
I like trains
That's an false impression of the Russian railway system. There's only one highspeed rail track going non-stop from St.Petersburg to Moscow to Sochi- that's it. Rest of the country is not better than of the US.
arguably speaking, vehicles in general are subsidized.
If you want to think about it in terms of environmental protection, its best to use cars and trains.
Planes produce the most pollution and in general planes and airports arent that profitable in terms of profit margins. Trump said so himself. He said "you cannot become a billionaire just from running an airport".
What'll probably end up happening is a national emergency with the US military building up the infrastructure. which is the same reason why we have roads.
>private curriours to take you anywhere
Not where I live. Pretty much not even a thing in 80% of the US. Its only a thing around decently sized cities. Same with food delivery and grocery delivery.
Its not a thing in small time towns or rural areas.
And you think countless billions will be used to build a fucking train to your bumbfuck village in who gives a fuck county
You fuckin stupid dipshit you’ll be using a deodar truck till the end of your pointless fucking hick life you stupid faggot
>tells you how you're wrong
>haha obviously im wrong
Tbh, buses would benefit towns and rural areas
i think the meme is expressing the irony that members of the working class would so enthusiastically support a candidate who has none of their best interests in mind.
imagine living with so much hate
We don't have the concentrated tax base to do so. Besides nobody would ride them but niggers and spics and I'd rather they not have the mobility to move into white areas en mass.
Public transportation, just like all other public goods, has a quality dependent on the demographics of the public. This is why we tend to see the highest-quality public transportation networks in places that are overwhelming white and/or East Asian in terms of quality, frequency, safety, and cleanliness.
The moment you remove blacks, Muslims, and Hispanics from public transit is the moment that people will begin to willingly use it, because, if convenient, it offers a less stressful way of getting to/from places you need to go. When you have minorities using public transit, it becomes more stressful, since they do not know how to follow rules and engage in activities that range from annoying (talking loudly) to downright dangerous (stabbings).
Americans don't have the attention to detail or commitment to run a transportation network that's on time.
Not possible to build any sort of large scale high speed passenger network in today's America. The land isn't available. FRA regulations are too stringent and expensive. The contractors and politicians are too corrupt, they'll just siphon all the money off to their own pockets. Our population density is far too low.
On the other hand our freight railroads are the best in the world but wall street is running them into the ground by obsessing over operating ratio. They're abandoning irreplaceable infrastructure, eliminating employees, and providing objectively worse service but their stocks are shooting up.
So long story short, not only can't we build passenger rail, we already had the best freight rail and Wall Street is destroying it.
I’m not wrong, there is absolutely no economic demand for trains in the USA
If we had 1 billlion people maybe
exactly this
because its met by vehicle owner ship which only became a thing after illegal action took place and destroyed public transportation in many areas of the USA.
high speed trains are a thing in America now thanks to Brightline in Florida
It's not high speed. And it runs on freight rail tracks, the same as commuter trains in CA, WA, IL, etc which limits the speed they're allowed to run.
The high speed portion is still under construction. It's set to increase speeds from 80mph to 125mph from West Palm Beach to Orlando
>Amish have more advanced horses and carts than Japan
Fucking casuls rite
The problem is distribution. Those kinds of trains are not universal even within the countries with use them, and the area in which they are used has more than double the population of the entirety of the urbanized north-eastern US combined.