>multiple issues facing america right now that put his base in danger
>decides that one of the most important issues facing america is the fact that "its too hard to fly airplanes because you need to be smart to do it"
seriously why is he thinking about this? has he gone senile the past 9 months or so? what makes him think that this is something that needs to be addressed?
or is he just bitching that the millions on nonwhites he let in the country "legally" can't do anything that requires mental work?
What did he mean by this?
>Aviation is a diverse field that requires specialized knowledge in many areas across a variety of positions in order for all of the systems to operate and function together. From aircraft design to flight control to computer systems, aviation and aeronautics needs highly qualified, skilled operators. A background in computer science is essential for many of the career opportunities within the aviation field.
From my understanding, he's not wrong. A lot of systems are becoming incredibly complex and non-technically inclined people have trouble doing it.
>hurrrr durrr we needs da 1000 neetbux gibs a month cuz da robots gonna take all da jobs
>hey yo hol up maybe we don't need to destroy all the trucking (flying) jobs for little to no gain which also solves the automation problem
And then faggot op screams about how stupid people will always exist and his dream utopia where he gets paid to exist never happens
So stop giving those jobs to mud people, problem solved
He means that Benjamin Netanyahu graduated from MIT and Israel is responsible for crashing these planes.
he’s fucking losing it. he’s so narcissistic that the loss of his base is going to drive him to suicide
learn to read the post dipshit, trump is bitching about how its "too complex" to fly a plane when its only airlines in nonwhite countries or flown by nonwhites that have had major accidents the past decade
>not posting the original
fake and gay
>mud people
How often do you fly? I've never seen a brown pilot.