Will you see it Jow Forums?

will you see it Jow Forums?

Attached: reservoir_dolls.png (739x624, 320K)

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flips the script because they have vaginas? you go ladies!


No Shoulda been trannies

they all ready did this movie with sheboons

Attached: sio.jpg (644x385, 64K)

The correct title should be Reservoir Bitches

sjw doom movie, and this movie... Nope.

It's already not all ready you braindead mongoloid

Why not make an interesting story with a fresh script instead of identity remakes?

Attached: thinkini.png (734x1110, 231K)

How are they gonna do the Madonna like a virgin scene?
Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, “How many cunts is that?” “A lot”