>biggest happening of the century unfolding >Jow Forums focused on neetbux and women going to mars
The fuck is wrong with you all? This is what you have all been waiting for. Irrevocable proof that pizzagate is real, our democracy is a sham, and our country is literally ran by elite pedophiles blackmailed by intelligence agencies. The best part is that no matter what happens they are about to be exposed. CIA circumventing the release, massive redactions, missing pages, any of the above proves what is already widely speculated. In other words the FBI deliberately killed an investigation and then sat idly by as a known pedophile was sworn into the presidency. There is no coming back from this for them. Any evidence they present in court will be deemed inadmissable using the defense that an agency who actively installs child fuckers into the government has no merit.
Going to be a real interesting couple of weeks. With Biden announcing his run we can feel certain they are already trying to maintain the status quo so they must already have plans in motion. Maybe some dead judges, some missing files, a complete re-write of the case file implicating a bunch of nobodies.
This will take care of the FBI, now we just need a few more brave judges to open an investigation into the Franklin scandal to kill off the CIA. Then maybe, just maybe, we can actually have a real president for the first time in a long time.
No it has nothing to do with Trump or Clinton. They could release the entire file tomorrow with 100% proof of both of them being involved and not a damn thing would happen. Clinton wouldn't even make the local news as everyone already knows he's a degenerate. Trump's irrelevant as well seeing as he's the sitting president, they'll use every upper echalon gymnastic tactic in the book to prevent him from being impeached or facing criminal charges to protect economic interests. Doing irrevocable damage to the intelligence agencies is the only thing of importance, they run the show, they are the ones destroying this country.