Is /ptg/ on its last legs?

just go in the general and half the posts are normal people making fun of trumpcucks while they bitch and whine about 'discord trannies'. it seems most of Jow Forums is fed with donald redditors infesting the board

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Yes, I hope they all go back to where they came from. Watching them cry and scream in denial is quite amusing though.

PTG has been dead since awhile. The trump shills are just as bad and deluded as shariablue.

Trump failed america, but honestly, I wasn't expecting anything else, he was just a better choice than hillary satan.

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They're still making generals though. And posting every day. Reminds me of WW2 with those Japs in the Philippines refusing to believe their emperor surrendered

>normal people
>this board
>not paid shills
sage bong kike

memes have a lifecycle too, the magapede cringe is coming to a natural end

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

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Hopefully. Jow Forums has been shit since 2016. If you aren't a natsoc you don't belong here.

Wtf is this Facebook boomer tier shit?

fuck this ziocon boomer fag
>daddy please ! think of the childrens
and fuck his kike daughter too

Attached: 1541948927608.jpg (584x584, 24K)

>claim inevitability
>claim victory
>lose election
We already saw this show in 2016
Didn't work then, won't work now
But please continue

Trump finished himself, he lied too many times. It's over.

fuck off retard. sage

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>Shills at it again
Literally no one gives a fuck about /ptg/ or their discord. It wasn't even discussed until all this yang gang shit started. Just more projection from you literal discord trannies.

Haven't you noticed there are not any new trump memes, but scores of new anti trump memes?

Trumps most potent weapon, meme creators, have all jumped ship. Its unironically over for him. Memes won him the election, without it the zoomers won't vote for hin, and poltards won't campaign for him

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You know it's the truth

Pathetic shill attempts. No one believes you. Wash your penis and get a real job.

/ptg/ has been completely killed for a week now

trump lost; we have moved on.

/ptg/ has always been pro israel.

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>no wall
>no end to chain migration
>no end to birthright citizenship
>no hillary in jail
>no end to daca
imagine being this emotionally invested in trump in 2016+3

Someone should write a nu-/ptg/ manifesto.
>We support zionism
>Anyone who opposes zionism is working for the jews
>Anyone who attacks the jews is a racist naziboo bigot
>We will bring in the most immigrants (legally) (and from mexico)
>We will spread globohomo to every village
>We will refurbish a tenth of the fence

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Reminder that this is what they are doing

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I like trump, but I can't browse ptg. Most posts are copypaste low quality posts, and recently lots of anti trump shills or bots posting the same anti trump copypaste over and over. Jow Forums is 90% shilling anyway so ptg isn't much different to the Jow Forums catalogue.

It's completely different now, the only people on pol that support trump are ptg retards. He had the support of the board last election, but its completely gone now

Trump ad-libs that he wants legal immigrants in 'the largest numbers ever'

>“Legal immigrants enrich our nation and strengthen our society in countless ways,” the president said. “I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come in legally.”

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The Border Wall: What Has Trump Built So Far?

>A tentative deal reached on Monday to prevent another federal shutdown would include 55 miles of fencing along the United States border with Mexico. As of January, no new miles of barriers had been built so far under President Trump.

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>one post is an attempt to shift the idea of over 100k unique visitors a day


This tweet from today is the icing on the cake

Attached: trump zionism 71(1).png (617x442, 61K)

>One post

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The only people still supporting Trump are those who are being paid to support him.

>100k unique visitors
There are 108k posts per day on average. Millions of views.

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>muh trannies
Reminder illegal immigration is at a 12 year high under a president who's issue was immigration.

if you take a step back and think about it, these people actually believe that everyone on Jow Forums who doesn't support trump is a leftist shill

these people are so deluded they practically live in their own little world

Border at ‘Breaking Point’ as More than 76,000 Unauthorized Migrants Cross in a Month

>The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly double what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration to the United States.

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It's going to be funny when MIGApedes try to cash in their platitudes at the bank and get BTFO in 2020.

You are a leftist shill, thanks for pointing it out for us

Trump defends immigration proposal against 'amnesty' criticism from conservatives

>Trump tweeted "It is a 3 year extension of DACA. Amnesty will be used only on a much bigger deal, whether on immigration or something else. Likewise there will be no big push to remove the 11,000,000 plus people who are here illegally."

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>a bunch of shills shilling retarded shit about why the American system works the way it does

No this current shill birgrade is just extremely idiotic

>trump done suck
>no he doesn’t
>yes he orange potato
>he hasn’t done anything
>he has
>what about his wall KEK A FENCE
>that’s not really what’s happening..

For some reason it’s gained traction despite trump doing well right now

You also said "consensus"

You have to be an absolute tard to think this board reaches a concensus on anything. It's pure chaos, and at times some events manage to direct most of the hatred in one direction. This is what happened in the 2016 election. So many people loved the memes and hated Hillary that they put their energy into trump for the lolz.

The memes are gone and Hillary is gone. Trump is likely to campaign against yang, someone who is far more likeable and charismatic regardless of what you think about his policy.

It is unironically over for trump, the boomers are dying, the memes have dried up, and the opposition isn't completely repulsive.

But all you retards know how to do is call everyone a shill and discord tranny

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Both ptg and Yang will be dead soon. Will you faggots ever learn to not fall for cults of personality? We need to get back to what actually matters; discussing ideas and spreading red pills.

fuck off discord retardera retard

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How do we get Trumpfags to fuck off from the board for good?

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I am not even sure Trump will run again.

>Say two words and post a pic of perlman
>Get this as a response
Trannies truly are mentally ill

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Lou Dobbs is a discord tranny too

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>against yang

Holly fuck who are you retards that think this

Case in point.

Not only a discord tranny, but a seething discord tranny

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Please eat a bullet.

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Is there a version of this for people instead of ants?

>men from 2015 literally

Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality

>U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, the highest-profile openly gay person in the Trump administration, is leading the effort, which kicks off Tuesday evening in Berlin. The U.S. embassy is flying in LGBT activists from across Europe for a strategy dinner to plan to push for decriminalization in places that still outlaw homosexuality — mostly concentrated in the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean.

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/pol is a living and breathing entity. It began left wing, dabbled in the right and is returning to the left. They can't fight change and frankly it's sad how desperately they're trying to.

We've created this monster and now we need to vote him out

The dude was pro gay marriage from day one.

Why are you pretending like this is a change at all you fuckig dip

>normal people
Lol no it's their discord trying to undermine Jow Forums's support

I doubt it's working

Thats the natural state of a con.

Eventually the person is so invested they cant admit to themselves they got duped. In the end they become a willing participant.

Sad desu. They cant see how badly donald is screwing them because they would have to admit they were wrong

I think trump is a pretty cool goy. Eh sucks bibi's cock and doesnt build anything.

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Literal cultist behavioir

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago asks to hire 61 additional foreign workers using visa program

>There’s "help wanted" at The Trump Organization’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida. But the company is looking outside of the United States to fill 61 open positions at what the President often refers to as the “Winter White House.” The server positions will pay $12.68 per hour, and cooks will make $13.31 an hour.

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PTG is the largest concentration of people acting like lfetists. Jow Forums's always been pretty bad for that but trumpcucks have it locked down tight as their only state of existence
>only engage ideology, ignore reality in favour of pushing narratives
>all dissent is met with shrieks of thought-terminating cliches
>identity outranks pragmatism and critical thought every single time
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Jow Forums genuinely swings left in backlash, that's how /news/ swung right in the first place, this kind of behavior wards people away.
Red hats are this year's blue hair, and that's the truth.

>doing well

>eat a bullet
Not an argument

Nice strawman, retard. You're either too fucking dumb to notice consensus cracking when you see it, or you're a shill. Pick.

It’s not, fuck yang faggots

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>trump was against skill immigration

Never was, your shilling has somehow gotten worse

No matter what trump does that I don’t like he still does vastly more I do like, and he’s STILL better than any other option.

Anyone expecting an actual revolutionary change to the USA is an idiot, was never and is not going to happen any time soon. Small incremental change to the right is what we need aka trump

What about all the Yang Gangers who call everyone who doesn't support Yang a Trump shill, or MIGA? Both groups are retarded in this respect. It's just a bunch of idiots who will follow any cult of personality that comes their way.

>just go in the general and half the posts are normal people making fun of trumpcucks while they bitch and whine about 'discord trannies'. it seems most of Jow Forums is fed with donald redditors infesting the board

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So you're saying the little containment zone that the /r_thedonald (or however the fuck do you write it) fucks created is a reddit tier echo chamber
>imagine muh shock

Nah it'll stay active as long as Kushner is paying his shills. It's in their best interest to have a presence on Jow Forums throughout 2020

do you not think people have a reason to be pissed off with trump? no, it must all be shills
boomer civic nationalism and israel worship LOL

> u
Largest trade deficit in history

The Zionist Trump supporters keep saying tranny discord this and tranny discord that but I know exactly why I'm not voting for him in 2020.

>signed anti bds law
>gave Israel 38 billion
>couldn't even get a few billion to build the fucking wall
>amnesty bill
>"I want UNLIMITED legal migration!"
>the Israel dick sucking fest at SOTU
>banned bump stocks
I mean at a certain point you just gotta laugh xD
I support him, he fucked us and now I don't support him, simple as.


>rural and suburban
how could they abandon a man that has done so so much for them?

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It truly is fascinating how much you faggots stand out

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>gave Israel 38 billion
seems a little low. should be more

Bump stocks are a literal non-issue red herring plastic sacrifice we gave to the Democrats to make them pretend like they saved the world. Any real gun user knows you don't need a bump stock to bump-fire, and you can make one yourself if you wanted one.

The rest I agree with though

>>no wall

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People do. I'm not thrilled with him at the moment. But for you to sit there and claim that it's simply for not liking Trump is ignorant. I'm leaving it up to you to decide if it's willful or not on your part, Muhammad.

This poll in pic related was taken weeks ago.
It was 90% yes before /ptg/ shills flooded the thread with porn and voted no all within five minutes.
So pretty much 100% of Jow Forums is aware Trump is a Zionist shill.

Attached: sp21.png (1098x505, 26K)

>Here's a straw poll in my favor
>Trust me on this one goyim

The only reason I supported Trump was his immigration proposals. The Wall was the flashiest, but there were others about how to decrease immigration. That's it. That's all I wanted. And he's done absolute jack shit. The Wall isn't built, no matter what he shitposts on twitter, and border crossings are the highest they've been in 12 years. Add to that, he's now shilling to increase the number of foreign workers brought into the country.

I have to ask, what logical reaction can someone have OTHER than getting pissed off and calling the guy out?

I’m neither but okay faggot have fun with your Nazi larp

>a picture of pre-existing bollard fencing that ICE themselves say isn't for stopping human traffic
>he's got the money!
>just announced he's asking congress for 8 more billion
>hasn't even begun building the bollard fencing anywhere it didn't already exist

kys MIGAnigger

Attached: wall.png (600x318, 87K)

>upgrading a fraction of the already existing fence
what nazi larp? nice strawman pede

MIGAtards are obsessed with transgenderism. Just look at Alex Jones searching up tranny porn and thinking no one would notice he's into that. Traps are hot, that much I will admit. But c'mon be honest about it.

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Trump is a zionist and strawpoll is not a source, anyone could fake this poll either in real-time by adding votes with a VPN or simply edit a screenshot either by right clickin inspecting the element or by photoshoping it.

Why is it always Australia shilling for Zion Don?
Do they just love him? or is there a widely used VPN in use?

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Punish the faux alpha.

>"Why is someone from a particular country calling out my dumb shit" followed by ramblings about trump and israel
I just hate you tranny discord shills that are shitting up the board. Nothing more.

>what nazi larp
The idea that America is a European nation in character, custom, and heritage. It's a "larp" because it excludes shitskins and Zion Don isn't pushing America in that direction so MIGApedes say it's "nazi".



Attached: PleaseClap2020.png (640x616, 572K)

>literally cares more about Israel than America
>Israel has the #4 healthcare system in the world - healthcare is a birthright
>Says he won't attack Medicare then does
>America sends Israel $4 billion every year for their wall but we can't even build our own
>America spends another 4 billion bribing Egypt and other shithole countries not to attack Jews
>America spends infinite money paying interest to Jewish bankers and still every single person loves Jews
>Wants record immigration so corporations can make more money at the expense of American taxpayers
>Wants Americans to make less money so Jews can buy another yacht

Who here /future billionaire/? Based Jews, amirite!?

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