Yang CRUISING to victory

Are you with him?

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The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

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You people think yang isn't a Zionist?

all of you shills are going to die soon

Yang commie cucks.

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City people are retarded

fake quote
yang gang

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>Thinking the dems will ever give him the nomination

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Real threat, commie.

Andrew Yang is a pedophile.

both wll vote for Yang


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I've always been against whatever the perceived majority of what Jow Forums wants. Ya'll are fuckin stupid as shit.

Jow Forums - yo vote trump an shit gonna build a wall an shit
Still no wall.
Jow Forums - yo look at all these soi's and feminists wearing pink hats what a bunch of faggots
Jow Forums - why ain't you fags wearing a pink hat yet?

TL:DR - Ya'll are shit, unaccountable. You couldn't even vote in mid-terms. Y'all suck. I'm gonna write in Ron Paul and not care about SHIT.

fuck off discord tranny sage

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that's tucker carlson


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Yang: taking your guns is not feasible at this time

YangGang fags: He loves the 2nd Amendment

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that doesn't me he wont try and introduce laws that SLOWLY reduce gun ownership and gun production and make aquiring guns almost impossible so in say 50 years no one can own guns.

most politicians are pedophiles


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>i'd support yang if he didn't want to gas all white people
>-gassing all whites is hard

>City people all voted for Hillary.
Aka niggers and spics. White people move to the burbs.

Yang hates the troops
>Yang hates the troops
Yang hates the troops
>Yang hates the troops
Yang hates the troops
>Yang hates the troops
Yang hates the troops
>Yang hates the troops
What is his plan for military benefits? Is he really planning on just screwing over disabled vets? What about BAH? Does that count?
>They can choose either/or
They barely get more than that, which means they would have been better off never joining and not getting that disability. They joined without knowing that would be a choice and the same goes for the active duty soldiers now. Will they get a free chance to quit the military no matter where they were in the world because the US has changed? It's the same thing he preached about with truckers so he's not solving the problem, he's shifting it onto our nations troops. If his plan is to fuck over soldiers than fuck him, he won't get anywhere.
>They should have known what they were signing up for!
Yang's policies include student loan forgiveness because schools are tricking children into taking out these loans. The exact same thing can be said about the military.
>Fuck da troops!
I would say be careful not to cut yourself on that edge but, given the suicide rate of trannies, we both know you already do.


yus@! Adnerw YANG GAN cruzin tooo vciroty!

YANG GANGHG 202023!!@@@$


Yang will never win but he will sow discord in the Democrat party like berny.

Yang would be fine if he was married to a white American woman and had Supreme Gentlemen kids. Since he's married to another chink, it's way too likely he's a commie plant. The PRC sees itself at the Earth's legit government for ALL ethnic Chinese everywhere.

This is the idea

Someone add the hat to the frog


No I'm not a brainlet

What the fuck does "rural" even mean? It literally is just smaller cities. No one lives on their 40 acres with their mule or some shit.

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cant wait to take pepe back from you redditpedes and boomer, you niggers ran the meme into the ground by making him a figure for defending neocon policies

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He's a gun grabbing Democrat. Fuck Yang.

>The PRC sees itself at the Earth's legit government for ALL ethnic Chinese everywhere.
And they are correct

no i dont want the national budget to go up by 2.6 trillion kek
even if he did get elected the VAT and the UBI would never pass either house

Why? Taiwan is a better functioning country.

Kill yourself

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Ok, I live under a rock. Could someone please tell me what the deal is with this Yang guy and how is he any different than the other people promising free shit?


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>gun ban
>double federal budget from 3T to 6T to pay UBI
>mass amnesty for illegals
>mass amnesty for druggies
>China tier social credit system

He's the same and even worse

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>that doesn't me he wont try and introduce laws that SLOWLY reduce gun ownership and gun production and make aquiring guns almost impossible
could you imagine such a president doing that? it would lead to civil war!

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Taiwan is a Western vassal state, just like South Korea and Japan.

Imagine being this retarded

Will he fine car manufacturers as well?

He's giving you money
so you can be self-determined and not rely on incompetent government officials to invest it on your behalf and pocket some themselves

Its almost as if the current president of the usa has more google results than some random nominee people have only known about for a few months


Stfu stupid cunt

So you mean people are Googling him more now because he's running for president? That's odd.

Kind of like how nobody ever Googled "Trump racist" until he ran for president.

>a nonwhite candidate would be based if he racemixed, that's why i don't support him

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But where would this extra money come from?


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the blackpill candidate

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Link to evidence showing one's intelligence is correlated to the size of the city they live in?

So literally Thought Police. Great.

You disgusting kike, trying to diminish this shit down to a binary choice. You make me sick. Keep grabbing the bag, that is the ball bag of your jew masters by your mouth. Just because Zion Don is compromised doesn't mean this like loving China isn't.

uh oh

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Again, where is this extra money supposed to come from?

Firstly reclaiming taxes from big tech companies by reinstating their terms of legal operation within the USA

Secondly by releasing non violent drug related offenders from Prison, Bilions will be saved, it costs 50k to keep a prisoner in the system... That's around 4 times over the amount Yang proposes for people.

Thirdly a 10% VAT tax, which people are scare mongering about but wont effect people as they think, Europe has far higher VAT than that

A non-interventionist approach to the Military/Army will see Trillions saved

>Anarcho-Capitalist flag
>Voting for socialists
Neck your self jew

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6 Trillion has been spent in the middle east since 2001

Yeah, I don't think he's going to get elected.

His names sucks ass too


Andrew Yang wants to take your guns and have you trade your freedom for a meager monthly allowance.

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Discord tranny?
Are you stupid? Who are these discord trannies you're worried about? Why is the user supposedly a discord tranny?

Yang can't hold himself in a debate. He supports UN Global Governance, he'd run in fear against any republicans.

He is.

Here's the problem
>everything else
>free inflation

Fuck off with this chink garbage

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Are you stupid? Have you watched too much Alex Jones?

if you vote for a ching chong, you are off your fucking rocker, they are just as bad as the big nosed tribe

He's not.

No , only tards are

That's a weird way to ignore what I said. Clearly you have no idea what I'm talking about, are you curious at all?

migapedes are too scared to confront the JQ so they latch on to jewfront groups as the true culprit

Obvious hyperbole . But say this was literal.. why is this bad? Who are the big gun manufacturers? Who are their biggest clientele? Probably foreign state actors. Sounds like not a terrible idea, especially if some of those proceeds go to victims’ families


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HAHAHA fuck that bitch

good thing we have never supported a candidate who ever overcame a huge candidacy field ever

Also not a valid response. You support Yang, therefore you support Sustainable Development, a global governance project of the UN.

It's right on his own campaign site, he supports Sustainable Development to combat climate change. Complete UN one-world-government shill.

So is his Ubi plan supposed to apply to everyone or just those 18 or older? Also is it supposed to be every month or what?

>print it lol

I drain with Yang.

Daily Stormer Faggots spamming pol with yang micro wang threads

>reinstating their terms of legal operation within the USA
Ensuring that they leave the US permanently.

>releasing non violent drug related offenders from Prison
So the whole of the USA can be like Cali! Vagrants everywhere, literal poop-patrols!

>Thirdly a 10% VAT tax
Which you, the consumer, will pay

>Europe has far higher VAT than that
Yes, and when it was introduced in europe it was as low (or lower) than 10%

>A non-interventionist approach to the Military/Army will see Trillions saved
No it wont, most of the costs involved in the military are sunk costs. Deployment results in a meager increase in spending. INB4 Iraq: most of that money was reconstruction money, not military.

In short, you are either a shill (likely: flag) or you are an imbecile. I shall go 3rd option and declare you to an imbecilic shill.

I can send my $1000 a month to Isreal right? Can I deduct it as a charity?

>sow Discord
i see what you did there

>6 trillion
>18 years
>54 trillion
>in 18 years


>if you support yang, you support the UN
then by that logic, i guess you support israel? fuck off moshe

Trump is going to get a lesson on loyalty. He chose the kikes over us and he'll pay for it.

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lol, you're a moron

It's Milton Friedman economics, the negative income tax

go read a book you guttersnipe

he also defends a chinese style social credit system to completely BTFO degenerates