Who is Andrew Yang?

Can anyone give me a quick rundown on Yang? Is he based? The recent outpouring of support for him on pol has made me curious.

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Gook spy trying to crash the American dollar.

>The recent outpouring of support for him on pol has made me curious
>shills make me curious
Pay no attention to it

1000 USD per month

Some commie zipper head getting shilled on this board

Do you really want to know? Can you handle the truth? I've got no problem spilling the beans. I'm on Nothing's side(You read that right) so it's not like I have bars or holds on me or anything but can Jow Forums really stomach it?

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hes a gun grabber

Be all the nigger you can be

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imagine unironically believing this
abolishing social programs and VAT for white people to not drown in debt and actually have some purchasing power doesn't mean the American dollar will crash
+ he is Singaporean
+ he said private confiscations of guns isn't practical

he is someone who will be exposed sometime next week. it will be fun to watch. pic some what related

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QRD on the real power instead. No matter who you vote for, this is who you are getting. Take the Bog-pill user.

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>and VAT
excuse me, with** VAT aka taxing the profit machines make that do your work for you


They're astroturfing this Chinese plant as hard as they can. China is trying to do what Russia did in 2016.

Stop spamming shithead

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He is an anti Jew candidate who goes so far as taking jewbucks and giving them to working white people...basically the opposite of Zion Don.

Millions of wagecucks are about to be unemployed within the next fifteen years.

A freedom dividend + some punitive policies would pretty much end homeless (we're pretty tired of shit on the street everywhere in SF).

You get $1k a month. It's for you. No strings attached. And it's paid for and won't cause inflation.

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no $1000 no vote

yeah hes based, check his JRE interview

Sage this gay shit

Also if your wondering who is shilling up the thread against him they fall in two categories: Legit boomers and JIDF trolls (Jews are terrified of him taking their jewbucks).


Thank you for this im getting redpilled on him now

Dumbass Yang is socialism on steroids, more wealth transfer than ever, guaranteed to crash the economy

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>He is an anti Jew candidate

Holy shit you are dumb

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he's the new Jill Stein, they just want someone to take like 1 percent of the votes from Trump in 2020

>And it's paid for and won't cause inflation.
3.9 trillion a year is paid for, lol faggot. Thats about the entire federal budget. It's like a 8 year old came up with this plan.

>we can meme Trump into office without any reasonable expectation of anything
>gives handouts to farmers whoever cries like babies because muh tariffs
>yang operates on a different set of rules set by fiscal conservative specialist
>also he is a bugman
>Trumptards are certified bigots and gave up on america years argo


Kek. Literal discord tranny

He is going to lose the nomination. It will at least be fun to watch.

Yang hates the troops
>Yang hates the troops
Yang hates the troops
>Yang hates the troops
Yang hates the troops
>Yang hates the troops
Yang hates the troops
>Yang hates the troops
What is his plan for military benefits? Is he really planning on just screwing over disabled vets? What about BAH? Does that count?
>They can choose either/or
They barely get more than that, which means they would have been better off never joining and not getting that disability. They joined without knowing that would be a choice and the same goes for the active duty soldiers now. Will they get a free chance to quit the military no matter where they were in the world because the US has changed? It's the same thing he preached about with truckers so he's not solving the problem, he's shifting it onto our nations troops. If his plan is to fuck over soldiers than fuck him, he won't get anywhere.
>They should have known what they were signing up for!
Yang's policies include student loan forgiveness because schools are tricking children into taking out these loans. The exact same thing can be said about the military.
>Fuck da troops!
I would say be careful not to cut yourself on that edge but, given the suicide rate of trannies, we both know you already do.

Andrew Yang wants to take your guns.

Are you really so weak that you'd give up your freedoms for whatever meager "allowance" some politician wants to give you?

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where is the pink hat?


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>gets an carry card
>some training
>keeps his guns, no issue
>too stupid to drive or train with his guns
>expects them to save him from tyranny
>shoots kills his dog "accidentally"

> $500B in welfare spending already
> $800B from a 10% VAT tax
> $500B in revenue from new growth
> $200B in healthcare savings and reduced crime

So there's your two trillion for the 200 million adults between 18 and 65.

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And while your at it give a quick rundown on discord trannies... who they are where they came from, there goals, when that started etc...

These retardations need to end.

I dont know what you mean

Look at the girl's face, she clearly not enjoying that and she may have even be forced to put the cap and grind that shady dude, this should be proof enough that Yang is not our guy.

>The recent outpouring of support for him on pol has made me curious.
Literally paid shills. The guy is literally the anti/pol/ campaigning on gibs to neets.

>Pro immigration
>Super anti-gun
>Literally, unless you are a worthless waste of space, that $1000 free neet bux is going to increase your taxes by several thousands.

I don't know, people keep spamming the same few buzz phrases and pastas saying he's a bad guy and that he has no popular support it's all shills
but they're the ones expressing shill behaviour, and the Yang support unironically seems completely organic and reminds me of the 2016 days again
Also I've been reading some of his stuff on his site and also watched that podcast he did with Joe Rogan and he seems to make a lot of sense. He'd completely clean up your bloated welfare system and be implementing a flat policy that doesn't all go to fat black single mothers but actually helps poor white men who the country was built by.
I wish we had someone like that here, I'm serious
I am getting real tired of all these 30 year old boomers who think letting people die on the street because they can't afford a hospital visit is socialism

He clearly does have real genuine support as well, it's not just a bunch of discord trannies like these idiots might have you believe.


You get all the kike democrat positions with the only difference being you get $1000 a month

> gibs to neets
It's for you, too, buddy! It's not your taxes, it's Amazon's, Google's, Facebook's, Netflix's...

Ok, well yang is a Ching Chong retardo faggot commie, who promises unrealistic nonsense and more restrictions who for some reason is being mass shilled here by a group of dipshit fuckwit scum bags who seemingly are motivated by a hatred of trump....

Since this yang shilling began I have seen people respond to shilling and such with comments such as “get lost discord tranny”.
Now I don’t know when exactly that began or the story there but apparently there is a group of tranny faggots in a discord group making some kind of organised effort to group shill here on Jow Forums. But I don’t know anything about them other than that and want to know more.

Again, yang, total Ching Chong chinaman chink.

Woah tone the shilling down

> He'd completely clean up your bloated welfare system and be implementing a flat policy that doesn't all go to fat black single mothers but actually helps poor white men who the country was built by.

Yeah, there are some of us who are sick of the identity politics shit and Yang's "you're all dignified" rhetoric that doesn't put white men down every single second for being a deplorable or whatever is extremely refreshing. I'm a seventh generation white american and it's cool to be respected by an asian guy

>The recent outpouring of support for him on pol has made me curious.

oh my fucking God lol

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>yang based?
take the Yang Pill my friend

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A big chunk of the shilling for yang is “trump failed to deliver and works for Israel so I am switching sides and voting for a welfare democrat anti racist, pro immigrant, anti gun guy”

Second big chunk is copying the red hat style of memes and using a yang hat and talking about 1000 dollars with “ yang gang”.

A bit of the yang shit is ironic and making fun of yang, but a good chunk is obvious shills. I mean imagine seriously falling for a video like this one.. How low IQ do you have to be to fall for something like that?

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Chink Bernie shilled constantly by literal underage and blackpilled disillusioned former Trump supporters looking to accelerate America's demise so long as they get free money

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What is this shit? Is yang a pedophile now?

graph literally says "learn to code"

> $500B in welfare spending already
Imagine thinking any politician is going to repeal welfare. Brainlet.
> $800B from a 10% VAT tax
$800B in taxes payed ultimately paid by consumers receiving UBI. Net UBI now $600/mo. Oops.
> $500B in revenue from new growth
Handwaving and wishery.
> $200B in healthcare savings and reduced crime
So his whole Medicare for All is going to SAVE $200B, when currently 15% of the population is on Medicare and the yearly govt cost is ~$1.5 trillion. Brilliant.
So, $800B paid by UBI recipients and some handwaving nonsense.
Outstanding argument user. First. Rate.

>discord trannys exposed

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>Imagine thinking any politician is going to repeal welfare.
it wont be repealed, but you will have to choose 1k bucks or 1k in foodstamps n other shit

he's the NEW TRUMP

you realize china mostly imports to the US? why would they want to crash the dollar? Why do you think they have been devaluing their currency for decades? Are you retarded?

lmao, yang gang are literally yangs whore.

>weak ass discord tranny memeflaggots exposed
kys sage and report these threads

I am more interested in his wife

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exact opposite of based

After watching the jre interview, i think yang makes a lot of good points. I probably will vote for him in 2020 unless something drastically changes.

She's hot

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wtf has happened to Jow Forums
Trump was elected for the lulzzz. obviously he wasnt gonna deliver. Somewhere in 2016 everyone here got serious somehow when he won patting themselves on the back when it wasnt pol it was the unemployed manufacturing workers that made trump win

>using same propaganda u used on Jow Forums in 2016 for trump.

it all becomes so clear.

JRE podcast did it for me as well though im not american. wont vote, ill be meming him

Look, another Yang shill thread

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look another pol conformist sheep

>automation and A.I will replace 70% of the workforce
>a european style VAT will be used to pay for the UBI

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do you ever have your own thoughts or just spout whatever bandwagon Jow Forums is on

TRUMP should be president of Israel
Pepe is rejecting Trump he's a warmonger ZOG

You remember when Trump promised to build a wall, then decided to cuck for Israel instead? Replace the wall with $1000.

Same shit, different year.

Trump's an Epstein Pedo

fuck off meme flag

he didn't get the wall didn't lock her p did nothing about free speech he won't even say "white people" This time I'm looking out for me.

>if you don't like the chink you're a zionist trump cock sucking nigger lover

fuck off H1B you don't get to vote in the USA go drink the Ganges

idk man, trump was always a shit talker, this guy has actively worked to generate jobs and even admitted that democratic party didnt do right for small workers, and is the only dem whos related to whites, even on JRE he said he is against anti white liberals

She's asking for a real man, not that tiny chinki dick

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Get that tiny gook dick outta your mouth cuck

>Gook spy trying to crash the Israeli-petro shekel

And that's a good thing.

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Thats all you need to know.

Bump for yang

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Wow you fell for a literal shill meme. Fucking off yourself so that we never have to see you on this board again