It was all the russian trolls

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Other urls found in this thread:

I started halfway into this but it seems like the proof they have regarding this is very open to interpretation. These sound like Jow Forums accounts more than anything

whats the matter with it's hair? Is it sick?

kiketube now is fucking with joes entire account, deleting views, comments and ratings. All because he let alex jones on.

Literally who?

we are under attack by russia
israel is our greatest ally

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you do not out the (((interdimensional))) pedo demons without consequences

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is that the stream keeps crashing on me

why should I trust this person that is telling me what is true and what is false?

My thoughts exactly, as a longtime lurker the timeline just matches too well with when we started naming the cuckservatives, which are still cucks, but its very eerie

Does anything even get through Joe's thick skull & stick? Seems like a fresh wipe on every new guest sucking up all the shit they spew

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Im sure ill get angry if I watch this

I notice that Joe brings up ebil Russia in every podcast now, literally in every one. It's now high on his shilling agenda, I guess his Rockefeller owners from MAPS are upset about us trading oil in local currencies


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She went into how accounts that just spammed memes for years converted into political accounts for the election. Literally just Jow Forums, not saying there isn't Russian companies shilling as well but they must be getting false positives everywhere based on the criteria they were using. Broken english? Russian troll

>i found a bunch of stuff on pintrist and wrote articles about it

this is the cunt trying to shut this place down.

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no they're not you anti semite scum. Almost 30k people watching this stream, for a no name guest. Fuck off, meanwhile in 2016 election, Facebook propped up right wing pages, actually suppressing LIBERAL voices in the process, but keep deluding yourself.

she is out to ban massmemegration

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Is she?

This is now a Spencer JF Yang thread

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here is onei guess its confirmed now

we russia and israel now
we still could weigh more on politics than we already have
getting trump elected was just a trial run
i'm waiting for our next rodeo

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>actually believing this

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So the next question is, can you seperate the rooskies from our shitposting, or is this the slippery slope that brings the conclusion to the memetic war on us?

bodybuilders are notorious gay whores
same with fighters i imagine
joe is just stretching his asshole as wide as he can to keep the jew money coming along with the alternativenormie audience
>you're an influencer now, joe
he certainly drank the jew cum and keeps on gargling since then

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this woman is such an ugly genetic specimen that its unbearable to look at her.

This is Stolen Valor. I'm contacting the Bureau of Meme-War Veteran Affairs.

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several prophets have foreseen you mother russia brothers liberating us cucked raped jihaded western eurocuckfucks in the near future
i belieb it
what a reversal
russian tanks to _actually_ liberate the west

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Shut the fuck up. You're a dirty kike and a faggot.

Edgar Cayce who was visited by the Rockefellers

>kiketube now is fucking with joes entire account, deleting views, comments and ratings. All because he let alex jones on.
No they aren't. Joe and Alex are both gatekeepers for ZOG.

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but why?
we love cunts
dont we guys?

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>we are under attack by russia
Joe McCarthy conservatives were absolutely certain that Putin's KGB was deliberately deploying Kremlin disinformation to infiltrate, demoralize and destabilize America during the Soviet days.

It doesn't make sense to me that anyone would be equally absolutely certain that Putin's FSB cannot possibly be deploying Kremlin disinformation to demoralize and destabilize America today, unless they have now become the victims of the very propaganda they fail to recognize.

The rise of dishonest memes distributed daily by foreign agents provocateur to manipulate and influence us is alarming. What kind of idiot would be equally absolutely certain that Putin's FSB cannot possibly be deploying Kremlin disinformation to demoralize and destabilize America today? Paid RIA shills use VPNs to pretend that they are Americans or Europeans, voices we generally trust in the West. However the goals of these targeting memes and disinformation campaigns are always the same, get us to turn against each other and against our government.

The Kremlin is launching daily cyberwarfare attacks against the US, hacking US servers, stealing sensitive data, its web brigades armies and Putinbots trolling social media with deliberate misinformation campaigns. Moscow has been parking deep sea submersible warships over our transatlantic cables and hijacking overseas routers on the Internet in a thinly veiled threat to our communications. Russian jets provocatively buzz US navy vessels and Air Force jets, RIA trolls push anti-vaccine nonsense. And Putin has threatened the West with nuclear attacks on numerous occasions, he's developing hypersonic weapons with Russian Ministry of Defense images showing them launched against Florida, he's building new nuclear missiles banned under the SALT agreements and moving rail mounted intermediate range missiles to Кaлинингpaд.

>israel is our greatest ally
Israel is 50% Russian Jew.

I'm getting really impatient for my UBI now.
I've got a big list of things I want to buy. Just some treats and such.

It's a Jew...there a just so many of them crawling over all forms of media.

why do they keep calling us Russian trolls? Are they fucking retarded? Or are they just too embarrassed to admit what really happened?

wow who gave you that, only super secret Russian agents are suppose to have that.

This lady is so full of shit. This whole discussion is predicated on an assumption. I really fucking hate all of silicon valley. Fuck those people.

They are the equivalent of flat earthers now.

ofc russia is trying to influence
the point is they cannot muster even 0.1% of the influence israel has been cultivating
israel owns the fucking place
congressmen and women have to sign an oath to support israel
this isnt the elephant in the living room, this is the supermassive black hole
in fact where israel is concerned it isnt mere influence, it's control
they're in your computer chips ffs

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swag pour

I assume Russian Trolls is just a euphemism for jews?

Yang is a better name for UBI.
Monthly Yang.

double brilliant

Another tech Globalist-Fascist sugar coating shit

He was once a young aspiring artist trying to make it big really really bad...never forget this #CastingCouch #Blackmail

you're a really stupid person and I feel sorry you actually believe this stuff.

shut up and listen to this womyn!

your new mommy is gonna tell you how to think.
your weird thoughts on the internet are very problematic.

who is this extremely ugly kike whore?

A (((journalist))) that is advocating stolen valor

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Bodybuilding is a gateway to trannyhood senpai
It's true

fuck trump and fuck white people

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People like this deserve to be hanged. Perpetuating lies in order to gain power. Fuck them. They do not deserve to breathe. Fucking "orange man bad" "muh Russia". Absolutely disgusting.

agree 100%. Yang Gang for full kosher removalism and Yellow supremacism.

>inserts forgery

>Fuck you, Fellow white people!

If Im going to be a fifth columnist for Russia where is my qt female comrade to teach me the languange and history of the motherland? And why am I not getting paid?


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Putin gives me personally my envelope with 5000 rubles since I work IN the Kremlin

Not a single pol ack I know in real life is Russian they have no proof and we know the truth its us and this stupid lying bitch repeating fabrications of the "Atlantic council" like they arent thousands that showed up for charlotesville and hundreds of incidents where our white asses have been seen putting up it's okay to be white posters etc in America nmdone by Americans fucking idiot bitch people like this need to die

The whore is asking to get trolled...

They think they are right and they are going to force reality to conform to their ideas - or lie as much as possible. Fuck these people. This is another instance of Joe not being prepared and eating up bullshit and shaking his head "yes". So much for redemption.

It's herd behavior. A few spams that make it look like the opinion of the majority in one place influences others and it grows in a cascade effect.
Even the private sector is in it (Cambridge Analytica). Question is: how much of a sheep are you?

This level of delusion is so extreme is must be a bait post. I hope.

yup, that or it just isn't true.
surely a lot of false positives, remember when twitter were suspending accounts last summer? a lot were anonymous accs and Jow Forums tier memeing accs which you only could unlock by giving them your phone number.

Everything you just said is totally false and bibi and 50 percent of Israel arent Russian Jews they are German polish Ukrainian Yugoslav Kazakhstan French etx fucking Jews it's all the same thing chomsky Horowitz kasparian are all ussr Jews goddamn you are an ignorant fuck btw joe McCarthy refuted the malmedy lies and opposed Zionism he hated Cohn didn't want him on the committee but he was cryptic thinking he could be them slyly nope tailgunner should have named the jew

Joe once again with the Russia BS...

Pro-tip: It's not Russia, it's Israel.

It's all propaganda to cover and smear us to invent a phony narrative to pretend arrogantly to twist and make up a total lie about Muhammad Russian it's all discredited all those liars screeching that know the truth and everything you said is correct from the loyalty oath to Israel to forcing people to sign support pledges to the fuck face all and terrorist apac and pedophilia zog mega group its complete fakery

He's a high-functioning NPC.

I was spamming Trump since Day 1 in 2015, so blame me not the half-mongols

Ironic, given the fact that event was the assassination of the leader of the communist party in Japan who was also running on giving people free gibs.

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oy vey don't mind the israeli collusion, it was the russians!!

interesting psygionomy

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Here is another question, could we meme moot to getting on jre to clear pol's name of any govy intervention and state the case for shit posting instead of kgb psyop?

>Texans have low verbal IQ

Confirmed for getting all her info about the South from Jewish comedy shows.

And nationalism

This cunt works for New Knowledge. Full of ex-cia etc, not even hiding they are opportunists.
New knowledge created 10,000 bots that followed Roy Moore to create the illusion he was being propped up by Russia.
What the fuck is Joe's game. He literally just had Tim Pool on calling out these people.
He's got a deep state propogandist on reading a fucking script about how Russians wanted Trump to win.

About as much nationalism as any other puppet state of the soviet union.
Also show your flag, shlomo.

you're right. this is a fucking clown world. what the actual fuck?


fuck off dudebro Rogan cucks

>implying Russia has to """demoralize""" Americans
Yeah dude, the niggers, fags, spics, and commies don't need help for that

Russia YET again...what a fucking shill...

i think you are being dense on purpose or somewhat deluded if you think russians were not involved at all. just as deluded as the democrats who say russian is why trump won.
russians tried their best to fuck it up and fan the flames of the culture war. the same way china and israel does too.

over 30

post stolen valor memes in response to her

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i don't have time to make edits

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Maybe he wants to know who the players are and what they’re doing? I didn’t know about her and about Roy Moore until today.

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Heres the redpill on Joe Rogan. The guys sponsors and connections are pretty damning. He is a psyop through and through.

guys...when the offline video is uploaded leave a comment questioning Joe's obsession with Russia...and of course call this tech NWO whore the names she deserves to be called.

wow. holy fucking shit.

>The Alabama project got started as Democrats were coming to grips with the Russians’ weaponizing of social media to undermine the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton and promote Donald J. Trump.
>Mr. Morgan reached out at the time to Renée DiResta, who would later join New Knowledge and was lead author of the report on Russian social media operations released this week.

what fucking liars.

watching that video now...seems really good, gives you "food for thought"

BLYIN, comrades we've been found out! ABORT! ABORT!

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Good info there. Everyone should mention this on the comments when the offline video gets posted.