Is Plato redpilled?

Is Plato redpilled?

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based and absolutely redpilled - especially to the thot question. plato thought women were trash

Very much so. If everyone turned Platonist, the world would be fixed by tomorrow.
Plato literally solved most of questions about existence, and his work is absolutely priceless.
If I could go back in time, I'd go and talk to Plato right after giving Hitler intel and advice.

It's a massive push for homosexuality minus the femininity.

>Hitler intel and advice

Focus on nukes it's not Jewish fairy tales

It's basically ancient natsoc, even more extreme in some regards

>t. someone who actually read it


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he alright

Aristotle was better


But not about family. He suggested that everyone fuck everyone and no one should know whos kids are whos and they should just be raised by the state. Not the best idea there

Every piece of political literature written before the 19th century is redpilled by our modern standard, even Marx.

That's actually a good idea. Pewds should read the socialist and communist canon. Rousseau. Marx. Proudhon, etc.

Hint: Jews and non-whites BTFO

Yes and worth a read or a listen. It's better imo to listen to it since it's a conversation. Do not trust anyone to tell you about it. I have heard several "scholars" talk about it and even one article stated the guest they had talking about it was as close to Plato being alive as possible, and it was the gayest and most Jewish piece of garbage I've ever heard.

Based pewdiepie

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Of course one should not trust (((academic))) interpretations of The Republic. That's like asking Hollywood what does the Bible say.

t. never read Plato

Yeah this is stupid as fuck, nuclear family is the basis of a great country. You build a country that thrives on it.

no. this was plato's power fantasy of being an elite philosopher king. complete idealism with nothing practical.

The last chapter and the chapter on women are mega turbo ultra based. Book used to only be for scholars, locked away in ivory towers. It outlines the decadence of all civilizations very well, how they go from aristocracy to democracy to tryanny. Think about how many civilizations must've existed between the Egyptians and the Greeks for Plato to be that fucking based

>women are equal to men in strength and should fight along side in battle
>all people are the same and apart of the collective. there should be no individuals and families. Off to the communal farms!
>I hate wealth and evreyone should me modestly wealthy if not equal in wealth!!!

platos a retarded third wave femminists tankie commie who would totally get destroyed by evola if they ever got into a debate


the state of nu/pol/

I think Aristotle is better, but Plato is a very close second for me.

nobody knows the globalist vs nationalist battle we're in now is just plato vs aristotle