>An apparent plan to attack the White House was foiled this afternoon in Washington DC has been stopped by the Air National Guard after a man named Wayne Lambright attempted to pilot a modified modified hot air balloon into the heart of the nation's capital.

>In a 6 hour video posted Monday night onto his social media platforms, Wayne alleges he has discovered a method of harnessing atmospheric electricity to power a so-called "Lambright Ray", which he asserts would be able to "vaporize any building within 20 feet of the impact zone."

>He also stated in the video that he had the ability to redirect asteroids using magnetic fields generated by his aircraft, and threatened to destroy Washington DC with a combination of lightning and meteors if he was not appointed President of the United States immediately. The rambling threats apparently went mostly unnoticed.

>Wayne was shot down 30 miles from the suburb of Germantown in a bright green dirigible modified with satellite dishes and radio equipment. Attempts to capture his self proclaimed "death balloon" with grappling hooks were foiled by large amounts of cooking grease slathered onto the exterior of the craft. After raising his altitude despite repeated negotiations, the Air National Guard shot down Lambright, who was crushed on impact by his vehicle.

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Wayne 2020


that's matt jarbo wtf

quality bait /10

Bless you Wayne, he's eating In n' Out with the angels now

schizos bringing the lols

The neets have gone too far!

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>destroy Washington DC with a combination of lightning and meteors if he was not appointed President of the United States immediately

Lightning AND meteors.

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