
So let me get this straight. The Jews are calling for a mass exodus of Jews from the democrat party simply because a member made a legitimate and overdue criticism about foreign influence and Israel's complete control of the US government further proving that Jews are only loyal to Israel and at the expense of America.

The democrats could have literally called for white genocide and the Jews would have stayed along for the ride like flies on fuming shit but as soon as someone questions their parasitism and sabotage of democracy they ragequit and expose themselves once again.

The worst part about it is that boomers are having a field day on social media and dissenter about this being a good thing since they are too stupid to realize the implication when it comes to the Jews and their parasitic loyalties.

Attached: Jexodus.jpg (233x300, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>our total loyalty to Israel will prove to those dumb goys that dual loyalty trope is just a canard

They really cant help themselves. Its the kvetching that will end up turning everyone against them

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They can keep the jews, we don't want them.

Remember that Sabatean Jews are still here. All Jews who strictly adhere to the Talmud and Kabbalah are just one nudge away from a practicing Sabatean.

Attached: 1666.jpg (333x499, 39K)

And now philosemites from the (((Republican Party))) will virtue signal for Jewish support and how much they just LOVE LOVE LOVE Jews and Israel now. Pathetic

tranny shill detected

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If Americans don't finally get redpilled from this then America is ultimately doomed. There's literally nothing better that the Jews could do to make it more obvious that their loyalty is only to Israel while also fucking Americans at the same time.

its not just sabbataens. dont forget the masons

Attached: agent666.png (335x499, 332K)

>jews infiltrate both parties in America
>the left party gets riddled by communists, muslims and cultural marxist shit
>the right party gets shilled to hell and becomes a lapdog of Israel
>lefty muslims pissed at jews because muh palestine
>jews bail on lefty party and super shill the right one to prevent any kind of goy populists from coming along
>both choices the average American has are now pure 100% dogshit
quite insidious

dems are a terrorist antisemitic party

Americans are fucking retarded and deserve everything they get.

>The Jews are calling for a mass exodus of Jews from the democrat party
good idea, form the banking party instead

dis true but republicans the same

Checked, based and quintpillled

you are antisemetic for killing palestinians

Actually the Jews aren't calling for anything. Left wing Jews support Ilhan's comments.
Trump is just trying to pander to them like he's done with blacks, in hopes of attaining their votes. It's not going to happen. After the 'blaxit' 90% of blacks voted Democrat. After, the so-called "jexodus" 80% of Jews will still vote Democrat. It's pointless pandering to a wholly insignificant percentage of the population. Jews are just 2% of the US population.

>The Jews are calling for a mass exodus of Jews from the democrat party
No they aren't. Donald Trump is just trolling them. The Democrat Party has been the party of Jews for over 100 years. This will never change.

9 Senators; All Democrats
36 House; 34 are Democrats
Hillary got 90% of the Jewish vote.

Attached: Trump Jew Donors.jpg (1844x1363, 482K)

Jews control both parties, it's starting to seem like revolution is the only solution...

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>Kabbalah for good goys.
A lot of Masons are Jews too. If you want to go down an interesting rabbit hole look at the relationship between Freemasons and B'nai Brith in the confederacy during the civil war. Two sides of the same coin. Confederate President was a Mason and the Attorney General, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State was a Jewish Mason and also member of B'nai Brith.

Attached: JewMasonsJerusalem.jpg (960x960, 141K)

Checked. Its getting VERY obvious to most americans that Israel/jews are driving our country into the ground. 2024 will basically be like what the 1933 germany elections were. I expect Israel will be a central focus of debate in 2020 and this will expose the entire country to how biased both parties are.

>>jews bail on lefty party

lol as if
It'll be like the time they "left" the Soviet Union but somehow still made up nearly all the richest people after they "left"

Attached: ns vs demonrats.jpg (1395x2414, 1.18M)

its too easy to see the snail trail leading back to jews. its not even interesting. its just disgusting.

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>implying that votes actually matter in modern elections

Attached: BernieDiesMain.jpg (633x356, 43K)

Doesn't the constitution allow this?

Attached: snailTrail.png (570x456, 208K)

Fuck Israel, Pat will win.

She claimed that people were required to "
swear allegiance" to a foreign power. Simply untrue and clearly anti-semitic.


Attached: kek.png (904x692, 60K)

Fuck Israel, Pat will win.


Attached: Jex.png (582x99, 16K)

Kek wills Pat

I wish these rats would mass exodus out of my country

Digits confirm that Americans let their country be run over by Kikels and Towelheads and just sat by.

Attached: OYYYY VEYYYY.jpg (408x632, 32K)

Utter horseshit.

The Dems are getting overseas cash from Qatar, Iran and other sources that are anti-Israeli. They don’t care about the damn Palestinians. The Activists are always the last to get this.

The boomer judeophiles should be so proud they destroyed the US!

Attached: 7C8176BE-FA9C-4254-9D29-4A389F2AC0F2.jpg (600x594, 75K)

Does he know how to setup an autodialer and do push polling? Old computer and a couple phone lines and some software and start calling middle america asking questions like, do you think 38 billion for israel is too little money or too much?

this is another kike trick that they have been pulling for goes hand in hand with the (((expelled))) schtick

>The Dems are getting overseas cash from Qatar, Iran and other sources that are anti-Israeli.
Sure thing Shlomo.

Attached: Jew agony.jpg (200x200, 6K)

he used robocalls during his senate run in 2018

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>The Jews are calling for a mass exodus of Jews from the democrat party

They aren't, this shit is pushed by dumb, naive white Christian boomers like the BLAXIT shit and it's just as delusional.

Attached: leftist jew accidentally posts hatefacts about the ((((democrats))))).png (595x562, 67K)