OBAMA flat-out told them "No."


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Other urls found in this thread:


Jew Masters and white Good Goyim Front Women are above the law, user. That's rule number one of playing the game.

time for a nap

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Obama was communicating with her under a fake name so he knew if the DoJ went digging he'd be outed as a traitor alongside Bill & Hill "Selling SAPs Outta My Shoe Closet" Clinton.

Why is there not a single thread about this?


The bad guys will never see their reckoning. Evil won.

You're in one, Bruce.

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And Trump also told them "no"

"I never had relations with that private server, Mrs Clinton's"

Peter Strozks under oath says otherwise: youtube.com/watch?v=AP96roY1sI4&feature=youtu.be&t=35580

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No fucking shit.

is anyone shocked?

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don't worry, trump will lock her hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahha

sorry, i couldn't do it without laughing

ha ha ha ha

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Wow I'm feeling sleepy guys.



No don't look at this thread!!!!

Hey look over here! Yang Gang 2020! 1000 bucks! I know who I'm voting for!!

Oh shit, well nothing to see here I guess. Feeling kinda tired anyway

Hillary is guilty as fuck, innocent people don't go around destroying evidence to cover up their crimes. The fact Orange man and Republicans haven't put the clink on her is shameful and proves that America is just an Oligarchy.

Anyone else feeling.... sleepy?

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forget internet threads. Where's the angry mob?


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The same place they were when every other outrageous corruption scandal was revealed.

video of testimony?

No thats rule two. Rule one is dont talk about the game. Rule three is that you just lost the game

Confirming what we already knew from the Lynch scandal years ago.

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Unfortunately the story is dead. I mean how many hours have I personally spent reading about this? We all know what happened and for over a year. Even though I think it's an incredible story I'm cautious to waste any more of my time. It's already gotten to the stage of "that bad thing that they got away with and nobody can explain why" like so many other things that have happened

they still have to answer to the skydaddy

>boy that really takes me back to my car crash days

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This goes back to the Lynch and Bill tarmac scandal. A charge like that wouldnt of amounted to more than a slap on the wrist. Nonetheless it would be a symbol of justice to the American people to show that no one is above the law. Unfortunately the truth is that some are above the law. Just like Epstein; no Clinton, Bush, Obama, or even Trump will ever be prosecuted for their crimes. And they are just middle management, the true elite will never see justice until they stand before god himself.

If Trump delivered on his campaign promise and locked her up he could do without the wall. Unfortunate that it won't happen

Met with Bill on the tarmac.

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All he had to do was unclassify a dozen documents or less. It would have been so easy, the only real answer is that he's been gotten too somehow.

We even have the emails but I don't remember his account name

Kushner was the inside man from the start imo. Trump probably didnt know he was being used, but maybe he did and he was promised some dynasty shit like the Bushs and Clinton's for Ivanka to be the first woman president or something. Who knows? What we do now know is that everyone was played like a fiddle, everyone that voted for him (that includes /pol), the media was tricked into making him appear an outsider, the dems, the repubs, we all got played. Trumps been coopted for sure since the purging of his closest administration allies; Flynn, Gorka, Bannon. I'm shocked steven miller is still there but since hes a member of the tribe they probably let him slide.

Hannity is talking about Lynch right now.

Obama should have had zero say in the matter. That situation is literally why there are separate branches of the government.

May God have mercy on this land...the Obama Administration was literally a few thousand votes away from stealing the United States from the people who live here. Keep in mind that while the FBI and DOJ were dragging their feet on prosecuting Clinton, they had Peter Strzok leading a spy operation against Trump's campaign. Susan Rice, Obama's "right hand woman" TESTIFIED BEFORE CONGRESS THAT SHE WAS READING TRUMP'S CAMPAIGN EMAILS UNREDACTED IN REAL TIME.

They ALL knew the Russia collusion thing was a hoax. ALL. OF. THEM.

The tree of liberty has withered.

It's just not convincing that Trump would give up his culminated image on a limp-wristed Presidential campaign. Kushner is globalist kike scum, but I don't think he's the "inside man" we're looking for in this case.

I think it's much more likely that Trump was subverted (threatened into submission) after he won in 2016. Shill faggotry aside, the way he handled the neolibs and neocons in regards to Syria in 2016 and 17 was quite masterful. Had he been turned by then we'd be 3 years into another middle-eastern war.

I imagine the subversion happened around mid-terms.

>this confuses and enrages the migapede drumpfshit


Yep. This is the issue history will judge Trump by. Not the wall, not the economy. Trump presides over a country where, in 2016 through today with Mueller, there was a literal coup attempt against a sitting President by members of the opposing Party. It makes Watergate look like nothing - it WAS nothing - in comparison. And he has been completely nutless on it.

Some small part of my mind still wants to "trust the plan" but at this point it's obvious that Trump isn't going to do shit about it, thus ensuring that we as a People will never be able to elect a Donald Trump, or anyone else for that matter, ever again. This was a criminal conspiracy to subvert an election, and later a Presidency, at the highest levels of the DoJ/FBI and involving the most powerful political figures in the country...and all he does is tweet about it.

The entire lot of them, every single person who participated in this from top to bottom, should be put against a wall and shot to death. Not punishing treason makes treason inevitable. We have a very, very serious problem on our hands here, as long as these men and women walk free.

why do you think it's worth discussing?

Wrong. It is within Obama's power as President to direct his subordinate officers (the FBI and DOJ and Presidency are all Executive Branch.)

The problem for Obama is that this looks an *awful lot* like a seditious conspiracy to overthrow the elected government of the United States...primarily because, well, it IS a seditious conspiracy to overthrow the elected government of the United States. Obama CAN tell his DoJ not to prosecute specific cases (even if that is very, extremely, highly unusual,) however, he can NOT direct them to do so in order to cover up a criminal conspiracy; that would open him up to legal liability. Which is funny because that's exactly what Mueller is trying to pin on Trump with firing Comey.

I guaran-fucking-tee you this is just the tip of the iceberg. Obama, using a fake name, was emailing back and forth with Hillary Clinton on her private email server.

I wonder what would cause President Obama to go to such immense lengths to ensure NOBODY but Hillary won the Presidency?

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>A charge like that wouldnt of amounted to more than a slap on the wrist.

Violations of the Espionage Act, when not done by Hillary Clinton, are very serious crimes prosecuted extremely harshly. I believe the Rosenbergs were executed under an Espionage Act violation conviction.

I could believe this, but I dont know who else would be close enough to his family yet also connected enough to subvert in this manner. Whether that means threats or promises of future wealth or positions of power I'm not sure. But if not Kushner then who?

come on goys he dindunuffin

This is true. Regardless of were you fall on the political spectrum, or whether you believe in party politics at all; allowing treason to go unpunished is dangerous precedent. Similar to Epstien and his pervy ilk being too important to prosecute, it threatens law and order and the fabric of democracy. I'll be interested to see what happens if the epstien docs get released on march 19th like the judge ordered them to.


Bill and Loretta Lynch met on the tarmac in June. The meeting was about the investigation. They need to be arrested immediately, but they won’t because Trump is a faggot

>austrailian education

Remember right after the election whem.obama Set Up a command center from DC for the "coup"? It never happened and was exposed but theres.no doubt they were planning it

>I think it's much more likely that Trump was subverted (threatened into submission) after he won in 2016. Shill faggotry aside, the way he handled the neolibs and neocons in regards to Syria in 2016 and 17 was quite masterful.

A more mundane explanation exists.

Trump is concerned with his legacy and re-election and is (correctly) afraid of revolt within his own political Party, who are a bunch of old faggots and pussies, should he decide to go 100% fucking scorched earth on these people.

The shutdown ended (most likely) for this exact reason, the Republicans were threatening to mutiny if he didn't play ball. I would also imagine that, at the very least, Trump's handling of the entire "hey the Obama Administration through the FBI/DOJ tried to overthrow the government, you gonna do something about that bud" was very heavily influenced by similar disloyalty.

In other words his hands are tied regardless of if he is being "threatened," because all it actually takes to stop him from doing what he wants is to get just one or two Republican faggot senators to threaten to stab him in the back, as they did nonstop in the campaign and ever since then frankly. He probably though it wasn't personal, it was just political, and so waited to shut the government down (go scorched earth on his opposition) until Republicans were no longer in control of the House - not realizing that the problem actually WAS personal; the Republicans are just as upset with him as the Democrats for upsetting the apple cart.

The "subversion" happened in 2016, and has been ongoing since then. Mueller.

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too many bills to pay, sports to follow, celebrities to obsess over, and twinkies in grocery stores.

until the above changes, amerifats will do nothing no matter how bad it gets

Epstien/Clinton Justice BUMP


How long must it be until their freedom is evidence of Trump's actual corruption? How can we complain about the failure to prosecute under Obama but not Trump?

>his account name

>[email protected]


Because talking about the Clintons is redundant.
Only boomers think that they will get arrested one day.

a man had to bail her out

Especially given the fact that most if.not all of Congress is subverted themselves. Debts owed to lobbyists, threats of blackmail, loyalty to other nations via du citizenship, you name it. The problem terminal, systemic, and runs deep unfortunately

Well they wouldn't want to go down the rabbit hole like they currently are with the Mueller probe. If you look through everyone's shit in-depth you can find any number of crimes or controversial material. Most of the people indicted in Mueller's probe are being charged with shit separate from Trump's "collusion scandal". "Muh Russians" is the same shit as "butter emails", just for leftists and they managed to successfully launch a criminal investigation because of all the affirmative action hires and Obama appointments.



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You getting sleepy too user? A nice little nap would be nice about now, wouldn't it be nice?
You stupid glowy nigger.

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>Obama, using a fake name, was emailing back and forth with Hillary Clinton on her private email server.

Too right, user:

>The FBI said in its notes from an Abedin interview that the address on a Clinton email chain “is believed to be a pseudonym used by the President."

>Abedin said she didn’t recognize the name and “expressed her amazement” that Obama used a pseudonym.

>The FBI said she exclaimed: “How is this not classified?”


The coup had been set into motion long before Obama left the Oval Office. He penned several EOs late in his administration that allowed the FBI and CIA to share the Dossier far and wide throughout the government, which is how a dumb cunt like Sally Yates got the bright idea that she could defy a lawful Presidential Order from Trump. They were trying to turn the entire Executive Branch against Trump.

McCabe and Rosenstein were already working diligently to depose Trump; remember, according to BOTH Rosenstein AND McCabe, these two high ranking government officials were seriously discussing in their official capacity as Agents of the US Government getting Trump's own cabinet to turn against him and vote him incompetent to serve under the 25th Amendment which by the way doesn't even come close to applying in this situation.

My guess is that Obama set up his "Command Center" not to set up the coup (that was already in motion,) rather, to rule over this country once Trump was deposed with his handler Valerie Jarrett.

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Millions of Americans would have waged war on our internal enemies had he led the charge. He squandered that. He’s a faggot

The mueler report is going to prove to be mostly nothing - the worst case being 'rumored' is that his kids might be in trouble for some finances. Even if there is something to that, compared to being a russian spy this is nothing and the dems are in serious shit. So much shit that some of them may be willing to turn on their masters after feeling betrayed. Things could get interesting, fast.

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>Most of the people indicted in Mueller's probe are being charged with shit separate from Trump's "collusion scandal".

Not most of them, all of them, because there IS NO COLLUSION SCANDAL.

>and they managed to successfully launch a criminal investigation because of all the affirmative action hires and Obama appointments.
What you are describing is a criminal conspiracy to depose a sitting President of the United States. This is an open ended investigation against a sitting President because, essentially, they don't like him.

Ever hear of Peter Strzok? The FBI agent who said he was personally going to "stop" Trump from being elected - the one who was the lead agent in charge of spying on Trump when they accused him of being a Russian spy?

Peter Strzok said there was "no big there there" with regards to Russia. In MAY OF 2017. Before Robert Mueller.

In other words these people knew from the very beginning that they'd never find anything in regards to Trump/Russia because THERE WAS NOTHING TO FIND. And yet they still have Mueller going around desperately searching for something to charge the President with.

That's not something to be fucking dismissive about dude.

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I think you're correct user. The command center would've probably served as a alternate white House, the black house if you will.

They have a recording of that conversation but won't release it.


This is true. If only he knee he had that sort of support. Unfortunately now he has been subverted and the quiet majority once again is at slumber.

I literally can't argue with those digits, nor would I want to at this point.

There's still time in Trump's Presidency, and I'm going to double down on risking sounding like a fucking idiot and say that I still think it's a possibility that something will break loose (after Mueller's report, to head off accusations of interference with an ongoing investigation.) I mean Trump himself tweets every other day almost about how this is TREASON. The President even uses that word, TREASON.

I take that as a signal - against my pessimistic urges and better judgment.

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Here. If we could stop saying “nigger” for five fucking seconds we might be able to do something.

More optimistic than me user, much more

I believe in you and Trump. I just remember how he threatened to declassify the FISA warrant information and how everyone went bananas but you don't hear anything more about it, I think Trump is playing some sort of art of war with these people especially with the envelope at the Bush funeral

This thread is being slid by yang shit as we speak. Fuck you

Ya he tweets a lot.... like a whiny bitch

>Trump is concerned with his legacy and re-election and is (correctly) afraid of revolt within his own political Party, who are a bunch of old faggots and pussies, should he decide to go 100% fucking scorched earth on these people.

Trump was elected TO do that. Frankly, that's the only way he could have sealed his legacy permanently. No one will remember Prison Reform.

Imagine my surprise.

IMO Mueller is going to go after Kushner and Don Jr. for the Veselnitskaya meeting in Trump Tower. Mueller's people have been combing through Roger Stone's trash for years now, it's obvious Stone and Manafort are the central figures in the case thus far.

Both of those indictments relate to the Veselnitskaya meeting. Manafort was in the room with Don Jr. and Kushner, and Mueller's team is going to go full schizo and try to make the argument that Stone was the Campaign's connection to Wikileaks, who was connected to Russia, therefore Trump = Russia (remember, he's there to give the Democrats what they need to impeach Trump.)

This entire house of cards depends on keeping the Russian collusion narrative alive. It all comes crashing down if there's "no big there there," as Peter Strzok said about the case 2 years ago after spying on Trump's Campaign for quite some time.

The stakes couldn't be higher here for Mueller et. al. If they fuck up it means that the FBI spied on a Presidential campaign just because.

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Wonder why he went mum about this? Why did everyone freak out? Maybe the same reason that everyone freaked out over based Somali Muslim woman pointing out that a foreign nation had too much say in American politics. Everyone on both sides who cant agree on anything yet in these two cases they unanimously agree fervently. Hmmmm

This. Where the fuck is kek, that should have had scary digits.

Shut up nigger

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where is the video?

Thanks. I believe in you too man.

Nice try, rabbi

laughing while crying about "muh democracy" you liberals are out of your mind, buy hey easier appeal for us to the American voters.

is this legal?

lynch lynch

For "them" it's all legal.

You are not here you are somewhere else

my pillow is so cushy, mebe if I just close my eyes for a secon...

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