Patrick Little

How are people excited over the prospect of cutting aid to Israel, only to instead spend this tax money on reparations to niggers?

That’s his whole campaign platform. And, yes, every single cent of the tax money we spend to Israel will instead go to reparations. There won’t be a single cent that’s spend on anything else.

It’s supposed to be a one time reparation payment worth 10 years of our aid to Israel. ($38 billion) However, something tells me that niggers will demand more money after they blow the $38 billion, and we’ll be forced to give in unless we want nationwide riots that’ll make the Rodney King riots seem peaceful in comparison.

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Other urls found in this thread:


united against jewish supremacy

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>How are people excited over the prospect of cutting aid to Israel,
Super excited. But if you hadn't noticed Trump-shills and lefty-shills are both propping up Yang right now so their establishment candidate Trump will get an easy next election.

Feel free to attempt to push Patrick Little up and past the spam, but the shills use bots so it's not easy.

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Honestly, I think both the Yang and Little supporters are anti-white shills who pose as WN. And, yes, that includes you. Especially since you’re posting with a memeflag. (Always a suspicious sign.)

Reddit encourages anti-white people to post on Jow Forums and try to destroy the board. The more obvious Redditors promote Yang. The sneaky and less obvious Redditors promote Little.

what candidate do you support? inb4 miga

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Trump. I’m not saying he’s perfect, but he beats the hell out of a guy who wants to give niggers reparations.

>posts with a war flag
fuck off ami boomer, tumor of humanity

Attached: USA War Flag.png (1790x2073, 1.6M)

Are you one of the Muslims that the quintron prime minister allowed into Sweden? Little hates Jews but is perfectly tolerant of Muslims. (And all other non-whites for that matter.) In fact, Little might like Muslim immigration since he figures they’ll increase anti-Judaism in America. Little strikes me as the kind of candidate a Muslim would like.

trumptards have no right to complain about anything. youre just as fucking dumb as obama voters

im whiter than you you smelly kike

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No you aren't, dune coon larping as a WN.

Arabs like yourself are pretty closely related to kikes. Despite how much you fight with each other.

Only anti-white pieces of shit like yourself think the US flag is a war flag. You basically gave away that you're an anti-white liberal who thinks the US flag is a war flag that's been used to harm non-white people like the Vietnamese, Koreans and Native Americans.

because the niggers will either waste it all on newports and dumb shit like fucking rims or they will better themselves out of crime if only for a few generations. either way it will enable the rest of society to tell them to shut the fuck up about it and get to fucking work

No, it won't. Reparations today will just cause niggers to demand even more from whitey tomorrow. And they'll hold violent nationwide riots that'll kill thousands of people and cause trillions in property damage if we don't give them reparations a second or third or fourth or fifth time.

it wont matter when the jews are gone and we dont have to fucking coddle them like the retarded children brained retards that they are.
>hold violent nationwide riots
again once the jews are gone we'll just fucking shoot back

im 100% scandinavian

youre 52% white

Once the Jews are gone, white people will still be too weak to fight back against rioting niggers.

Partly because we'll be scared of getting killed ourselves. But also in part because there will still be plenty of Gentile whites in the media who will criticize whites if we fight back. Plus the international community, including the United Nations, would give white Americans hell for fighting back.

It shouldn't be possible, but you've managed to chose an ideology even more retarded than lefttardism - you're a patriotard. Your allegiance is not to your countrymen, but to their enslavers.

Attached: america has been at war for 222 out of 239 years since 1776.jpg (960x960, 217K)

In the extreme off-chance that you're actually a WN, it's pretty weird to be using a swastika and accusing anybody else of using a war flag.

Germany built up its army as soon as the Nazis took over, and just 5 years later they invaded Czechoslavakia. The swastika is the ultimate war flag.

wow okay guess ill just vote for jew puppet #2 instead of jew puppet #3

The niggers are the golem. The jews can't really "control" the golem, but they can direct it with gibs. It's an interesting idea to try to turn the golem against it's creator, but of course no one can actually control it, and eventually, it must be destroyed.

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Now that I read your picture, I see that it's from a German book. Probably a Nazi propoganda manual from the 1930s or 1940s.

Now I think you might not be an anti-white Redditor after all. Maybe you're some German who's all pissed off at us for beating you in WWII. Guess what? You didn't have to invade most of Europe and kill a bunch of white people. And, actually, Germany declared war on the US before the US returned the favor. You declared war on us because you felt you had to stand with your gook allies in Japan.

Hitler, the guy who killed millions of whites, allied with Japan and used an Indian symbol for his flag. Some German clowns like yourself think he was a great white nationalist.

War is business

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This is such a weak argument I’m inclined to believe you are being disingenuous. The policy is just a symbolic move retard, the point is electing a candidate that openly discusses the JQ, that way the media and normies are forced to grapple with the JQ. As it stands, (((they))) get away with what they do because a critical examination of the JQ is never allowed, they have pushed it to the fringe where they don’t have to answer the difficult questions. If little was in the White House making press releases about the crimes of the Jew, it would be a delightful shitstorm from the Jew media.

>Germany built up its army as soon as the Nazis took over, and just 5 years later they invaded Czechoslavakia. The swastika is the ultimate war flag.

just stop posting boomer, you need to lurk more instead of contaminating the board with this war-time-propaganda.

Attached: wonder why Hitler put all those jews in camps.jpg (2000x1709, 1.57M)

Spending $38 billion right off the bat (and more than that once niggers start rioting for more reparations) is a symbolic move in your opinion?

Sounds like a pretty expensive and non-symbolic move to me.

Whatever, Mr. Hindu flag.