Serious question how many of you would just become NEET and do nothing all day if you had UBI?

Serious question how many of you would just become NEET and do nothing all day if you had UBI?

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I'd spend it on hookers

I wouldn't. It doesn't seem like something long lasting enough

What the fuck can you do with a grand? That doesn't cover my truck payment and rent.

I would probably just take care of my elderly parents full time and then kill myself when they die

OP, you should define “doing nothing” do you mean not wage slaving to make another person rich and perpetuating the race to the bottom system? I’ll take my fucking $1000 if it means I don’t have to cuck at McJob and Walmart because even working there I still need to subsidize my income with government money for a living wage.

A better question is what you can do with an EXTRA 1k a month

>become NEET

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In my current situation I already live off of less than that. My life wouldn't change much, I definitely would not get a 9-5 job if I didn't need one. I might work on projects to try and make more money but most of the time I'd be to lazy to bother.

>already own house, car, and mow the lawn every Saturday

Extra 1k is going towards the tractor and the camaro bub

i'd become an insurgent just to put a stop to it
you aint getting no welfare handouts when there aint no fucking power grid, you niggers

>yang gives everyone $1000
>landlords raise rent by $1000
>next president will abolish the real estate private property system

It’s over the marxists won

>What the fuck can you do with a grand? That doesn't cover my truck payment and rent.

1k a month can get you a LOT of fortnite skins

No because I wouldent be able to survive on 1000 dollars a month and I dont plan on living like a impoverished spic monkey

Rent has been going up at an insane rate as wages and net worth have dropped off a cliff.

If anything, that 1k a month is the difference between a mortgage and rent.

Lel fucking bootlicker. I get $300 a month in food stamps. It’s a badge of honor to know I don’t have to wage slave more than 40 hours for a corporation to feed myself and not starve to death. You have a fucked up world view, kiddo.

>living in a country with no pwoer grid

If that 1,000 could actually sustain me every month I would quit my electrician job and just do what I want to do all day which is grow plants and make delicious things like hot sauce
Maybe I'd start doing it more in bulk and sell it at a local grocery store

>Serious question how many of you would just become NEET and do nothing all day if you had UBI?

That is the question

Yang supporters are all homeless people who want government money just so they do not have to wake up every day early, go to work and make their own money themselves.

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So much you can do. Like watch the overall benefit of it deteriorate after calculating out how much your taxes increased coupled with inflation.

>BAWWWW I can’t live on $1000 a month so nobody else should

Boy you can tell the most devout MIGAs are fucking pampered babies I thought living on welfare was so easy that the blacks and Mexicans can do it?

Only intelligent and resourceful people can figure out how to live on $1000/mo.

Hedonists, degenerates, and low IQ people will be forced into the labor market to pay for their vices.

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You'll be the first to die in the collapse. Congrats, loser.

I don't know how anyone could live on 12k a year. I made 80k and decent at budgeting. I wouldn't call my life lavish. The 12k neet would be on the streets in my town.

just because mexicans who live off welfare live like roaches dosnt mean I want to bitch

You move in with a bunch of other neets and put your money together.

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Can you imagine the smell of a 4 NEET household? Christ.

truNEET lifestyle
cheapest 1 bedroom apartment in cheapest place you can find
no expensive hobbies
no gf
fits the profile of quite a lot of Jow Forums users

You would be an absolute moron to quit your job and live off $1000 a month. UBI is not a living wage, but it can help a shitload for people who live paycheck to paycheck. You get the best out of UBI if you're working.

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I live on like 9k, but I have some help from parents. It really helps not having a gf and hating public places. I have to have roommates. I am a good driver and never get sick so insurance is cheap. Honestly I'm very comfortable which isn't good because I need to get off my ass and go to work, but I'm lazy obviously.

You faggots are happy giving your hard earned money away to warhawks and Israel yet when someone comes along and says you have a right to a piece of the pie you shit all over yourselves. It's pathetic.

USA minimum wage = $7.25/ hour

$1000 / $7.25 = 41.38 hours

Hmm get $1000 for free or work the quivalent of a part time McJob with no set hours or stable income for a month and at the risk of getting fired at any moment for any reason

How retarded do the central banks and corporate owners think we are?


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Where I live the "income restricted" houses are still 750 a month. That doesnt leave you with much. I see its possible but fuck that.

Those income restricted houses are going to triple the minimum requirements when everyone gets a free 1k/mo

I live in San Francisco with my rich boomer parents but I know groups of tech workers making 250k who share single bedroom apartments. America was never a land of opportunity, it’s a land of inherited wealth

>buying things on finance
>being a truck driver, a shit low IQ job that is about to be replaced by robots
y r u like this

All Yang shills. Die a slow and agonizing death. Kek wills it.

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>$38 billion for Israel
>$1 billion for wall
>doesn’t want $1000/mo for himself

Holy fuck are MIGAtards born this way or do churches indoctrinate you to die for the rich?

I would if I could make the $1000 sustainable.

>wake up every day early
This is the worst part.

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>so they do not have to wake up every day early, go to work and make their own money themselves.

Lel this is a bad thing? enlighten us, what work do you do that is so fulfilling and worth slaving for? you do know the government already has to subsidize incomes with welfare so people can afford to buy food?

I hope you realize that when robots take all our jobs, not having one will be the default state. That's why UBI is an inevitable necessity in the first place.

Not saying it will happen immediately in the next 10 years but the idea that idea work is just something you're "supposed" to do can't be sustained for the rest of the universes life.

you can be productive without having a job

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I'd start a business desu. The biggest impediment I have now is steady cash flow.

is that a threat. why is it when poor being get more money they have less money? Dont individuals being worth millions cause inflation?

How, exactly?

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Volunteering, conservatin efforts, helping elderly family, childcare, etc.
Stop linking worth to society in dollar amounts.

I probably would

MIGApedes shill far more

>bong doesn't understand that owning a truck doesn't make you a Truck Driver(tm)

>bread and circus
>food stamps and sports/hollywood

see You can write, exercise, build, make things, read, *produce* useful things for your community, ensure your survival through the old ways instead of getting money to buy plastic shite from the shop, garden, improve yourself
What does an office worker or a banker 'produce' other than money? Invisible money at that, that's not being productive thats substituting productiveness for fake labor to survive. You can develop yourself and others through labor without being lazy or being employed in equal measure.

jobs =/= labor in fact in todays hell world its often the exact opposite. Not excusing NEETs who actually act the stereotype though

>become NEET

I would put together a house full of ravers and hold raves every day.

I would. Man is an animal like all the others, we just want more shit. With UBI I could get some shit and spend my days relaxing and doing whatever like a dog or some shit does.

Low productivity causes inflation. Since everything will be a robot, pretty quickly in fact, the productivity will go off the chart, and we will have a deflationary economy, and your $1000 will go farther and buy more as time goes on.

oh boy

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I would keep working. Lots of people not working means labor shortage, and that means higher wages. It also means really high inflation due to higher wages to the people who still work. Wealth inequality would likely increase with UBI.

Most of the US economy is services already so we’re literally slaves for the rich. Manufacturing goods and trades are nonexistent you have to be stupid not to want $1000.

die a quick death you boomer fuck

>become NEET

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wage slaves are so funny
working tireless all day to provide for us

I'd dump it into my work.

That math is wrong. 1000 bucks is 137 hours of work

im already neet. lets get that money.

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I’d save it in the bank for 3 years and then put a down payment on a house.

Would invest it all

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If we institute UBI we need to have way more robust money classes in high school. Like setting kids up with portfolios and shit.

>hurrrrrrr muh neetbux!
gas yourselves you fucking losers

I would unironically open my own business online.


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it will take 2k in UBI and zero inflation for me to go full NEET

I already am and the home I live in is already paid off. UBI would be a net positive.

I eat out everynight!

Fuck cooking and doing the dishes.

fuck lundry too.. I just buy new clothes everyday.

I would spend it to treat my autism. I think I see things sometimes. There are many good people, that work in autism treatment. A lot of people seem to follow advancements in autism treatment. And we are really grateful.

It’d be great until the market equals out and all costs and amenities are twice as much nullifying the 1000$ received monthly and you’re more poor than before. You can’t multiply by zero. You can’t create value from nothing. You need to do something that creates value if you want something valueable in return.

Couldn't live off $1k/mo, but would definitely eat much better.

You're a slave to the government though. If they stopped giving you your gibs you would be marching in the street.

Many people really will quit their jobs. I probably would quit unless prices at stores increased. This will force companies to raise wages so people will work. If everyone is getting paid a whole lot more money to work, your monthly thousand dollars is not really all that much when I am making 5k a month at my minimum wage job.