Why are the shills working overtime? What are they trying to distract from?
Why are the shills working overtime? What are they trying to distract from?
nibiru is coming but for real this time
fuck off back to facebook boomer
>8gag filename
back to 8ch, nigger
Gotta make sure all the neetbux are for jews and israel, not filthy goyim.
Hey quiet about that
They're obviously falling asleep since it's been over 4 minutes without a yangshill posting that autistic Trump edit.
Just remember mlpol.net is the bunker.
No Shilling, Vote Trump in 2020 and lets MIGA.
Brah. This board is like 50% shills.
>that autistic Trump edit.
This one?
suck my dick, op
Yeah, that one. ShillGangs always post it, they don't even try to hide the fact they're clearly paid and not actually part of Jow Forums. They just create noise.
They're discord trannies trying to detract from Trump's accomplishments so they can shill for a Communist cuck.
They're also trying to push an anti-Israel narrative cause they're Muslim-loving commies, same people who were shilling for Ilhan a while ago.
Trump is a kike.
You are a shill.
Game over faggot.
I just post them because of the garantueed (you)s
Lol you're still shilling for him
potato blumpf is a draw, ya simp. we're pushing him for wrestlemania.
He's so cute omg
there's nothing going on in the news for like a month straight now, so it's just good timing.
I think so too. It's endearing like an ugly dog.
>why has Jow Forums stopped supporting Zion Don?
I don't know plebbit, why do you think?
>calling anyone reddit
step up your game, shill
>still sucking that trump cock
hard to say, the dimm media has been down playing the mueller thing like crazy, the wall is being built. legal immigration is lower than obama levels. also like one user said brexit.
i'm guessing the left wingers are gearing up for the election by destroying pol so they can spread their false messages
started as a joke meme but now its real as fuck
>step up your game, shill
>shills for trump
>calls everyone else a shill
bold strategy, let's see if it holds up in the fourth quarter.
There we go, now you're being more subtle. Lastly, try and chance the filenames to literally anything besides random numbers, then you'll get your 1 month license for shilling in Jow Forums. I'd better not catch you shitposting this poorly again or you'll face jailtime such as For a permanent permit, you'll also need to actually put thought into your post and not just repeat the same catchphrase with the same pictures.
>can't defend endless shitskin migration
>can't defend endless support for ZOG
>can't defend the record trade deficit
>can't defend expanding H1b2s
>can't defend trying to expand H1b1s
>just accuse everyone of being a shill
Sure thing plebbit, show all us shills how a real Jow Forumsack does it.
>implying I'm defending Trump
See, young padawans? This is what you should avoid: posting a string of text, pretty much a pasta at this point, while trying to put those you want to shill against in obvious spots, such as pleddit, trumptard, etc.
I'll give you a 6/10 for the effort (.1% over the usual 0%) and bait, now scram.
>What are they trying to distract from?
their meaningless lives
No responde? You fags give up easily.
If they were smart they would push the tactic of supporting Yang and Trump simultaneously. Since Trump is guaranteed to be the rep nominee it would be fairly easy to push that narrative. When your first action is to attack the guy who inadvertently red-pilled more people than those who dedicated their entire lives to red-pilling people, you're not going to get much traction on Jow Forums.
They aren't sending their best and brightest.
What has Trump done for whites that warrants me to vote for him again?
Planes, Korea, congressman bribing, pick your target.
>They're also trying to push an anti-Israel narrative cause they're Muslim-loving commies, same people who were shilling for Ilhan a while ago.
I disagree. They're validly pointing out that the democrats have explicitly anti-Israel candidates, and Jow Forums wants anti-Israel politicians. It's a clever tactic. The problem is that it forces a choice between the pro-White candidate or the anti-Jew candidate.
Your meme flag suggests that you're trying to false-flag as a "cringe boomer Trump supporter" in order to shill.
>built the wall
>helped the middle-class by cutting taxes and getting rid of the individual mandate
>suspended Muslim immigration
>red-pilled millions of people
If he gets reelected then it would do a great deal to legitimize the anti-liberal cause. If he doesn't get reelected then no one will ever trust an anti-left outsider again because the media will smear him as a moonbat, like they did with McCarthy.
>t Muslim taxi driver
yea sure, we're all shills