Be me

>Be me
>Live in Michigan during a polar vortex
>Become depressed from shit weather
>It finally started to get warm
>Start to get whitepilled and hopeful again
>See this headline
>Contemplate suicide

What do, Jow Forums?

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Wanna have a beer with me on Saturday? I hate drinking at the pub alone and I have no friends.

>impromptu MI thread

Sorry, I'm only 20.


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Same. Where do you drink?

I'm in the okay part of 313.

423. We have a group of like minded individuals here that informs on immigrants and leftists. Our base is A2.
We've gotten a few deported and at least 4 detained and alerted to the FBI or ICE. Aboutvabdozwn Antifa types made known to police and one arrest on outstanding warrants.
Hmu at Revel Roll and use take a walk comms. We'll see you.

Srry 734.

There's an Michigan Antifa branch?