Enjoy Freedom of Speech while you can

In next few months congress will pass series of laws that'll criminalize anyone speaking against Israel. So /pol enjoy while you can.

MIGA 2020 and Vote Trump

Attached: LOL_Freedom_of_Speach.jpg (550x522, 54K)

It will be on that day they are reminded of who they are supposed to serve, and an example will be made of them.
All who say otherwise will be grouped with them.
God bless America.

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yes God Bless America goyim, as long as you don't criticize Israel and you send us the check. You gonna need to increase the amount though, $38 Billion isn't really cutting it in these hard times.

they are violating free speech i like to make fun of jews, i like to make fun of every race and all of the two genders

You must understand that there will be a removal of those who have interests of their own country over the USA.
Removal that can and will likely include execution.
I would suggest finding one's self a benefit to this country if one should want to control it.
Failing that, you bring your punishment upon yourself with selfish actions.

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Yes Yes Vote Trump MIGA 2020

> posting latuff on pol.

>It will be on that day they are reminded of who they are supposed to serve, and an example will be made of them.
>All who say otherwise will be grouped with them.
>God bless America.

I really hope they pass this shit. My Tree needs a watering and I need a little help getting that water to my tree.

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Stop hating your greatest ally. Backstabbing gringo. Gibs billete to oppressed sole democracy of the ME.

Cool something fun to bring to the supreme court

Maybe they will be able to change the constitution?

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