This is bigger than we think. This is the first of the sealed indictments being unsealed.

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Who gives a shit. This is a circus show for boomers watching CNN.

People are being arrested. This isn't a show you idiot.

My sweet angel Aunt Becky did nothing wrong


Here's the full list of people charged in the college-admissions cheating scandal

Gordon Caplan is one of the people they got today. He's a cochairman of the international law firm Willkie Farr & Gallagher. This law firm won dismissal of several IPO derivative cases against Facebook.

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Imagining Felicity Huffman going out in a blaze of glory

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this is just to distract from the
"where is Thomas Giradi?" talk in LA since the helicopter "drills" and raid on his buildings in DTLA

Why the fuck is the FBI pulling guns on civilian women?

Fuck you I thought Aunt Becky was the one with the guns drawn

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You mean this irrelevant millionaire bitch.

nice digits, still a faggot tho

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uncle jessie you have to bail out aunt becky again!!!

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Some Irish woman the FBI niggers had to draw guns on. So sad.

Meanwhile the rich make actual donations to college endowments and get their kids in. And that's perfectly legal.

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>when your kids are so stupid from watching you on tv that you have to bribe them into college
holy fuck that’s priceless
I can’t wait to see how far this spreads

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the f.b.i had their phones tapped and a cooperating witness setting them all up it looks like.

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Well, Loughlin wasn't home when the FBI showed up to arrest her she was out of the country but shes returning on Wednesday to surrender.

Huffman was home and had guns drawn on her and was arrested

Except that isnt what happened in this case

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Could this be huge, or is it nothing?

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Its huge.

Ahahahahahaha. Whites getting treated like niggers.

>Igor's place

is the a fucking RUSSIAN COLLUDER?!

Were they donors or was that really just a bribe too?

>libshit hollywood arrested at gunpoint
Purges start now?

Oldfag here
What does hollywood have to do with college admissions
And what does college admissions have to do with the FBI
and what does the FBI have to do with Clintons?

She was but she wasnt home. So she has agreed to turn herself in when she returns to the US.

She was supposed to be arrested guns drawn as well.

The Olsen Twins!


Unless in the following days this followed up by more arrests of bigger names, its nothing.

talk about pedowood child molested

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Igor Dvorskiy: the director of a private school in Los Angeles (West Hollywood College Preparatory School) who administered College Board and ACT tests.

They went to the performing arts college owned by Huffman and Macy along with a bunch of other famous libfag kikes.


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Wait, what the fuck happened?


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44+ lawyers, hollywood celebs/actresses, and CEOs were indicted

They go after actors for cheating on SAT exams but do nothing about them raping kids.

I hate my country.

Has anyone blamed this on trump yet?

I want to see the elite colleges get fucked over (and I say that as someone going to one), but I don't know man they have a lot of money and lawyers and shit.

For every celebrity's low iq thot-daughter who just wanted to get fucked by frat boys until they flunk out in a year, there's another hardworking student who got rejected.

hollywood niggers paying massive money for things like SAT fraud (people taking the tests for their kids and paying off proctors) etc.

there is no money trail for raping kids

Lmao. This.

FBI niggers are useless.

Aunt Becky is raping kids? nice.

Explains why going to an ivy league school almost guarantees that the person is a moron

>flunk out in a year
why wouldn’t they buy some grades too, user?

So when is clinton donor donald trump getting arrested?

>Igor’s place

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It could be to show that she received the same treatment Roger stone only received when he was arrested

This my parents are losing their shit like this is some sort of huge revelation or major news I'm like pops rich people paying for the kids to go to good schools I'm sure this has happened for decades and I'm sure it will continue to happen as long as rich people exist who really cares? I mean really this doesn't effect normies in any way it's not like any of our faggy asses are Harvard bound to begin with

>beleiving the 9th circuit
So they are all innocent then, and its typical 9th harshing

getting in is the hard part the grade inflation at Ivy league schools is ridiculous and those kids probably major in women's studies or sociology

damn your eyes!

Hey guns are on their own

what exactly did they do that was illegal?

Ironic how these are all white liberals..make the same people who have made it systematically difficult for white people to get into colleges. Now they can enjoy their prized shit skins going to Ivy League schools with a 2.5 gbe while their white offspring gets community college with a 3.5 gpa.

Yeah, can confirm. They didn't answer nor close the case, they just disappeared. They are disgusting freaks.

I better announce I'm pregnant so I won't be curb stomped face down when my acts of fraud 2003-now join theirs at FBI gunpoint
>After 16 years, endless PR stunts, "pregnant"
>Same morning indictment arrests begin

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>50 arrests
>33 of which are parents paying for their kids to get into school
>no universities charged

Yeah cause sophisticated networks like this can operate on a dozen and a half people over a dozen States.

I know bullshit when I see it. At least it's interesting to know what level of celebrity it takes to be thrown to the wolves.

its literally nothing though they just cheated on some bullshit


>lady gaga
thats a man.

paid bribes to fake their childrens athletic career using fake pictures and faked their childrens sat scores so they could cheat them into big named schools

>Why the fuck is the FBI pulling guns on civilian women?

Equal rights.

I'm guessing she's not a Jew then

(((Huffman))) is a Jew. Loughlin i'm not sure I think shes Czech

>You mean this irrelevant millionaire bitch.

When you say that with a meme flag on, it just makes it glow that much brighter. Felicity Huffman is a bit of a big deal, you say? Look deeper into her connections? Got it meme flag. You've been a great help.

Why shouldnt they?
You think that its improper to consider americans as armed?
THats insulting and insinuates that Americans are not all gun loving and practing the 2nd
its a metalsmith, assume jew

They're not useless; they are malicious. This isn't your country anymore. Its occupied by people who hate you and the cowards that carry out their agenda.

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Next time they should bring TOW missiles and a tank.

Good day for a good bump.

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She's Irish.

Correction, possibly not Czech, I think shes Irish

>This is the first of the sealed indictments being unsealed.
arresting mothers that were bribing colleges and rigging exams,
wow. you Qfags really set the bar high didn't ya? WHEW!

memory hole

Why are the customers of the bribery ring getting all the attention rather than the people who ran it? I mean it's pathetic and stupid but arrested at gun point instead of called in as a witness?

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Trips of Truth.

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The sealed indictment thing started before Q. You are the only one talking about Q

its yuuuuge.

I don't think they would dare point a gun at a Jew is all

I guess it wasn’t a Full House after all.

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> Aunt Becky gets arrested
> Whatever happened to predictability?
> My face when everywhere you look…

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Maybe the commies were onto something Jow Forums

Is this a big deal? This doesn’t seem like a big deal. Seems like a distraction. Why have they not arrested those responsible for Seth Rich? Why have the Clintons not been indicted?

you're not an old fag... you're just a fag or you'd know.

Guns drawn is fucking absurd. Same as with Roger Stone. A knock on the door would suffice. Fucking LEO power trips.


It could be a plea or something. Unless the NYPD leaks that laptop or frazzledrip plays on Tucker, I don't think you'll ever see pedowood hang. Countless people knowing they were idolized literal Monsters and demons, I don't think the general population could handle it. I don't even think Atlas could bear that weight

I want to see Uncle Jesse's wife go down in blaze of glory like The Devil's Rejects

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Anon5 predicted this. Haha jokes, that nigger is worst than qbert