Libertarians are just cucks for Amazon, Walmart, ExxonMobil, the insurance companies, the banks, real estate companies...

Libertarians are just cucks for Amazon, Walmart, ExxonMobil, the insurance companies, the banks, real estate companies. How can anyone claim to be for liberty and yet defend all the policies that allow wage slaves and price gouging to exist? To me libertarians seem like exactly like boomers, just now they smoke pot.

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fuck off or post ancap memes

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op speaks truth


Libertarianism without Tree of Liberty Style mass execution of (((Tyrants))) and tyrants wont work of course.

>reddit cuck

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OP is a homosexual

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>libertarians are cucks for bankers

Dude were you alive in 2010? Libertarians were at the *forefront* of fighting the FED and big bankers. Bitcoin was literally a response to the failure of the banks in creating the 2008 crisis. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

meanwhile OWS commies did nothing but shit in the streets and bang pots and pans, all while accomplishing nothing.

S̡̹͚̹̖͔͇̣̦̬̪̳̦̳̍̈̄͛̓ͦͦ̀h̶̟̬̙̱̫͉̞̪̦̤̟̞̦̆̉ͯͣ͊̽̉̋͗̊̈̚ư̵̵̘̹̘̖̝̰̗͚̞̜̬ͨ͆ͧ̆̉̎̒ͣ̔͊̄ͣ̃̃͞͝t̷̶̷̯͕͚̖͇̪̝̗̣̂̾̿̓͑͒ͮ͆͆ͭͣ͌̀͟ͅ ̸̡̢͇̣̮̰͔̹͈̫̿ͩ̒̈͊̋̀t̛͈͙͓̰̠̆̍̿̽̽̍ͦ̊̀͝h̵͈̗̘̼̩͈̙̯͙̤͙̒ͭ͂ͦͮ̿̍̿͌͌́́͠ͅę͖͍̭̖̳͍͇͕̠̟̐ͨ̀͆ͮͬ͂́ ̸̨̧̱̩̙͖̬̩͈̘̰͕͙̰̼͊̓ͨ̃̃̔ͪ̇͟͢ͅf̷̴̜̮̘̳̱͇̮͙͓̮̈̔̃͑͛̽̑ͯͣ̈́̀̈ͣ͗͛̉ụ̥͉̺͎̞̰͈̩͉ͯͦ̏̍̋̂ͤͦ̏̈́͞͝c̵͉̟̰̻̮͎͔̜͓̗̱̳̼̤̥ͩ̃̽ͭ̌̀k̡̢͙̥̤̻̝͈̃̾̄̃̉ͧͧͩͮͮͨ͆ͪ̄̿̑̀͟͞ ̢̧͎̹̪̖̪̮̟̹̫̻̺̳͖̘̳͇ͭͮ̄͗̆̓͊̿̍ͭ̔ͫ͟ͅư̸̱̤͕̯̫̣̠̘̟̱͊̃ͤ̆̆ͧ̑̑̇ͤ̀̈́̚͡p̸̧̝̫̱̺̭͓̠͍̹͙͖̗̙̠̥͕̠͑̊͐͆͊͗ͪ̈̓̿̊͟

>muh meme coins
literally useless garbage. You would of been better off creating a turbo powered dildo to shove in your ass faggot.


Bitcoin is a haven for money laundering, drug lords and extortion scams and has basically achieved nothing in a decade of its existence

true libertarianism wouldnt cuck out to globalists. Globalists have managed to equate libertarianism to unrestrained globalist capitalism though so now we have this crap to deal with.

Lolbertarianism is a jewish fiction gobble duo by stupid white People.


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Imagine being this upset over an ideology

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>t. nocoiners

I'll be on Jow Forums laughing at you when the next bullrun comes around.

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nice meme
you'll be there for the pink wojacks

No one says you have to buy their overpriced products. You can buy cheap shit if you can't afford expensive shit. Nog

>Libertarians are just cucks for Amazon, Walmart, ExxonMobil, the insurance companies, the banks, real estate companies

what the fuck did libertarians do again? buy fucking internet money and bitch online

Look at yourself. Burger can't compete.

And what non-Libertarian do? Bitching online. At least they got cheeky coins and not printed money...

Govt is forced or coerced. Corporations have to compete
All fields

These monopolies all exist under our capitilasm for the poor communism for the rich form of government.
Small companies could compete without being extorted, regulated and forced out of business by bought and sold legislation.
I think a nationalist libertarian ideology scares the yarmulke off of the (((parasites))) that have utilized corruption to employ their Bolshevik world order agendas

libertarianism doesnt work because it requires a individualism to be the dominant sentiment in society which is a cultural sentiment. this has only existed inside a narrow time span in a narrow culture in human history. therefore at least in the case of individualism, libertarianism can only exist within a narrow frame of existing culture. something that cannot be created artificially but can only be developed naturally.
so libertarian doesn't really work very well.

Dafuq is dis?

>libertarianism doesnt work because it requires a individualism to be the dominant sentiment in society which is a cultural sentiment
that isn't true - the only thing that's "required" is that you don't sanction goons to violently rob people or command others how to live

We don't care about wage slaves or price gouging. We know how to get better jobs and reasonably-priced goods because we're not retarded fucking niggers.

But you like taking it up the ass from Bezos

>I think a nationalist libertarian ideology scares
hardly anyone, because hardly anyone actually gives much thought at all to non-immediately-self-serving hypotheticals

I don't take it up the ass from Bezos. I don't pay taxes!

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>tfw I'm a libertarian except I believe the state as it currently exists is like a corporation where the citizens are shareholders therefore the entire country is private property except everybody in it has agreed by being citizens to use the property only in certain ways therefore there's no conflict and we can have any government we want and still be libertarians

Sure, I'll respond; I have nothing better to do right now.

>How can anyone claim to be for liberty and yet defend all the policies that allow wage slaves and price gouging to exist?

No libertarian supports slavery. Companies being allowed to choose their own prices is not a restriction of freedom, and disallowing companies to do so would be, so it should be obvious why libertarians would support companies being allowed to choose their own prices.

One batch is building a condo in Southern Chile because the previous batched fucked up a condo in Central Chile. Search for Galt’s Gulch and Fort Galt.

thats a culture. unless this sentiment is shared by everyone, unless it's in their culture to act this way. it wont work. and you cant dictate a culture, you cant make people think and act like this.either people are mutually respectful to each other or they aren't and if they become so it's something they choose to do so.
ultimatley people either are already this way or they choose to become this way. that means there is nothing you can do on an aggregate level to make it happen. meaning you can't make a country libertarian you have to let it happen on it's own. and in cases like africa, the middle east, asia and south america, basically anywhere where this has never been a tradition or part of the culture it can never exist.
in the case of the middle east seeing someone doing a haram action and not beating them is not going to be something that is going to change in many cases not even when they come here.
assuming you do have a libertarian country it could be undone by something as simple as immigration.

At some point in the early 80s, when the boomers were reaching their peak income years, they adapted their "do whatever feels good, damn the consequences" idealogy from drugs and sex to making boatloads of cash.

Between that and the 65 immigration act and desegregation, they pretty much torched the following generation's ability to make a descent wage.

I know the feel, Im going to work for a company just now where they where I wanted 10% more than they offered, in between talking about building a second home in Belize and needing to sell a few antique cars so they could throw a boat down there too.

If you had your way and the state was abolished he'd be the most powerful person in the world and you'd be happy to give him more power

He's a mortal. How can he possibly be the most powerful if he's still a mortal?

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>that's a culture
it's not a matter of culture that you don't steal your neighbor's property or tell him how he has to paint his home, yeah?

>aggregate level
talking about "people in the abstract" is a waste of time - you don't deal with abstract people, you deal with real people
almost all of your interactions between your friends, family, and associates are libertarian in that there's a mutual "respect" (in the basest sense) for the agency of the people interacting
the only exceptions to almost all of human action in this regard are state agents, who will use violence to aggress against others

Corporations can't be voted out, essentially libertarians want to destroy democracy

But corporations can die because people get tired of their shit. Governments can't just die off from better competition.
See: Blockbuster, Kmart, Sears.

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> well guess it’s just the free market. Nothing we can do..
Absolute free market support is political suicide for anyone who is not a leftist. Many of these companies are already using their massive platform to spread a neoliberal agenda . (eg. Open boarders, censorship)

it absolutely is a matter of culture. the way you deal with other people based on your own sense of morality, and the reactions taken towards behavior is most certainly culturally influenced. the tradition of stoning was cultural.
the viking raids were their culture and affected the way they treated their own people and other peoples. the harsh reaction of throwing a gay person off a building is a cultural event. it is not shared by all Muslim countries and exists in different degrees within different Muslim cultures.
and secondly if your talking about people in an aggregate level you most certainly need to take that into account. trying to reason with a mob would yeil dthe police most often on an individual level a cool and calm reasoning in an individuals head that throwing a brick at an officer is not a beneficial action.
however on the aggregate level a cool and calm reasonable argument often means their heads get kicked in. the mere fact that police take different strategies depending on whether it is an individual or aggregate interaction shows that they are not mutually exclusive on all levels. this is literally the fallacy of composition.

It's called voting, it happens every 4 years look it up

Zalgoposting is apparently back in style. What's next? Candleja...

>the banks
No. Centralized banking is the root of the problem. Centralized banks give all these industries unlimited money to borrow from and control the govt as well. It's what has caused every major economic recession. They finally bought enough of gov't that in 2008, were "bailed out".

So, take out banks in that post. When we finally kill the fed reserve, you'll see all of these companies' powers decline with its absence.

how you believe you ought to act toward the people you actually interact with is not culture - that's you
and your judgement

>well how I think is INFLUENCED by culture
is about as intellectually significant as saying you breathe air
OK: you breathe air
mind = blown

literally an empty thing to say - it has no implications for anything to say that people are influenced by the people around them
what we're talking about right now is whether or not LIBERTARIANISM - which instantiates in basic interpersonal interactions between most people in most of their activities - is an ideology which can be "popular" (you're maintaining not only that it isn't "popular", but that it CAN'T be), which is ridiculous - that's an indefensible position

First of all, these companies all provide excellent services. My life and the life of all consumers(everyone in the U.S. is a consumer, even the producers, as they must consume to survive) are better on the part of their existence.

Why wouldn't I love Amazon?
I'm a student, so I get free Amazon Prime.
I can get a load of shit in a timely manner.
Prices are acceptable.
They gave me two $50 in credit in December, and $70 recently.

ExxonMobil on the other hand, if they get subsidies, that should be ended.

But they shouldn't be fucking taxed to death.

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The banks have no risk of failure, the government will always bail them out rather than letting their stupidity be their downfall.


The 2008 recession was largely due to faulty loans being given to people with bad credit.

Leave it to the fucking Democrats like Andrew Cuomo to say that not giving to people with low credit was RACIST.

what is popular is not culture you fucking twat.
you cant only make that assumption if your an unread shit for brains average american who is so simple minded you confuse star wars and big macs as legitimate culture and not the emptyheaded twat trends that they are first off learn what culture actually means dipshit.
the aztecs culture was not tantamount to eating choclate. it was a culture of death. the way they view morality was their culture. the way the respected each other was their culture. and in now way did I ever state this because it isnt "popular" it never could be you illiterate mong. their culture if you actually knew what that entails is how they interact with each other dumbfuck. that means if their culture considers being able to push the envelope in provocation with personal space and others belonging such as the middle east it can never be libertarian.
funny how as soon you get asshurt about not knowing the fallacy of composition you have to now misrepresent what I wrote to prove a point instead of conceding that perhaps your just wrong. couldn't possibly be that I know what i'm talking about no I must be talking out my ass something that I have previously proven to not be the case. in any such event you will come in time perhaps to learn that libertarianism like communism will lead to nothing but spinning wheels because they are wrong. good luck with an ideology that has achieved even less than one that has an astounding ability to make food disappear.

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I don't care what you want to label culture - what's meant by culture literally breaks down to "people are influenced by the people around them"
and that's not an observation which is novel or has any special implications for anything - nobody pretends people aren't influenced by the people around them
not libertarians
not anyone

you're not making a point when you say that

All of those large corporations are integrated into the political machine. Its crony capitalism (which is just a greedy form of socialism) that destroys the ability of smaller companies to compete. They use regulatory capture and high cost of entry to prevent competition. Libertarians hate all those things

if in your words the only thing required for libertarianism is that there is a lack of sanctioned goons to violently rob people or command others how to live. then this is dependent on peoples morality which is to some degree dependent on how people are influencing each other. therefore the crux of libertarianism is on peoples ability to influence each other in a way congruent with this. it's existence is dependent on culture. if a culture is strong enough and antithetical to this sense of morality it cannot exist.
I fail to see how this is irrelevant.

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>if in your words the only thing required for libertarianism is that there is a lack of sanctioned goons to violently rob people or command others how to live
yep - I did type that

>then this is dependent on peoples morality
not really - it doesn't take a particular moral sense to not attack people
usually you have other reasons for not attacking people that aren't rooted in any kind of principled position against your doing so, such as your preference for pleasant interactions with others rather than dangerous/unpleasant relations

>therefore the crux of libertarianism is on peoples ability to influence each other in a way congruent with this
again - incentives barring any reference to morality typically keep regular people from being or sanctioning goons violently robbing/commanding people absent (a false) belief that those people exist for their good or overwhelming violent threat (which is not tolerated well in the 1st world)

Oh yeah, fuck him. The democrats have gone fucking insane with "disparity must mean RACISM" and fuck EVERYTHING up.

so explain to me how wahabi islam or something like the taliban in which the use of violence was not only allowed but sought after by people in the middle east if it was not because it coincided with their own morality.
explain how stoning gays to a muslim is not done for their own sense of morality, because homosexuality is viewed as immoral, the act of stoning is punishment is carried out by the community for what they define as morality. explain to me how the use of violence is not for moral reasons and not their ethical code. the use of violence is their sense of morality and beacue it is, attacking or not attacking peopl eis subject to their morality. the suicide bombing was not part of the sunni culture until the ethical argument was made by the ayatollah. then it became acceptable culturally and to some people became morally justified. this stretched to not just non muslims but to even other muslims. the use of violence and actively attacking people. was rooted in morality. the difference between attacking and not attacking someone was a moral question.
to attack someone is a moral question.
the differnece between a first world and a third world is not just technology or economic development but culture.
the difference between syria pre revolution and the state sanctioned goons of the taliban was their culture. what devides state sanctioned goons from being championed and cheered for by the public was the culture.
and what changed from a mind your own business and i'll mind mine america from todays shithole of leftist degeneracy was the change in culture. people still want the pleasant interaction as much as they always have if not more because they miss it. but what separates us from the good days is that the culture of minding your own business has changed.

Libertarian ideals wouldn't do shit to stop the banks and you know it asswipe

if you want to reference the Taliban of Afghanistan, they're just like any other government except presently and actively engaged in war with hostile foreign forces

that people are killed in places because of [insert reason] does not mean that people in general relate to one another mostly peacefully, and that they relate to one another mostly peacefully because the costs of violent behavior are (usually) high and the benefits (usually) not as high as peaceful behavior
where you have awful violent norms like where they murder people for adultery or whatever is because the targets are aberrant/unliked/easy such that the cost of slaying them is low or non-existent - you get more of this when there are active state goons who make it their "sacred duty" to be the executioners for shit like that
their senses of disgust and dislike of whatever people are accused of doing can easily lead to them supporting murder when hardly anyone is objecting to such and you have strong-arming zealous goons who will make YOU their next target if you object to anything they do

>to attack someone is a moral question
absolutely - but that it is of a moral nature does not mean that such a moral deliberation is actually MADE
most people do not deliberate morally - they have something they want to do, and they'll only think about justifying it AFTER, if they're forced to, or not at all

and when I say
>they're just like any government
I mean that in essence what they do is claim a monopoly over the use of aggressive violence within a territory
I don't mean that the people who make up the Taliban are personally similar to Joe at the DMV or whatever

it's annoying to have to qualify that statement

Libertarian is the only true way to freedom.
You are obviously a Berniebro faggot or a nig.

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Based meme

Freedom is a buzzword.

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Except it did, and for over 100 years. Everyone forgets that the American Revolution was about taxes AND centralized banking. The bank of England (equivalent of the US federal reserve) bankrupted the English govt in a debt they are still paying today. After the bill came due, they increased taxes more and more in their colonies to pay for it and tried even to force colonials to use their money.

A bunch of libertarian farmers fought for freedom and liberty, and hounded that economic security and paying ones debts is key for the survival of a free republic. And for over a hundred years, centralized banking was kept out of America. The sentiment was so strong Andrew Jackson's last words were (when asked what was his greatest achievement), "I killed the banks."

Libertarian ideals and the ultra authoritarian ideals are the only ones that successfully fought the banks. I'm going with the libertarians.

the fact that you feel personally offended by the abstract notion of there being less people who barely resemble you than people who slightly more barely resemble you is a meme
you are a living meme

All this shit is a direct result of the government's interference. Constantly raising minimum wage and imposinv nee restructions on businesses every single year makes it harder and harder for small businesses to compete. Mom and Pop shops inevitably crumple in the face of mega corporations who have the power to make sure things stay shitty forever.

>historically, states form due to support of the people
>somehow a state will form without the support of people
really activates my almonds, idiot hell fucker.

Ah cool, the pro-Jew, pro-corporate 2 party system offers me a (((choice))) every 4 years. Wow that's way better than a free market!!

you can have small government and small business too that is an option user unless you're retarded and think bitcoin works

Spoken like a true liberal.

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Capitalism, "freedom", individualism is CENTRAL to our predicament, in so many ways. It was the opening for the Jews to rise and take control, it seeks consumers, thus endlessly propagandizes for consumerism and hedonism, wrecking culture and society. Those with wealth naturally use it take control of the State, i.e. plutocracy arises, and seeking after cheap labor means a government policy of open borders, capital export, the disappearing of the West into the Third World. Libertarians are as much as Enemy of the West as are the rest of the Left.

>guise why do people want to be treaded on by corporations but not government
Have you seen the fucking government? Do you not realize the multicultural phenomena starts with the civic nationalist gov where barrok obongo can become your president and take your miney and give it to the fucking travon fund for criminal youth recognition?
The fascist white and jew corporate american hierarchy where the best of the best compete to take your money by convincing you its in your best interest to give them your hard earned cash?
I want to believe I'm giving them my money for a good reason, i want substantial satisfaction in the customer experience, goods and services I spend my money on. I dont want my money going to gibsmedats foundations

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You're beyond ignorant if you believe this. This is what a caveperson would believe.

I would argue that the fascist conception of the state is the most accurate, it is the manifestation of the universal ethical will as they defined it.
in a sense the role of the government is to assum ethe role of authority and upholding ethics in society.
to the west it has become hand outs for the needy, or to the needy hand outs to suckle on sense they lack work ethics. to the middle east soldiers of allah, to the communists the great equalizers, the fascists the upholders and torch bearers of the cultures historical spirit, and to the libertarian minding their own fucking business.
in this sense ethics becomes what is held by the culture, hence ample violence in prison and no violence in the classroom. if this is a correct extrapolation of the role of government on any level than it would mean the government should be a reflection of the ethics held by the people as it is the authoritative upholder of their ethics. for the primitive tribe the chieftain or witch doctor. for a person who stresses self reliance and independence a government independent and self reliant that does not interfere would be their state. I find that this is a consistent enough observation to be utilized in this instance. it holds on a national level and holds even on a sub-cultural level such as prison. the problem is it no longer holds on an individual level, and as was discussed before what works on an individual level does not necessarily hold on an aggregate level.
how someone interacts to any situation is somewhat influenced by culture which encapsulates, ethics, the morality that ethics entail, temperament towards certain actions, and even whether or not confrontation is involved. certainly some individuals do not consider morality until after the fact as a means of rationalizing theirs actions the what is most beneficial is not an unreasonable metric for the result of one's choices for interaction.

I rest my case