HIGH IQ Roaming millenials BTFO christ cucks

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Why does this chink have a new show on Blaze or something, and is cancelling her patreon?

it's all so tiresome

Dumb bitch

what Christians says they aren't the same god?

But, Muslims don't reject Christ, they just don't believe He's the messianic incarnation of God.

im tired.

is everyone else getting tired?

muslims dont reject christ though
also the jews killed him

That's true, Jews worship Satan

Wasn't she on CRTV? Who wants to listen to some airhead broad rehash talking points that have been heard 100 times

but they don’t. jews worship satan, otherwise known as materialism. and that’s not debatable.

Fucking theology major over here

Allah was a pagan moon god

The post before it she said allah was just arabic for god. She's completely wrong. Allah is a name.
Zeus isn't a greek allah, ganesh isn't a hindu allah, allah is not arabic for god.
Allah is a name, the name of one of 360 idols in the kaaba (along with allah's 3 goddess daughters) before Mohammed grafted 3rd hand stories from Christians and jews onto the pagan god of his father and called himself a monotheist.

I just want to smell her. Fuck what she says.

You know what they mean

If Muslims didn't reject Christ then they wouldn't be Muslim they would be christian

lol someone put this text on a jordan peterson picture

It's the Talmud that says Jesus is burning in hell in shit, and calls the virgin Mary a whore. The Quran mentions Jesus many times, and he is an honored prophet.

The synagogue of satan


So she is a retard?

Better Foot pics pls

Jews don't worship the same God.
They worship the God of the Talmud which in the end is themselves.

Dumb happa cunt.

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How can i read up on jew religion? Is it really all satanic?


Based and redpilled

Dr. William L. Pierce - A Message To White Christians

The Bible: A Jewish Conspiracy Hoax

The Christian Mass and How it Ties into Jewish Ritual Murder

Communism’s Christian Roots

Jesus: The Jewish Archetype

YHVH: Taking the mask off Christianity

On Christianity: The Censored Section of the National Alliance Membership Handbook | National Vanguard

On Christianity | National Vanguard

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A good 35% actually is then like all religion theres revised text but heres a difference theres a special version just for goys that edits out all the bad shit.


Watch this documentary. It is really eye opening

This chick is fucking retarded
>The square does not fit in the round hole. HAHA BTFO'D!

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What's the kike version?

>many people
noone said that ever you dumb chinky brass.

The necronomicon.

they all three worship the god of Abraham. so they all worship the same god

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Indeed, jews worship Molech

And this one, as well.


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I'm not gonna shoot you, I'm just gonna pull this trigger.

muslims worship a rock

This is true, although most of them do it accidentally and don't realize they are doing it.

Jews worship Saturn


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jews will always be Christ killers

Imagine the best foundation for any society that keeps going the wrong direction. This is why there are many abrahamic religions and the Jews (ideology) have lasted so long

This is for the dumb dumbs here.

To be a Christian means to worship the Trinity. Jews and Mohammedans reject the Trinity and therefore reject the Christian God. This isn’t difficult.

Whoever condones wife beating, that’s who I’m going with.

Listening to the words of a pussy who killed himself no thanks

>But, Muslims don't reject Christ, they just don't believe He's the messianic incarnation of God.

That is the same thing as rejecting Christ. If you don't believe that Jesus was the son of God then you don't believe in the same Jesus. It's not the same guy.

>To be Christian means something not even mentioned in the Bible

there is no god

>muslims dont reject christ though

Christian Jesus and Muslim Jesus are two different character. One of them is the son of God and the Messiah. They are structurally different.

yes this is theologically correct
modern day jews are not biblical hebrews, they worship baal

they believe he's an end times messiah but just not an incarnation of God

technically, Mohammad was the most lenient towards women
Islam is the only religion of the 3 to grant women any rights
but you know,
>it's 700 AD and women can't even inherit property yet!
fucking progressive

Muslims dont reject christ though, jesus is major prophet for mudshits. Muslims and christians both worship a jewish god though.

blaze bought crtv or the other way around something like that

She's right though. Christfags are the ultimate cucks. They're the only ones who protect the jews because their fake religion is built upon theres.

That's right. Jews do reject Christ.
And Jews are not saved.
I'm a Christian. No my God is not the same as theirs.

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unironically, pretty much

Christians: God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Muslims: God is Allah and He is NOT Jesus.
(religious) Jews: God is the God described by the Torah and elaborated by our third party commentaries, but he certainly isn't Jesus.
Hmm... it's almost as if the Christianity lives and dies on Calvary with Christ, and any rejection of Him as Lord is a rejection of the Christian God. It's almost as if e-thots are stupid...

I say it. Allah is a nigger god not the christian one

I started questioning my Christian religious leaders
>if God had a son he is god
>if another God doesn't have a son yet, he is not the same God that has a son
Jews do not worship the same God as Christians as soon as they reject christ as the son

>Add an idea later on
>Not in the Bible
>This is the only way you can be Christian

She said now she has to cancel her patreon, and that now Blaze TV is where you donate to her show (she said to buy a subsription)

I bet you think jesus was white.

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My belief as brief as I can make it cause on phone. The original religion of man was followed by the original civilization. That civilization was subverted by devil worshipers, meaning the Jews, and only they survived with their twisted version of it.

its not the same God because its the Moon God. its that simple.
no one has NDE experiences with Allah or Mohammed.

>If you don't recognize me, you don't recognize my father.

Straight from Jesus's mouth.

It's not an Abrahamic religion.
people just believe it to be
We eat our God in a cannibalistic ritual
How kosher is that?

Original religion was a form of animism, nothing to do with kikes or thier war god.

stop repeating that lie. He said no way to God except through me and Muslims reject that and all his teachings.

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Jesus was from Judea he probably looked like a modern Lebanese maronite, and no one cares if he was white in real life. WE MADE HIM WHITE and improved on that sandnigger narrative.

>Jesus was a prophet
>Jesus was a heretic son of a whore who’s being boiled in feces in hell
Which of these do evangelical Christians support?

Whoaaaa!! Check out the big brain on Bret!!

Are you a turk?

Islam is literally just Christianity with a crescent instead of a cross both worship kikes both are non European and both are getting gassed.

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The 'Woke on Jewish Tricks' wave is about to come crashing down hard in Amerifat Land. Can't wait to play with my balls watching the normies go into panic attack when ever they find the truth about the holocaust.

"Muslims are our natural allies" -Bobby Fischer

muslims believe Christ didn't die on the cross
that he never sacrificed himself for us
they believe God Deceived the jews who wanted to crucify Jesus and that Jesus never died on the cross
They believe that Christians fell for the trick

Well you're not white I can tell by the use of your syntax

You sound like someone who thinks the pyramids are 3000-5000 years old.

Yeah, you have to believe that Christ died for our sins and was resurrected to be a Christian.

Take a walk ahmed. Your culture and religion sucks and you just have to deal with it

This....every youtube comment section lately is loaded with comments naming them... Theres a subtle trickle of normies starting to notice things (Oy Vey!) and its only a matter of time before it becomes a wave.

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most important tenet of the faith

Christians don't worship Moloch, so that is true.


If you don't think Jesus Christ was both fully man and fully God you reject Christ.

They don't.

And how old are they sweetie?>muh syntax

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Allies are just future enemies.
Muslims aren't even that.
We're already enemies.
Make yourself an hero, nigger.

they are all hebrew gods user, paganism is the only righteous path to follow.

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this argument is always used and not one time has the person saying it read a bible.


Yes they (muslims) deny Christ as their lord and saviour and that is denial you can't change that just because it upsets you.
but this reeks of political correctness

based ausposter

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Funny enough her new show is named psuedo intellectual

>when you in your stupidity inadvertently redpill
That woman is dumb but I sure hope that flipped a switch into the normalfag heads.

1 John 2:22-23 King James Version (KJV)
>22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
>23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

ISLAM rejects Christ on the grounds that he wasn't God in the flesh, never died at the cross to pay our price, was never buried, and never resurrected. He was simply a prophet on the same level as Muhammad, even though all they ever talk about is Muhammad.

JUDAISM rejects Christ wholly. He isn't the long awaited messiah prophesied at the foundations of the world, he isn't God in the flesh, he was just a crazy loon that is boiling in his own excrement in hell. Jews worship themselves hence JUDAism.

Christians are the only ones that fully embrace the only begotten Son of God, Christ, our only redeemer and only path to God.

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