This will be the greatest redpill of all time. I cant wait for the chimpouts from butthurt commies. Also were in for a treat since pedo Biden will be the DNC chosen goy.
Trump 2020
Henry Barnes
Other urls found in this thread:
Josiah Thompson
>Biden will be the DNC chosen goy
Mason Price
Samuel Kelly
Love it.
Kek make it so
Benjamin Sanchez
Samuel Clark
Where's the goddamn wall you stupid pede
Jacob Bennett
What will you do when Trump is reelected tranny? Did you even pay attention in 2016? All your shitty memes wont make a difference. DNC has already picked who will run against Trump long ago.
Daniel Nguyen
Ask the traitors in the house and senate faggot.
Brody Smith
It's going to be a double whammy
First we get to watch the Yangtards get obliterated in the Democratic Primary
Then we get to watch Biden get destroyed in the general
I'm going to be collecting buckets of tears
Nicholas Edwards
Some fucking DEALMAKER