Parents of "transkids" share medical child abuse tips on Facebook

Parents of "transkids" share medical child abuse tips on Facebook.

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Other urls found in this thread:

"My 6 year old is in the wrong body, but doesn't know what balls are."

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balls are where the pee is stored


Ready the gas chambers

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Literally based. These people are fuelling the required collapse of (((Western))) civilization. Embrace it incels. It can literally only get to a certain point of sickness before society just collapses.

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Question. What's stopping these kids from suing their parents 18 years down the line?

God I wish that were me.

Bound to happen but by then we will be living in Clown World V3432, we're only on V281, prepare your anus.

Can't tell if real posting or ironic mentally ill trans enabler posting

>Literally based. These people are fuelling the required collapse of (((Western))) civilization. Embrace it incels. It can literally only get to a certain point of sickness before society just collapses.

Yeah all of this shit is a good thing. White Sharia is the future for the white race. Once we embrace the most extreme forms of Islam we'll be dropping these people off buildings and out of helicopters by the hour. But to get to White Sharia we have to fuel the fires of degeneracy to turn (((Western))) civilization to ash.

This isn't ok

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If it's real then this isn't enabling trans, it's literally FORCING it upon someone, 100% ruin your kid's life to virtue signal, this is happening right now, even if this instance is fake, let that sink in

This makes my blood boil. How the fuck are we allowing this to happen. Where are the fathers? FUCK

Probably single mothers. This is what people don't get. Women have entirely relative morality. They will literally do anything if society considers it okay.

When was the last time you saw any woman stand up against degeneracy that society considered okay? yeah never.

Oy Vey what's a nice Jewish boy like him doing dressed like that?

I can't even be mad anymore.
Just saddened.
These kids will kill themselves.
No, killed by their own parents.

This is a form of Munchhausen by proxy.

>you don't need to understand your body, you're not going to be using it

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transcamp wtf

Mental illness run amok.

0.05 shekels have been deposited in your account.

the child should look at his mom's roastie beef, and he'll never want to be a woman.

This user knows.

Sometimes these lefty moms give the kids a real nice and close look.

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>boohoo parents
>boohoo child abuse
>boohoo relative morality
>boohoo where are the fathers
You're being spooked retards. The real problem is that there is now a technology to enable this sort of degeneracy, and the medication is mass-produced and easily available. There will always be retarded parents. There will always be unhappy kids. The difference is whether they have access to a tool that would irreversibly mutilate them and whether the society around them has grown so sophisticated as to tell them it's okay to do so.
>inb4 we can ban this
No you can't ban this because to reach this level of technology the underlying society has to be a certain way. It doesn't just happen.

Progress is the root of all evil. Technology and science are a Faustian bargain. We have to gather our resolve, throw away our glasses and burn it all. It is the only moral thing to do.

Take your meds Ted before you kill a bunch of innocent people to bloat your ego.

Sadly many will probably off themselves before then. Though I wonder what would go through there heads if a few made it to adulthood with their sanity intact and they managed to find and read these old posts about there own parents screwing them over before they ever really had a chance at life.

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leaf made me laugh

Maybe if your kiddo is too young to know that cutting off zher's balls will result in permanent sterility zhere's too young to make life changing decisions?????

there's no coming back from this

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Added, thanks user.

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we're going to look back at this as one of those wholly evil things society does. In the future people will have to say
>oh we can't judge them by today's standards. There's a historical context.

i wodner if that buy is 13 yet. That's the age these kids are all going to start rebelling

the problem is definitely the will and motivation behind the acts and not the existence of the means. This is gun grabber thinking. If they didnt have these pills they'd abuse their kids some other way.

>hahaha my child's stunted penis means their fauxgina will be too small to take a cock haha child abuse is fun

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Obvious pedophiles abusing children is obvious. The FBI should collectively commit suicide for lack of intellect,ability and merit.

Pure Lynchian kino. The Jazz generals on /tv/ are some of the best ever.

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post the copypasta about this weird phenomenon

It seems to me that transgenderism and estrogen for kids took off not too long after that hormone replacement study was stopped when researchers realized they were killing perimenopausal women with heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. OB-GYNs stopped routinely prescribing hormones and tons of women started tefusing them. Now what is a pharmaceutical company to do when it loses a huge revenue stream? Find a new market.


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burn them with russian nukes


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are you agree to russian pyroholocaust upon your lands as God's retaliation ?

Everything is fine.

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These people should be exposed. Fuck blocking out their names. Why give them that much respect

>This is a form of Munchhausen by proxy.
No, it IS Munchausen by proxy.

Se gäschaimbers are ready. Wee tjust need to konstrukt an extensive railnetwörk and wee will be gut to go

I hope thats faked

that's true actually
it's also fun being the comment that gets comments turned off on their youtube vids
>why did his mom tell him that he'll get a period?

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Imagine how difficult it will be to come to the realization of what they did to you. You don’t even know where you stpp and the abuse begins.

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a sanctuary city in a blue state

Soon we will put an end to this degeneracy. We must.

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>t. Jihadist

Nicely done

What is this from?

It's a Swedish show called Blue Eyes.

Hans get the luger and preheat the oven

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>Retards ending their own genetic line
>At little or no cost to you

I seriously can't complain.

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>Swedes think they fought the Nazi's

They've been neutral for centuries and rolled over like a bunch of cucks ever then.

Someone save us from this place.

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My wife and mother

for a long time i was on the fence with a live and let live attitude towards trannies, who gives a fuck what a mentally ill adult does to themselves
but forcing this filth on kids is as evil as I’ve ever seen
god damn everything to hell

Post more degeneracy. I want to suffer.

"You want to sue your parents for helping you transition to your true gender? Oy vey, you have internalized transphobia which is obviously the fault of Russian trolls, the Alt-Right, Donald Trump, and white males. You should take some (((medication))) and see a (((gender therapist))) before things get worse."

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In my life i have met two women 1an acquaintance 2 someone i worked with and both of them openly hoped that their sons would grow up to be gay i have no idea why but prolly to get facebook cred thinking back now

Its worse than murder.

You want more degeneracy?

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>god damn everything to hell
unironically this. God refused to condemn Sodom and Gomorrah if he found at least one righteous individual in the cities, but I struggle to understand how anyone can be considered righteous in the presence of this sort of horrific child abuse.

all generations have had child abuse, but never in the open like this.

The problem is these single moms have been brainwashed by Marxism and infect their children with their twisted beliefs. There is a cancer in our society and it needs to be cut out before it's too late. It could infect your children and future generations if this is not stopped. This shit needed to be Illegal yesterday.

>There are "people" who do this
>There are "people" who defend this
>There are "people" who think denouncing this behavior is bigoted

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Hey, you glow-in-the-darks lurking around the board. You see this? How is this okay? Why would anyone stand up for this? Give me an explanation.

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How the hell Murrica is still a superpower?

holy fuck, that’s fake right?

This is not more or less worse than eunuchs or ancient and recent past.

If liberals are opposed to eugenics in the form genius sperm banks and/or merit-based birth stipends then how come they're fine with eugenic abortions?

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The World Health Organization (WHO) defines child abuse and child maltreatment as "all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child's health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power."

Mutilating your child=Child abuse

I am 99% down with Sharia, but the only thing I don't like is that Muslims have an issue with dogs. I have 3 dogs. Fuck anyone who doesn't like dogs.

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This thread is the closest shit to a black pill I've ever felt

Hey fellow anons if anyone is considering suicide at least do everyone a favor and take out a couple of these before.

You faggot ass bong. Why did you leave the name covered? You should of docxed this sick mother fucker. Fuck sakes you bongs are truly embarrassing

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Sometimes, mainly when coming across these specific types of degeneracy threads on Jow Forums, I wonder to myself - "In what way will the child victims of this sick ideology lash out when they find that their mothers and their society has sold them a bill of goods?" Will these kids sue their parents? The State? Will there be Truth and Reconciliation committees with the power to subpoena and sentence perpetrators to prison? How many parents will be shot or stabbed in their sleep? Will the kikes eventually have to acquiesce and rescind all the various tranny minutiae enshrined in law across the first world? How long until every women's sport record is held by a tranny? Will girls eventually break social conditioning and flip tables too? Will a bunch of girls rain blows on some effeminate tranny in a restroom over a perceived slight? Will gitls just eventually boycott organized sport in general? How will the mother's of these mentally abused children come to grips with their overt complicity? Will deny and deflect to the very end?

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Let's face it goy-I mean guys ... there's a plan for your HIDES !

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how based is your dad though? if he is an actual Man and the head of the family then all the women of the family will follow. hence, relative ( to your dad) morality.

absolute morality is a Male (I'd even say Christian) construct, user. as is honour and justice.


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I’m so happy about this! It shows society is progressing. We still have a lot of work to do, but at least kids can start identifying as the gender their spirit is. As a transgendered woman, I wish I had support like this growing up.

I come from the Jazz, or some say Jazzm, Generals.

We have SUCH SIGHTS to show you.