>mfw one week /nofap/
how do you faggots do this
>mfw one week /nofap/
how do you faggots do this
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by having wives to make love to
curiosity to see what could be
it gets easier. even if you fail, trying is what matters. fuck the porn jew, pal, stay strong
>make love
get a load of this faggot
Fulfilling every lust of the flesh is degenerate and probably gay too.
In what way is sex better for you health-wise than fapping?
I don't. I try and I fail. It's so fucking difficult. I feel like cutting my penis off, I'm a fucking slave to degenerate porn.
I can't fucking wait for the ban to come into force on the 1st April. God bless my shitty police state.
Hi mindgeek employees
A man should have six women; one for each day of the week.
Sunday is the Lord's day. Stay chaste til Monday you heathen.
When our third kid was born we had so little time to fuck at first that she would give me blowjobs in the shower
incels will never understand a happy marriage.
>tfw day 2
made it 100+ days last year. you just gotta stay busy.
why u even fucking try
Because masturbation is degenerate and my biggest vice
An advice senpai. Just leave this place. On my nofap, I started looking at prostrate orgasm videos to cope with the nofap urges. There's something called "The chaser effect" and I've been a victim to one thanks to the discord trannies here.
>Sunday is the Lord's day
sunday is the first day of the week. i assume you mean friday night and saturday day.
why would you ever do nofap? literally zero benefits
as long as you aren't fapping to the point where your dick is sore or have to excuse yourself from situations to go fap, you are fine. seriously nofap is straight autism
>On my nofap, I started looking at prostrate orgasm videos to cope with the nofap urges.
I couldn't make it because I thought about the DOLLA DOLLA BILL WE BE GETTIN WHEN YANGBRO IN THE HOUSE
If you think I'm going to have a child in this day and age you can fuck right off. I'm not going to deliver more slaves for Moloch.
When I die I will be safe in the knowledge that my line ends with me and that I never had to fret and worry and cry for my child.
I couldn't imagine sending my little boy to school so he can be brainwashed into hating himself. If he ever came home telling me he wants to be a girl I would literally murder-suicide.
Nah, I don't have the fortitude to have children. Far too risky.
It's beginning to get difficult to decipher whether Yangposting is ironic or actual shilling now. Are you trying to turn Jow Forums against Yang or what?
>not homeschooling your kid
>The council can make an ‘informal enquiry’ to check your child is getting a suitable education at home. They can serve a school attendance order if they think your child needs to be taught at school.
good question
>incels will never understand a happy marriage.
Neither will a monkey. Closest thing for you would be animal husbandry.
all interactions leading up to and after sex with your wife and obviously the kids that result from it. The looks and smile she gives you. The inside jokes, playfulness and randomness of it too. It's unlike what you see in porn
The Fuhrer is watching you, faggot.
>"user just touched his cock to Blacked again, Mein Got!"
I only had kids because we are fucking loaded. We are paying for private schooling in Switzerland, they never have to worry about money...ever.
but I understand how you feel, were I a poor fag, I would not bring kids into this world.
>user sounds worried
I've been 4 months of nofap but also edging. It's the best of both worlds.
Actual sex releases different chemicals that are actually good for you. Post-orgasm your body releases chemicals that cause you to become happier, reduce stress and bond you to your partner.
Fapping is terrible for you. It fucks up your brain chemistry. Your brain CAN tell the difference and it hates you for it.
degenerate. My wife has to kiss me and the kids with those lips. Not to mention it's degrading and her pussy already feels too good
I'm being paid $1000 a month nigger LMAOOOoo
have a heart attacking you fucking boomer LOL
better a monkey than a fucking hippo like you, obese fucking american....
>about Jow Forums
If you're gonna call me a fucking loser just come out and say it instead of all this >implying
This place is going to swallow you retard yang shills up anyway. You'll be posting lolocaust memes by the end of the year, mark my words.
Checked and it ends here pilled
Just get a live in gf and fuck her often. I never masturbate, but I have sex almost daily.
It's all about productivity, you're more likely to be a well functioning person capable of greatness if you have a healthy sex life with a real woman, than if you have a sex life with your hand.
Day 10. It's absolute hell. Especially since I'm a fucking KHV so there's no woman around to help with this. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought of how much worse I feel after fapping. I'm getting sick of this world.
>ay tone! won't let my wife put my dick in her mouth.
I know, statistically speaking, that you americunts don't floss....so her mouth probably smells like shit...but she should at least brush her teeth 3 times a day.
Why are you americans so fucking dirty?
Just fap, nofap is bluepilled af
Hell no. You party like a boss on Friday and Saturday.
Go to Sunday Mass hungover like the rest of us.
I have sex with my wife and also masturbate basically every day. If I don't, I get frustrated.
embrace NEETdom
whenever you feel bad, just think about the retards slaving away in a cubicle so you can receive your neetbux
I'm European born and so is my wife but that doesn't really matter. Your wife sucks dick (literally) lol
You sound like a fucking degenerate. Gas yourself.
it takes a year to break from addiction
Sounds like a healthy libido to me. Something a fat, hormonally imbalanced faggot like you wouldn’t understand.
the only significant difference is sex lowers cortisol which can increase testosterone since they compete from the same precursor nutrients
but in the long run women cause unneeded stress which raises your cortisol and drops your testosterone anyway so it all evens out
this is why women basically rule society now, because you get hooked on them like a drug, at first they lower cortisol and boost testosterone, then they suck the life out of you like a demon, raising your cortisol, making you weak and more dependent on sex to reduce stress
women are literally an addiction for most modern men, and fapping is the methadone that weens you off of them
prove me wrong niggers, thats right you cant
I’m like 3-4 weeks in at this point I forget, but trust me it’s gets much much easier
Once you destroy your lust and replace it with righteous fury and steely determination, life becomes easier.
Life is not supposed to be easy, and fapping is like a cheat code which WILL fuck you over in the end
Embrace the eternal struggle pill
>doesn’t understand natural birth control
fucking incels
how's sex on your mind so often? I guess it is for me too but I use that motivation to reward my wife by doing things around the house and she will interrupt me midway to make love
>your wife sucks dick...I am euro born
So only Tyrone, Malik, Mohammad, Mohamed, Mahammad, the mail man, the plumber, the dog walker, get blowjobs while you watch your wife's kids, mahammad, mohammad, malikyah, Tyrone Jr,
got it.
You do you, man
OP I haven't released in months and I am doing better in school, women talk to me more and give me looks, and my overall happiness has sky-rocketed. Semen retention is very important, and so is sexual energy. Do not waste your energies.
This is the most important thing I think I have ever done. I used to masturbate almost once a day, or whenever I felt like it. Now I feel amazing and motivated and confident in everything I do.
Push through the pain and the cravings, I promise they go away.
Do not waste your seed any longer, this is the trick. This is how man used to get so much done throughout history.
Watch these on 1.25 speed, it has some good information. Be careful with the kundalini though.
and wife pilled
>You sound like a fucking degenerate. Gas yourself.
Lmao how is having sex with your wife and masturbating degenerate.
Wtf?! You like poo so much you ended up gay.
the only natural birth control she needs is the 9 months of pregnancy and maybe pull out if she's ovulating.
Self improvement is masturbation
That's not too say that improvement is pointless, but rather that it should be done for reasons other than the self.
When you set a goal, set it not for yourself and your own gain but God or your family, etc. Then you are being driven by something outside your flawed self. I started no porn no fap 2 months ago and I've never had an easier time since realizing this.
It's Lent. Offer something as a penance. It's supposed to hurt a bit. When it gets easy do more. I gave up coffee/caffeine for Lent. First two days were brutal. Constant headaches. But now it's easy so I'm also going to give up gaming.
We'll see if I can manage but I've been successful so far with fasting, no porn, no fap, no caffeine, etc. That I'm confident I can do more. Ultimately I want to purge all the harmful things from my daily life and replace them with good things because my life is a gift. One I don't deserve. One I've wasted miserably so far.
In some countries (as a example, mine) you can get your children forcefully taken from you and be given a heavy fine, possible jail time if you do not force them to go to state school OR a private school teaching the mandated curriculum.
Unless your name is Greta Thunberg and you have leftist ideals + assburgers. Then it's fucking alright to skip school and not have your children taken from you.
kids are asleep, time for fun with wifey. take care guys
I don't know, I really wish I wasn't so horny every day, because I wish I could use that time to do other stuff.
Being Puerto Rican is the ultimate form of degeneracy
>In what way is sex better for you health-wise than fapping?
Certain chemicals only get released during sex. Your body knows when you're just masturbating.
>the life and times of a mid 80s IQ island monkey
Fucking bongland, that honestly sounds like hell. I was raised completely in homeschooling and never once had any social workers or show up. Hopefully the US doesnt go the same route
change your diet
what the fuck thats awful money
this guy knows whats up
Yep. The worst part is that every social worker I have ever seen was a minority or some old lady. They won't hire any white people and for some reason black women absolute dominate the sector. It's always some black women in her 30's or some old liberal lady about to retire. NEVER a man.
Can you imagine some black woman coming to your house and grilling your child about what they're being taught and then judging you for it?
Quitting masturbation
Stop exposing yourself to so many erotic things and it will become easier. The key here, is when you surround yourself with erotic things, you weaken your willpower over time. You need to rest, reduce exposure to recover. Picture the monk who lives alone separated from society - he does this because it makes it easier to resist temptations. Likewise isolate yourself from porn and fornication to whatever degree you deem necessary, so your bruised will can rest. What right now likely seems impossible will become merely not too hard, not too easy. Be serious about it, and don't take risks.
additional tips. NEVER for any reason look at actual porn again - you'll just lose. Try to avoid thinking about porn, or reminicing about it. Even the thought of porn is a kind of exposure to avoid. Say "bad user" whenever you think about it, and you'll very quickly learn to stop doing it. Don't have pride, be a bitch who has to take every advantage he can to make things easier - winning is better than pride. When you're frustrated with losing you'll understand that.
Agreed. Every decent streak I have had is usually because I did exactly like you said.
You’re retarded. You don’t even recognize how bad it makes you feel cuz you feel that way 100% of the time
most people misunderstand that NoFap has esoteric roots. Sexual energy is the most power energy we have as humans. It is the creative force. In order to understand the real ideas behind NoFap you have to think in terms of energy. Fucking your wife is an equal energy transfer. Masturbating is wasting your seed.
She doesn't put out and is fat. Wants me to have a vasectomy because of worried about having more kids. I think she is just being a power monger.
Should I just leave her or find pussy on the side? Could even make more white babies with a qt3.14 aryan that might even not be a bitch about everything