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He still didn't name (((them)))

He can't if he ever wants to work again. Small steps user.

This is a dog whistle.

fire up the ovens, tucker's gonna go full 1488

They propably banked that tape and will release it when he tries to run for office or soemthing, never trust kikes.

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alright faggot

Hes doing it so they name themselves. See: elon musk


Shit bait tbhh

The jews know who he is talking about. I think you can understand context too if you tried.

oy vey who can he be talking about

Jesus Christ, those kikes really get called out a lot lately.
Has the overton window really moved that far?

>Expexted Faux News to ever name the Jew.

Come now user.

Epic wignat style

>Small steps user
You don't really think that's what he was referring to, do you?
>dog whistle
Explains why I can't hear it.
>They propably banked that tape and will release it when he tries to run for office
I don't see where you are going with this...
>Hes doing it so they name themselves
(((They))) missed something, shill?

"IT'S THE ARABS!" - Alex Jones

Did you not see the flag?
This fag gets it.
Checked and...

but he didn't do it yet. Get back to me when it's in four letter format.

I always knew jerry senfield had something to do with this

And the Nazis but definitely not the poor jews

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Who do you think the liberal mob is that writes for television and film?

That mother fuckers, it wasn't about nothing after all...


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>I don't see where you are going with this...
That's ok buddy. You go color something and leave this to us.

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Tucker is our guy no doubt.

forgot pic related

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Attached: Jon Schwarz on Twitter Tucker just say Jewish this is taking forever… .png (481x979, 324K)

he never said that

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What are you implying nepotism is a thing? To hell you say. I'm a good goy and likeum the Slimefeld.

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How can you be sure it's right there...

We’ll be gassing them soon brothers

That sounds like he was joking

Gas is high class...


>That sounds like he was joking
this place is more autistic than r∑ddit these days, or at least its getting harder to tell them apart

If he just straight up said that the Jews were behind all the country's problems, most people would just tune him out.

Tucker's whole concept is leaving enough hints that his bluepilled Boomer viewers will figure out the truth for themselves by Googling the stuff he talks about, and because they're the ones who make the connection between Jewry and the left, they become redpilled.


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>be Tucc
>start segment showing fake news study blaming whites for air pollution
>have white lady on show against reproduction
>Ends segment telling her:
"I think you should reproduce"

What did he mean by this

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But he knows them 100% /our tuck/

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>t. Heebie Kikeberger

seeing that guys face makes me sick every time

Sometimes you just gotta pull the band-aid off fast. You have to see the Cultural Marxist first.

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Calling it the jews is a limiting factor. Its jews, jewfriends, people who dont realize its the jews and go along with it, rogue agents conditioned by soviet cells that abandoned them 30 years ago, and so on. Its much easier to paint a circle around the whole group by its actions than it is to try to identify each part by its memebership.

>I think you should reproduce
Was he calling her an incel?



what a fucking snowflake

Does he, really think he believes it's just cultural Marxist assholes. Only Jow Forums makes that connection because, well... Reasons

Lol this isn't going to help. Though I guess liberals think he's a kkk nazi anyway.

It really shows you how much power (((they))) have when a muslim shitskin can barely call them out on their bullshit. We

Opening that box...

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he didn't even literally say that and the context (unmenionted) was basically a slur against msm/media matters lol

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Owen has a simple question for (((them))). Why can't they answer?

Tucker is still pro circumcision as far as I know.


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talk to him about it daily do ya

>You don't really think that's what he was referring to, do you?
if you wrote down a list of the specific people he's talking about you'd find that jews are dramatically over represented. Even if he's in denial about it. That's who he's referring to.

His show doesn't even revolve around segments where naming the jew would be relevant particularly, he basically mocks the extreme left headlines and gets useful idiots who are willing to defend retarded positions, it's not particularly deep.

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Due to digits I may have to an hero.

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No, I just remember him saying something pro circumcision a couple yeas ago, and there was joking on Jow Forums about it with the female faceapp Tucker going
>You are circumcised, aren't you user?

and that was kinda funny and I stopped watching him after that.

You don't think this is real, do you? He is fucking joking, you retard

In (((their))) defense, since I have to pay for it regardless of my opinion, everyone hates shitskins even shitskins. Muslim is just a surprisingly not ironic twist.

is this a strategy with a proven track record? Is this how hitler did it?

>only Jow Forums makes that connection
Why are you here?

Or he could be referring to all of the oven dodgers he mentioned. It's not just the (((them))) anymore. (((They))) have more allies then you can pull a Tucker and shake a stick at...

A mob went to his family's house and these kikes justified it. He should name them all

post link

>he didn't even literally say that and the context (((unmenionted))) was basically a slur against (((msm/media matters))) lol

>Literally play back his own words

why are right-wingers always playing victim? Why doesn't he just take personal responsibility for his actions?

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>He still didn't name (((them)))
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there.

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.




Attached: tucker on (((elites))).jpg (1452x869, 289K)

These kikes are fucking obsessed. EVERYTHING has to be about them

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Shut the fuck up Zionist bootlicker

Didn't say I didn't make that connection. And because /b/ became terminal cancer in 2012 and /news/ something, something...

When will the curse fall upon this fwggot and his ilk

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Calm down Tucker, we all know this, I was just busting your balls.

Wtf I’ve got Madcow for Maddow now

Tucker...what have you done?

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Makes me imagine there with me a Kosher Anti-Semetism one day soon. That will be a brainscrew day.

Literally same reason I'm here.
Goddamn I clung onto /b/ even though I was mostly on other boards more including /news/

>always playing victim
Nice bait, we all know (((who))) does this.

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>transcript from some shock jock radio show a decade ago
>he has to go!

I'm sure these news anchors and late night comedians are so innocent

You can never recapture 2007, that was best /b/

>kikes when they see an opening to shoah themselves

Wish he did a little more shock jock on his show now.


Deeply insightful. Something that is far to rare on this board.

Are they really being this bold?

>So what if we run your entire entertainment industry, goy? It's anti-semitic to not let us poison your society

Dieing, thank you user shared this with the whole family, our sides...

The blatant self awareness is pretty amazing

interesting if they call him out they're calling themselves out

Americans are fucking dumb as shit
I tried to watch his show and it was shit. I got as far as the milf promoting her book about liberal tears...
These people aren't sincere and they're only in it for money.
The American dream is being a slimeball.
Go watch his show now and watch his guests holding back their laughs at the absurdity of it all. Retards


>The American dream is being a slimeball.
Must be how you fags do so well over here.

Yeah there's nothing worse than programs on fox news. They really are entirely responsible for poisoning the minds of the american right.




oh man im 37 now ;_;