What's his occupation? Seriously, what does he do for a living?

What's his occupation? Seriously, what does he do for a living?

Attached: Richard-Spencer_sm_Nicky-Ouellet.jpg (1280x960, 174K)

I'm inclined to believe he's some kind of government asset. But since i can't prove it, he's just another opportunistic talking head pundit.

lol his wife left him

He inherited alot of money

He's an activist - his income is primarily donations. His family owns a cotton plantation but Richard does not get money from his family.

Farming subsidies in action.

His family owns a huge cotton plantation and gets millions in farming subsidies per year. This is how retarded American voters are. They literally vote to give money to random farmers because they think the market doesn't know how to price food properly.

His parents are wealthy Democrat plantation owners, and he's a glownigger. What's hard to understand about this?

He gets interviewed by JF

Lol at that flag talking about food when we fed the Siviets for 50 years, all through the WW2 and the Cold War, to avoid war, and they’d have died without it. How embarrassing for you.
Goodnight any real /pol that are amoungst the retards that wander through here.

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His parents are rich.