UBI will cause hyperinflation

Why did this board go from “hurr it’ll ruin the economy” @ Bernie and Hillary during 2016 but now it’ll magically work?

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who cares if it causes hyperinflation just buy BTC ffs.

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muh irrigation

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>btw will save the economy
Actual retard
>inb4 t. doomer

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Yangposters are hoping to further divide the DNC by creating a new grassroots candidate that will inevitably be undermined by the Anointed Liberal of the 2020 election. Essentially Bernie 2.0
You'd have to be mentally deficient to think Yang is a serious politician, let alone a contender for POTUS

UBI is utterly retarded. It's an absolute disincentive to work.

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Buy gold, ammo, food storage. Pay property debt. Who fucking cares?

Because most of us with real beliefs just come here to shitpost and occasionally drop bits of wisdom since 80% of the threads at any given time are slide threads or organized shilling attempts by CIA, JIDF, Reddit Users etc

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UBI may cause inflation if it doesn't replace other aspects of monetary policy.
If you want to learn more the name is Social Credit (not the Chinese spy network).

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>Constant AOC spam
>AOC gets caught breaking campaign finance laws to the order of millions
>AOC spam disappears, Yang spam floods the board
Totally organic.

>UBI will cause hyperinflation
lol, don't care.
Drop a brick on the gas and run this bitch till the wheels fall off.

>Will cause hyperinflation
Yes. Good. Hyperinflation ends the bread and circus appeasement.

Welfare cause inflation. Yang wants to replace welfare with UBI. We spend more on welfare then would on UBI so if you think about it UBI will not actually cause the opposite of inflation. Not that I give a fuck about this fake and gay economy I just want to see the world burn desu senpai.

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Just go to Venezuela if you want to experience hell

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No need, the Venezuela is coming to us


I don't think you understand, you already are. The pot is already starting to boil, and if people don't wake up right fucking now it will be too late. Anything that makes the average voting retard uncomfortable with the status quo is inherently good.

>stone toss is a MIGAboomer

Color me surprised

the next step after socialists demotivate everyone from working is to begin forcing people to work against their will.

>implying globohomo isn't importing all of South America here

>implying Society shouldn't be crashed into the rocks

It's a mix of true-believers, people who want to divide the Democrats, and complete shitposters. Doesn't Asian Bernie want to give blacks reparations? What a wang.

>hurr durr only I can hold money

fuck off jew

free money is only for Israel and black people, MAGA

The people unironically shilling for the tranny gang are doing just that, shilling, probably getting paid by mistah yangu sama himserf

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We know it won't work but it doesn't fucking matter anymore.
Get our gibs and crash this fucking shopping mall.

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its a meme from a faggot tranny and you're an idiot for falling for it

all these braindead boomers don't understand basic economics... moving money from Jeff Bezos' pocket to mine != printing more money

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Somehow, I can't help but imagine that Shareblue has developed a profile of the different factional beliefs that dominate Jow Forums and is systematically implementing shill and D&C strategies designed to appeal to or leverage those perceived biases in an attempt to attach or detach affinity for certain candidates or beliefs.
The constant spam of the same idea, attack, or approach in threads and posting looks like a brute force attempt at manipulation combined with focus group style testing.
At this point the best counter approach may just be troll shitposting and counter psyops rather than any sort of genuine engagement.
So, to recap, hide, sage, or shitpost these fuckers.

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Fucking rekt

>not wanting what's rightly yours

UBI is Israel coughing up its back payments

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Can we just use our Autism to convince people to stop voting

UBI is not printing money, I don't understand what OP is talking about

UBI keeps the money in circulation roughly the same, there will be no inflation

I'm sure glad he wrote "S.S. Society" on the ship. Otherwise I'd have no idea what point he was making.

So you're saying UBI will hasten the inevitable collapse of (((America)))?

I'm not seeing the downside here OP.

UBI will eliminate most shitty overly micromanaged government programs, checking on welfare recipients over and over costs money writing a check costs almost nothing. It's not socialism it's capitalism that starts at $1000 instead of $0

>$1.5 trillion in tax cuts to corporations
>$38+ billion for Israel

this is why I doubt whites are the master race and are actually just as stupid as everyone else if not more so because they’ve been made weak in their middle class lifestyles



>You'd have to be mentally deficient to think Yang is a serious politician, let alone a contender for POTUS
Weird, (((they))) said that about a fucking reality TV star too.

Cause fuck you that's why.

He gets it basically a well organized sleeper cell. Actual yangers are braindead liberal single mom's posting welfare checks on Facebook all day.

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