What about Trump made us support him?

>What about Trump made us support him?
The memes surrounding him
His debate performances
His hilariously childish insults
Not cow-towing to liberal cucks or the media

These things are all still valid reasons to stand with Trump. No president by himself can make miracles happen. There is no one-man solution to all of our problems. But at least Trump was willing to fight.

>But Trump is a Zionist Jew lover!
Sure, nominally he claims to love Israel. But when you analyze his geopolitical moves, they often serve to undercut Israeli interests. He doesn't need to come out and say "fuck Jews and Israel," he merely has to do his part silently.

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What you want is a president who will just go fully nuclear on Israel, optics be damned, political realities be damned. You are a simplistic animal with a one-track mind who cannot comprehend juggling multiple goals at one time. Whatever, if you want to demand that the next candidate literally hate on Israel out in the open, be my guest, but that candidate will not win the primary.

>"Though leaders" of the "alt-right"/stormfags
Richard Spencer
Andrew Anglin
Nick Fuentes

These so called "leaders" or "e-celebs" are not on your side. Richard Spencer nearly single-handedly destroyed our optics after 2016. He is the reason that people think that Trump supporters are LITERAL NATZEES. He's also some fucking rich trust fund kid, who came out of nowhere and who the media coronated as "the leader of the Alt-Right". He's a fucking fed shill, it's obvious.

So you can't find a candidate to adequately confront Israel using a brute force approach, and your resolution is to support some gun grabbing free money gibs socialist? You make no sense, you have no sense of ideological consistency, and you should probably not be able to vote.

The point of this post is, stfu about Israel, every president in American history since Israel has existed, has sucked Israeli cock in public. That doesn't mean they privately support Israel. Yes, Trump sacrificed his daughter to the kikes. That still doesn't make him a kike lover. Even if he was a kike lover, that's still better than being a socialist Yang supporter.

Nice blogpost boomer, but will Drumpft give me $1000 a month?

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Get a job you broke pussy

Lol why? So 90% of the money I earn can be stolen from me and given to the Chosenites? I dont think so boomer.
Your time is up, our time is NOW! We coming for that bag.

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>please ignore all current evidence Trump is fully committed to the jews
>everyone in the past has been pro-jew, so what?
>jew-lovers are better than socialists
no, no and super no, filthy boomer

Cool astroturf memes bro, you all remind me of Correct the Record

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He was pro white, anti immegration, made libs salty, and said funny things. He was the option, no doubt about it.

The Yids subverted him but hey, thats what they do

Nice arguments retard astroturfing shills

How can you be so stupid? Hillary happened don't you fucking remember? It was him or her so of course it would be him.
Jow Forums was ready to back anyone as long as she lost.