Anyone regret voting for Trump?

And is now part of YangGang?

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Fuck Trump and Fuck Yang


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no regrets because zion don proves the entire system is fake and gay. No yang because he's literally the same false hope zion don was in 2015

we're official on literally Hitler campaign mode


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Without trump there would be no yang

do you have the one with the dog filter?

And the cycle continues. Have fun getting duped again OP.
This guy gets it.

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>anyone regret voting for trump?
You say that as if there was even a better option.
And no discord trannies, Yang is not a better option.

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>Trumpfags this delusional

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Nope. I'm against all foreign aid spending, so sending it to one country vs another doesn't change my opinion.

Only a leftist would be stupid enough to shill a chink on a white nationalist board.


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>discord trannys doing speedruns

Imagine coming here to shill and leaving hating jews.

Imagine being an Australian who spends his time shilling for a guy who would’ve infested his country with even more nonwhites.

>unironically posting the npc meme
>thinking you can hide behind that flag
Trannies getting DESPERATE

yeah there is not much you can do.
its gonna happen with any president you elect but at least with yang you have the 1000$?

Imagine being a retard

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ffs sage this shit thread too. what the fuck

Only jews