Jannies Just tried to (((shut))) us (((DOWN)))
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Other urls found in this thread: little

Sounds pretty jewy to me

Nigger mods can tongue my anus

BUMP for Patrick Little

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>it was just a joke

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Bump for Little

Ruger mini 14 best waifu

wtf I hate comedy skits now

I'd rather he led an insurrection than election campaign at this point.

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That's a 10/22 you doofus.
The .22 bounced around in the hall and turned everyone to mush.

Bumping him only to push against the y*llow menace

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expel the jew by '22

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which is better?

jannies and mods can suck ass. I got banned for porn by posting a pic of a girl in a swimsuit.

This one Don't fall for the (Orange) r*d one too

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Has he officially declared his Presidential campaign?

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one more just to empahsize it will probably be the RIGHT WING that gets it first (not pro Trump)

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>Has he officially declared his Presidential campaign?
I know he's filled his FEC paperwork,
not sure if that is finalized yet...? little


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They shut it down after I posted this link to a live pat debate

Tune in, shitpost, enjoy

Not that I'm aware of, but he did say back when he was running for senator that he'd do it if Trump failed to name the Jew. Seeing how Trump is a Jew, I don't see that happening.

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Thank you.

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His vids are awesome


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We all have to start from somewhere

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The nigger lover who supported nigger reparations when that idea was still stigmatized even in the Democratic Party?

Eh, no thanks. The stupid nigger lovers on here who only hate Jews can vote for Little, but I won't.

Yeah, I don't blame anyone for being stuck on the zion don train as long as they wake up they are always welcome to support Pat

why not turn their own pets against them?

Little is a CIA nigger.

He's gonna sell each one of you out so he can buy that fancy new golf club he's been wanting :3

nigger reparation is a dime compare to what the jews are doing to the west.

It was specifically money that we sent to Israel rerouted to blacks enslaved by Jews. That said, yeah I'm not the biggest fan of the idea either.

where's your Proof leaf?

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What's sad is that Ilhan Omar has MORE BALLS than the entire GOP combined in calling out Israel, and then when FINALLY a WHITE MAN like Pat Little calls out the Jews you STILL criticise him for being 'not racist enough'... etc. ...
Jews are the enemy NOT BLACKS and Jews ran the slave trade anyways!

I was unexcited enough about Little when I thought his plan was to spend maybe 10% of the taxpayer money given to Israel on slave reparations, but spend the other 90% on other stuff.

It wasn't until yesterday that I realized that his plan is actually to spend every single cent that's currently spent on aid to Israel on reparations to niggers. Not 10% of the money, not even 20% or 30% of the money, but 100% of the money.

Once I realized this, I came to utterly abhor him as a candidate.

>sell me out

and gain what exactly? You think CIA niggers don't already know who I am or you for that matter and our opinions?

He's taking the money we give to pissrael and giving it to niggers who can prove they are descendants of slaves. For only 5 years. Dummy

It was a brilliant strategy in order to show that LITERALLY "Jews are the real racists"...
Rockwell aligned himself with Nation of Islam; Pat was merely following in his footsteps.
If you REALLY think that we'll EVER be in a situation where our 'problem' will be that we are somehow 'in power' and then we must 'fulfil our promises' and give Niggers money that Israel stole from us once we get it back, then I must say that this will be a 'good problem to have'!
Quit sweating minor details.

your time is near, shlomo

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Dude, this is NEVER actually happening...
Also... it's money that was ALREADY GIVEN to Israel that Pat would (hypothetically, not in reality) get them to pay back to us...
Quit LARPing.
The ONLY way we will ever get out of this is to TAKE BACK our country through an ARMED INSURRECTION to institute a FASCIST DICTATORSHIP, NOT a presidency.

I understand the optics and strategy of it, I just don't think it matters. Rockwell aligning himself with Nation of Islam isn't the same. They had shared interest of self determination for their people.

I like the pepe one because it implies they're a neet, whom are loyal Yang spergs.

Honestly, I think the pro-Little posters are Jews or other anti-whites who are trying to get us to tolerate niggers.

He'd seem like a pretty big asshole if he promised reparations and didn't give them.

>started from the bottom..

>yes niggers are the problem goy, not us the jews.

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Get lost Shalomo

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Pat Little has literally reached out to NOI too.
I know because I used to be a volunteer for him.
I quit aligning with him after he sperged out on Illegal Aryan and threatened to sue him for filming Pat when he was drunk, but I normally refuse to talk about this because I hate infighting.
But yeah Pat Little isn't the future.
Paul Nehlen is a straight-up dude who doesn't smoke, vape, or drink and actually works for a living. I respect him.
Ideologically, Pat is alright, but he's still immature and lacks discipline (ironic for someone from the Marines).

don't attack yang, yet. Need both yang and little to threaten trump support. Still hoping that trump can win his base back by 2020, but he is not going to do that till he takes the hint that people are fed up with miga

Doesn't Trump seem like a 'pretty big asshole' now for promising the "Wall" (not a FENCE) that MEXICO WOULD PAY FOR???
Pat Little is a STEPPING-STONE.
He's merely a STAGE in a greater process.
Look at the BIG PICTURE.

How big is Little's fundraising apparatus?

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His plan is to stop aid to Israel, and give our aid for the next 10 years ($38 billion) to niggers as reparations. The reparations are not conditioned on ending affirmative action, let alone sending niggers back to Africa.

The reparations are supposed to be a one time payout, but once niggers start looting and rioting after blowing the first payout, we'd probably end up giving them a second reparations payout. And then a third payout after they blow that, a fourth payout after they blow that, etc.

>how do you do fellow white posters, how about those niggers huh? Surely they are the problem not jews

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desu I'd prolly vote Yang over Little (but Gabbard over both) just because I'm pissed at Pat for screwing over Illegal Aryan...
But maybe if he apologises I'll reconsider again.

blacks are the fire, jews are the arsonist

I dont vote but I might actually vote for him

It's pretty well known that Little paid people during his Senate campaign to make positive posts about him online.

I'm sure he's doing the same thing during his presidential campaign.

he's plan is to deport all the small jews like you and hang all the big jews and wipe out the jew debt

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Fuck off Fed.

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Little, I have a proposition for you.

We can cease all CIA nigger posters in the future if you can actually garner some truth, validity, and legitimacy to the people of this platform you love posting on.
It's fairly simple. We just need real verification. Here's how.

Post a picture w/timestamp of your asshole and only your asshole, nothing else. This will prove once and for all that you are NOT a CIA nigger, and you will have the support of the entire website.

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So what do you guys thought about the stream?

Nehlen is underrated. Dude has been railroaded so fucking hard.


fuck off morphous.

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Your time is coming, Jew.

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Dude, listen the fuck up.
1. Pat is NOT going to get elected. This is merely a campaign to gain awareness. If he somehow did get elected by some miracle, we've basically already won.
2. Even PAT doesn't know exactly what he wants or what his policies are.
3. Basically though he uses 'Nationalism' as a way to advocate for ALL Non-Jews and seeing that there are not that many uncucked Anti-Zionist Whites (ESPECIALLY ON THE RIGHT) we can use all the allies we can get.
4. Forming a LARGE ANTI-ZIONIST FRONT to get rid of the Jewish influence in politics/media/finance/etc. is OBVIOUSLY a valid goal. I don't care how the fuck he gets there.
5. Getting most niggers to understand that JEWS RAN THE SLAVE TRADE would be HUGE.
Please look at the BIG PICTURE and quit getting bogged down in details.
If you have something to tell Pat, e-mail him at [email protected].

Unironically deep.

So like every politician ever? Little doesn't have the funding to do that in reasonable capacity anyway.

Turn the fire against (((them)))

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Not great but he (had) a lot of money saved up.
Also he ran into some legal issues because of course (((they))) were looking for any possible way to fuck him over.
If anyone has spare change though PLEASE send it over to the American Legal Defense Fund... that's where the REAL battles are being fought.
t. - I made posters and fliers for Pat's campaign (pic related)

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Feds don't name the jew or run for office on their own budget.

Those are some pretty good posters.

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Ha ha quit lying you fucking shill.
I know first-hand that Pat was virtually broke after just setting up his campaign and paying his rent after quitting his job and that there was virtually NOTHING to 'pay people to post about him' with...
No evidence; literally moooarpheus-tier.
Fuck off.
t. - some dude who doesn't particularly like some of the things Pat did so no reason to be biased towards him.

I only made one. >9000 hours in ms paint

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>>I made posters and fliers for Pat's campaign

That looks like shit.

How are reparations a better use of money than aid to Israel? I seriously don't understand this point of view.

While I'd prefer paying out neither, I'd prefer paying aid to Israel if I had to choose between the two. Aid to Israel is far from as big of a personal slap in the face to white people as reparations are.

Reparations are basically conceding that niggers were wrongly oppressed by whites during slavery and Jim Crow, that niggers are harmed by the effects of past discrimination to this day, and that we should completely ignore the high taxes we pay on welfare for niggers and incarcerating nigger criminals. It also basically absolves niggers for having sold themselves into slavery, and to some extent absolves Arabs for having enslaved niggers first. Yeah, and it ignores the fact that niggers would be living in some shithole western sub-Saharan nation if they hadn't been enslaved.

The aid to Israel is a waste of taxpayer money but isn't really personally insulting. It's just a stupid use of taxpayer money because of Jewish lobbyists, defense contractors, and Christian Zionists who are literally attempting to end the world. (Based on what the Book of Revelations says.)

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You're outright admitting you know Pat Little firsthand?

Yeah, thanks for admitting you're a paid shill. And I'm sure you're not the only paid shill on this thread.

>Damn those racist white folk and their
>*picks a card*

Actually that one wasn't mine lol but mine were probably worse.
Quit getting hung up on this one point dude.
Also, Blacks are U. S. CITIZENS.
How is U. S. CITIZENS reaping tax dollars worse than ISRAELIS?
Furthermore, if ANYONE owes reparations it is Israel, since JEWS RAN THE SLAVE TRADE.
Seriously, some of these posters can't into simple logic.

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Blacks shouldn't be US citizens though. The 14th Amendment needs to be repealed.

Because Jews are less human than niggers and we have a bone to pick.
I find it amusing you're worried about your shekels of all things.

Join or die sounds like some caesar legion type stuff

Dude you're a schizo and can't be reasoned with.
No, I've never met Pat. I don't actually know him first hand.
I was kicked off his volunteer server by some TRS faggot who he'd made a mod for some reason, because I wanted Pat to collaborate with Paul Nehlen.
I'm much more pro-Paul Nehlen than Pat Little, simply because Pat threatened to sue his own cameraman for filming him drunk, when he shouldn't have been drunk in the first place.
Yeah, so fuck off.
Seriously, what's your deal?
What alternative are you promoting?

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Okay, found some more info.
So you can see here that Pat's total contibutions were around $13,000 ...
Also you have a nice list of names if you want to look for bad goys in the area, although I suppose that our (((enemies))) have access to this info too so be wary of donating (again I would donate to the AMERICAN LEGAL DEFENSE FUND over this any day!)

Thanks. I'll look into the American Legal Defense Fund. They sound interesting.

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Jew, when the 9/11 documents are read live on TV, your little jew shithole will be nuked 10 times over.
That day is coming, very very soon.

>NSDAP Republican
>Nationally Social Democratic American Patriot Republican
Uh yeah have fun, FBI boy.
I'll change my mind should you do anything of value.

In your last post, you claimed you knew Pat first hand, set up his campaign and even personally paid his rent.

Now you say you don't know Pat.

Which is it?

Patrick "Xenomorph Mouth" Little.
I appreciate what he's doing but it's like Cortez or Stelter, I don't trust people with fucked up mouths.