>China prepping war games using US as target
>Asian Co-Prosperity sphere gaining traction
>Gook running in US elections
Lads I know we have problems elsewhere like Israel but why the fuck does nobody seem to be worried about the oriental states?
The Yellow Menace
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Because from my perspective, you're the bad guy. And I'm sure most of Europe thinks the same. After all, you betrayed the whole race two times - WW1 and WW2. And it was you who created the clown world.
Of course i am worried about the yellow menace- but I live on the east coast so I am not that worrier about nukes/land invasion. Bring it on chinks
You aren't white. You don't speak for "the race". Subhuman serb
You don't have t like America to understand that they are a threat, the Chinese are fucking over Africa and the middle east in trade and are building railroads and forming diplomatic relations with Europe to do the same over there. Like I said you don't have to like us, but after America gets fucked, those piss colored retards will be gunning for Europe.
This is basically on the same level as "go and fight for Israel, goy" except it's you telling me to do that for you.
No thanks.
so neocons dont like the free market now. so are we all in agreement communism is the future of america? oh wait your just a hypocrite never mind false alarm neocons cant maintain a single stance on economics except rich guys need more money
>Stand against a foreign entity is fighting for a foreign entity
this post is so fucking retarded I'm not even going to debate it.
This has more to do with global hegemony than internal markets.
Kill yourself you will get no recognition here
They can't be worse than the jews who currently run the show.