Yang Gang threads being deleted

What the fuck happened to this place? Why is Yanggang threads being deleted other than the fact that Jannies are pro-trump zog minions?

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its been going on for days now but they cant stop us. this is a yang board now

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Trump tards are still in deep denial. This is our board now

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>Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

>Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice.

Hop in the general, my NEETgro

/yang gang/ sd62Wnk

they are terrified by the BQ (Bag Question)

>"Why is everyone securing the bag but me"

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Fuck off Drumpftard, there is nonstop threads about Trump, why can't we make Yanggang threads?

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the discord trannys are retreating for their next plan

lets be honest ganger when was the last time there was a positive trump thread? everyone knows yang is the way to go. soon these migapedes will either have to abandon ship or go back to where they came from


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Stop right there, Yang Gang scum! Nobody breaks the law on my watch! I'm confiscating your forced posts and memes. Now pay your $1000 per month fine or it's off to Tumblr.

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is discord tranny the migapede version of russian bot?

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U mad

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Because you are a stupid nigger and the white race will always prevail. Sage

this is going in my migapede cringe comp

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The shills have gone schizo. Their talking to themselves! Sad!

Stop spamming the board shithead

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>Why are janitors deleting coordinated flooding?

Truly a mystery.

Yang Gang 4 life Niggerz!!

So you're going to vote Democrat and let the great replacement happen at a faster rate. Enjoy dying, you deserve nothing less


Only kike around here is you

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Maybe because you faggots can't contain yourselves to one thread.

Then pay with your account ban

Ever heard of spamming? It's against the rules.

Neither can you Trumptard

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>Implying I make all the threads
Wrong. YangGang is universally loved by all of Jow Forums outside of the MIGA faggots.
pic related

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>This confounds the Yang memer

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first off i dont care about a white majority anymore. our last hope was trump and he fucked us. i dont care about anything but that bag. this world is a joke

Yes, and? Same thread by different people is still spamming/flooding no matter how many friends from reddit you bring.


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Only one who belongs in reddit is you t_donald faggot.

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Trump's President; Yang's an irrelevant nobody who's in last place in the Democratic primaries and will never win the nomination.

He's Jow Forums's Patrick Little of 2019.

Because this board is a prison run to turn freethinking people into the most blackpilled, suicidal people imaginable. No positive energy is allowed now.

someone from r/thedonald talking about reddit. thats fucking hilarious migapede and based too : )

the primaries havent started, there hasnt been a debate and he's in 4th place in polling. that's ahead of warren even

>Someone from Discord thinking they're superior to anything

At one point in time Trump was an irrelevant nobody until the first few debates in 2015. Keep seething MIGAtard

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