Is depression a real disease?

Is depression a real disease?

Attached: 778px-Van_Gogh_-_Trauernder_alter_Mann.jpg (778x1024, 319K)

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I don’t know why don’t you go visit a psych ward or local veteran hospital and find out you fucking boomer

Yes faggot

its not a disease you fucking wombats its a mental health disorder

Attached: anger.jpg (408x373, 13K)

It will be gone when yang gives you $1000, but come back when bread cost 2 grand

It's basically your mind/soul crying out because of something wrong. There's many possibilities. Three that come to mind for me are possession, genuine chemical imbalances in the brain, and poor behaviors that lead to overall poor health.

I was on SSRI once. They caused me to feel zero emotions. That was much much worse then the anxiety I felt before. That is what I assume real depression is like. Just no emotion, no drive, suicide

Yes, it's called being blackpilled.

>genuine chemical imbalances in the brain
Nope this, this is a meme.

Depression is a meme it makes sense only white people get it hard enough to kill themselves when they became the minority its seems that they can't handle what we took from them for centuries