Fat people stories

>living with hambeast
>obsessed with tinder, constantly hooking up with beta males
>0/10 tells me about how weird her tits look because of some genetic thing, too grossed out to pay attention
>fingernails barely exist on her sausage fingers
>toenails basically invisible
>tells me a story about how her ex used to piss in her ass and then piss it out in the toilet
>pisses in her mouth, spits it out in the toilet
>pisses in her disgusting vag and squirts it out in the toilet
>"i was his human toilet, lol!"

MFW made a song about her and she doesn't know

gimmie your best

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Masterpiece 10/10

obvs another Aussie lol

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it was funny

many keks

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so bad its good. 10/10

>pisses in her disgusting vag
isn't this dangerous?

>Move to Denmark for studies
>move in with an alright dude and a 130-140 kg "girl" who was 30 years old
>complete loser, had a childish mentality, loved Disney movies and Harry Potter movies and would watch them all the time
>was unemployed, even though she had a master's degree, would stay inside all day
>would make the most absolute disgusting food all the time, would put cocktail sausages and cream on everythings
>complained about guys not liking her since she was fat, would start a new diet every month. Only guys who were into her were brown shitskins.
>I would host a huge party with 30-40 ppl and from time to time, telling her she could join. She rather stayed in her room for 6-7 hours instead
>would complain on dirtiness all the time, despite she being this disgusting pig
>didnt care in the end, would bang my thin gf against her wall during night, with my gf screaming

After awhile I moved out and have never been happier.

Your shits cringey as fuck. Only a normalfag from reddit would find this gay shit funny

>Know this fat lad
>26 stone, no idea what that is in pounds
>hanging out at his house
>he gets hungry
>goes to make cheese sandwhich
>cuts slice of cheese off the block
>puts slice back in fridge
>makes sandwich out of rest of block

It was like something out of a comedy, I genuinly thought he was fucking with me

>another time hanging out
>he gets hungry, of course
>makes a pasta bake that feeds six
>includes full block of cheese
>includes full pack of sliced ham
>hes patting his belly in contemplation
>"needs something else"
>pours in a full can of chicken in white sauce
>bakes it
>I'm thinking of a way to decline whatever he offers me
>sits down with the baking tray and eats full meal for like 8 people
>had no intention of sharing
>thank fuck

Also this fat jew bitch was in my class in primary school. Another girl invited her over for tea. When the girls parents asked her how many fish fingers she wanted with her tea the fat kike said 15. No shit. They come in packs of 15.

This fat yid ate a full pack of fish fingers while the hosts family all had like three each.

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Guy I know is fat as fuck and literally inhales his food. Like we’ll be eating in a group and he’ll be finished before anyone else is 1/3 done. It’s revolting.

>keked and downloaded

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10/10 audiophile experience.

Haha I know a ham planet too who likes guys pissing on her.

>Actually doing such a thing

Well, I guess if you're killing yourself with nutrition, there isn't the necessary perspective to separate why a fantasy might be more exciting than the grim reality.

I generally quite like chubby girls and have a glorious spare tire but I think fatties should be shot. I was friends with one for years but watching him die slowly actually got quite boring and his yelling at me for cooking him something with vegetables or buying him pants so he would wear pants got kind of dull.

It was a valuable lesson because even though I'm the sort of person who will repay a kindness - especially after a difficult time, most people just accept their own foibles, build a dramatic narrative around themselves explaining why they 'just can't' and spend 50-60 years rotting IF THEY ARE LUCKY.

Would actually support state intervention re: nutrition and food regulation at this point. At least when fatties had to bake they got some exercise in the kitchen.

Especially fat women are particularly miserable and their ladyparts smell bad. I once worked with one who clearly was hungry for dick and she was a total cunt and QUITE useless. But a chubby QT with nice knockers, for some reason I attract skinny tomboys, so I dream of LOAF.

Unsurprisingly most of the people in my anecdote are ridiculously left wing. Fat - brain squash...

Also your song is terrible and made my wee wee sad.

does anyone think about getting a good looking fat girl then making her eat normally?

You're going to have to be subtle about that one and thoroughly inspect the tits to adjust for potential shrinkage. Fat women with small tits are the true untermenschen.

haha I know a guy that likes pissing on fat chicks

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Only if you aren't pants on head retarded. Retarded people are typically immune to almost anything.

how is it possible to have this little shame?
is it a parenting thing?
growing up thinking its okay to slowly kill yourself?

maybe body positivity would be a good thing, in the sense that all these retards arent the fittest and shouldn't survive, but theyre bleeding welfare out of economies because muh deserves free healthcare
gavin McGinnes once said he heard a guy say itd be cheaper to pay for gastic bypass surgery for all the fatshits, rather than change everything to facilitate them
>fuck airplane seats
>fuck movie seats
>fuck train seats
like have you ever sat in one of those fat chairs? theyre not even comfortable, imagine having to pay twice as much for an airplane ticket because its discrimination
>why cant i go on rollercoasters

deflated sacks that push up real well

fucks sake

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Sounds like you met a truely rare treat: an irl fembot.