Please Nuke Australia

Please Nuke Australia.

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So this is the power of the white man

The Chad Pedophile

Please Nuke Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane!

This cunt, who granted could've fucked ANY hot chick, was out there ploughing 6 and 8 year olds, like some Islamic Prophet.
Fuck this shit, he'll probably get inundated with marriage offers now.

Das right

WEW lad

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ugh user what are you an incel

This shit (unfortunately) is widespread in affluent sydney. Used to hang with a lad that went to cranbrook (i think) and his sister to kambala. This is part and parcel of having money. Nearly everyone they knew had been abused. Shits fucked

u jealous m8?!

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>cranbrook (i think) and his sister to kambala

I always thought it was poor kids that get fucked up the arse

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Funny, he doesn't look Jewish.


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Them too. His gf at 16 (him 23) was getting a thousand a week of her dad to stfu

too true, knew a ton of girls who had, usually by direct family members or extended family

Convince me that a bunch of Canadian girls pussies aren't drooling into their pants like coffee perculators over this, I mean they even get wet over Trudeau.

I'll wait.

Sounds fishy. Wonder (((who))) would be trying to find white guys to accuse of pedophilia to distract from their own child rape trafficking?

Expensive private schools. Costs a years average take home salary to send your kids there. A lot more if boarding.

the school I went to cost over forty thou a year

These guys are shabbo goys. They're as fucking degenerate as jews. Thats who they admire and imitate

Yet here you are on Jow Forums. :)

Okay, phone poster faggot
Please kys

Wait your 23 year old friend's 16 year old gf was getting fucked by her dad?

lol I also got up to a bit of mischief but having a lawyer that costs a thousand dollars an hour will scare off any and all accusations

I fucked ur mum once

Could be Jewish though
>’The name Daniels is a proud symbol of ancient Jewish culture. Before the late Middle Ages, people were known only by a single name. However, as the population increased and travelers set out on their journeys, it became necessary for people to adopt a second name to identify themselves. Jewish hereditary surnames were adopted from a variety of different sources.Two of the most common types of Jewish family names are patronymic surnames, which are derived from the father's given name, and metronymic surnames, which are derived from the mother's given name. In this case, the surname Daniels is a patronymic name and is derived from the Hebrew given name Daniel, which means God is my judge.’

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lol I hate her dw she aint in the picture anymore she won;t get any inheritance

Fake news

>be a twin
>your dick brother pulls some shit that forces you to restart your life somewhere far away
I'd be mad.

canadian girls have dicks

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Really good-looking blonde white guy pedophile is like a kike propagandists wet dream, so I am skeptical. See: Duke lacrosse team. Occams Razor says this guy could bang 16 year old barely legals til his balls hurt and not need to molest children. Pedos are mostly ugly and can't get sex from legal partners.

Not at the time. Mother left him when the gf was 13 i think. Mum got child support and the gf got $1000 cash a week.

Aboriginals rape literal babies to death every month and nobody cares.

She stank

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Most of the high end boys schools have had scandals involving teachers molesting students. Some quite historic, others recent, but all come out as a result of the recent Royal Commission that was aimed at the RCs but took pot shots at the Anglicans and private boarding schools as well.
In 2001 Trinity Grammar had the Anaconda rape. Boarders turned a dildo in woodwork and then held down and raped a student with it.
The school tried to hush it up.
One smart degenerate bought an old car trailer and mounted a billboard with the story. He then parked it outside the school. The principal bought the trailer and sign off him for $10K the next day.
s m
Eliminate the spaces to go to the link.

So the dad raped her when she was 13?
And all you cunts know about it lol?

pedos deserve death but holy fuck what a waste of good physical genes for shit mental genes.

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Maybe. I cant comment personally on this case. Just added the little i know and that this doesnt suprise me. (If true)

It's real WTF?

She was a good mates gf. He told us. Whats the prob?

Where the fuck are these children's parents? You shouldn't trust little girls alone with young men, especially predatory Chads.

Either way, fucked up.

found the sandgroper

Doesn't she want revenge against her father?
If someone diddled me as a kid I'd fucking murder them

Emu takeover when?

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Reminds me of Hamish Stit. Sydney Grammar, USYD. Kept his pistols and and SKS in his college fireplace at Syd U. His dad was the barrister for Channel 7 and no one was willing to take him on.
He took his LLB, told all his friends he was going to London to be with his correct class.
He did get a job at a London Chambers where his colonial double degree qualified him to be the photocopier boy. :)

But your dad diddled you when you were a kid and he's still alive today

>appeared in Manly Local Court

Fucking Chads even get their own courts just for them.

Because nothing of value was lost.

Project more, Bruce. We're civilised over here in the Mother Country

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Remember what we do when its a hot female teacher?

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Porn really does destroy your mind and rot your soul.


Okay, achmed

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Manly is a lovely seaside suburb with surf beaches. Also when we had a Royal Commission into police corruption they had to bring in coppers from out of state to raid and arrest most of the police force.

Yep. You outsource and industrialize your diddling for lower cost and mass production. See Rotherham.


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people seem to be very trusting idk

Newington college is another expensive boarding school that had a diddler in charge.

This young man was beaten into paralysis by a violent mob after allegations were made against him that he sexually abused a young kid. It later turned out the allegations were completely false. The more you know.

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he was the evil twin. never stood a chance

No he swallowed a slug you stupid cunt

Manly was named by Captain Arthur Phillip for the indigenous people living there, stating that "their confidence and manly behaviour made me give the name of Manly Cove to this place". These men were of the Kay-ye-my clan (of the Guringai people). While scouting for fresh water in the area, Phillip encountered members of the clan, and after a misunderstanding he was speared in the shoulder by one of the clan; to his lasting credit, the progressively-minded Phillip ordered his men not to retaliate.

White men were KEKS for big black bulls even in 1788.,_New_South_Wales

that was the aussie that ate the raw snail and it had a parasite that ate his brain

He ate a slug. the slimy kind, not a bullet.

Actually now that I think about it we had a rugby player in our school who ate a slug too when he was drunk at some party.
I guess Australian slugs are a different breed. More dangerous

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>No he swallowed a slug
You know how silly that sounds. Get educated.

>ate the raw snail
Now it's a snail. Wow get your story straight. I bet all the French are handicapped too huh?

Get the fuck out of here with that malware link.

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Sydney Grammar school had a Stacy fucking a student.

Very good user! You get a star!

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now imagine if he was a mudslime

the chad loli enthusiast vs the virgin pedo jacker

You've already posted that front-page Bruce.
>I bet all the French are handicapped too huh?
They are though

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>American education
True story

>and brags about it on facebook
Mad Thad is not a chad.

Wouldnt achieve anything. After money, it is social status these people care about. It would of been social suicide for her. Shunned by the elites and penniless

>straight "people"

Why are Aussies so deviant under the surface? They are really good at facades but privately they do crystal meth, money laundering, screw children, and rip you off the moment your back is turned, but it's somehow your fault for having your guard down.

Imagine pols outrage if he was an arab Muslim.

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Whoever told him he'd look good with a moustache needs a kick in the gut.

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same shit in NZ

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God, what's up with straight people and fucking little girls all the time, jesus christ. Must be a causal connection there somewhere.

By 8 year old Stacy foids no doubt

At least they got the gender right you disgusting catomite.

>tfw too lower-middle class to be molested

What the fuck is up with his belly button?
Was that a drain hole from lipo or ab implants?

>At least they got the gender right you disgusting catomite.
Subtle pedo support?

How much longer you think until we can isolate the pedo gene? We should enforce mandatory abortion upon discovery and also release a deadly virus that targets only them just in case

>Whats the prob?

That you haven't posted pics yet