>everyone called this post a meme
>everyone, even migapedes are turning on drumpf now
>has pretty much no allies
>pretty much just r/the_donald supporters at this point
This was the mind of a man who knew Jow Forums
bask in him.

Attached: MindsRead.png (2518x750, 392K)

baste psychic anons.

Attached: osycan.jpg (800x600, 75K)

Babby's first election.

>unironically rooting for globalism
>left right dichotomy fallacy
Haha no

He's right except the globalism part

it's nothing new, is it? i was once a edgy commietard, then slowly turned into a full blown nationalist, and now i'm sort of centre i.e. don't give a fuck about politics.

>post really vague half-truths
>double check flag in picture
OP is and always will be, a faggot

fake, dumb, and gay.

I'm more excited to re-elect him than I was to vote for Bernie last time.

Dems are totally fucked this time.

Attached: 1552269338845.jpg (2024x1296, 456K)

But Jow Forums has never been on Trumps train, faggots from t_d came here and shit up my board for lolbertarians and fascists, the same thing as we know. Fuck globalists posing as populists