Trust no yang

Don't fall for the NEET shills.

It's a load of bullshit. You probably already know this, but it bears repeating.

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Other urls found in this thread:

No shit, we already know he's a generic progressive. But we tried Trump and he bent over to progressives. This way at least I get my 1k yangbucks.

Just a friendly reminder for those falling for the Yang Gang Bait

>have to register every firearm
>can not buy a semi-automatic rifle unless youve been licensed to own a pistol for 1 YEAR
>ban supressors
>Ban high-capacity magazines
>Require submission of fingerprints & DNA to the FBI
>Anyone with a history of violence, domestic abuse, or violent mental illness would be restricted from gun license.
>wants "smart guns" locked to fingerprint (guaranteed to make gun less reliable)
>implement a federal buyback program (for all the guns he will BAN)
PAID perental leave
>requiring employers to offer at least 9 months of paid family leave
Cuck Nuke Authority
>The power to launch a nuclear attack shouldn’t rest with a single individual (wants VP & Chief of Staff to have say too. wasting time in a 6 minute response window)
>Fuck the home owners & "start taking the needs of renters & those who would be interested in moving into areas e.g. cheap getto nigger housing.
>Sexual orientation & gender identity should be protected classes under the law, SAY MY PRONOUN OR JAIL!
>PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP for illegals. Anti wall.
>this faggot actually believes the wage gap exists "fight for equal pay"
UBI (universal basic income)
>Automation will soon take 10's of MILLIONS of jobs. Yangs solution is UBI $1000pm for everyone will not only get wiped out via inflation, its already a barely livable wage. NEETS on it will barely afford to live, & turn to crime to get all the shit they cant afford, drug use to numb their meaningless boring existance. You will be unemployed & too poor to do ANYTHING but exist.
>Appoint judges who support a woman’s right to choose to kill their child. Access to birth control should be provided to all Americans (more gibs)
MORE GIBS for single parents
>further incentivize the break down the of the nuclear family.
POLICE "Fake News"
>Introduce penalties for speech

Thats a cuck move if I ever heard one.

A vote for yang is a vote for hillary. All dems are the same

You don’t actually believe that bullshit, do you? Who’s gonna pay for $1k for each and every American every single month?

Trump said the same thing

matters now

I hate him

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fpbp im going to use my yang bucks to go off grid inna woods see you brothers on the other side in 15-20 years when the dust has settled

>you're a cuck if you want a piece of the treasury already being raided by everybody else on the planet including boomers.
>just sit there like a good boy in that shed while everyone else raids that shit and by the time your 50 every government program will be bankrupt anyway and you got nothing out of it.

Yang's going to enslave you and throw you in a gulag. You're never getting anything.

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same people who are paying for the 9 wars that no one but trump and the jewish oligarchy want

Trump has said worse, its really just the same thing but with 1000$

Yes good goy. If you give me your guns, I'll give you 1k.

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yangs fine on guns

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Pretty much this. If MIGApedes want to keep trusting the plan and get nothing in return doesn't matter to me. The country is going to shit, might as well get something out of it while it lasts, the rest of the world already does. Don't worry though conservatives you can still send all your Yang bucks to our "greatest ally." Yang 2020.

All politicians lie. This isn't new.
>believing in campaign promises unironically

Now tell me about immigration and disavowing people like you and I?
>b-but muh $1000
Yeah and Trump said he would build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. Stop falling for the same Jewish tricks, nigger.

yang gang nigger

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The yang gang is the most powerful gang

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Does $1000 give you an edge over immigrants?

shut the fuck up, tranny

In Yang We Trust.

And Trump is the same as all the dems now give me the bag. Trump disavowed white nationalism and racism multiple times too. It's no shit that politicians disavow us. Now give me $1000 you retarded boomers
Trump did this
>PAID perental leave
Don't care give me money
>Cuck Nuke Authority
Don't care give me money
Don't care give me money
Trump did fuck all about this, and said the issue was decided. Lets Get That Bread
It's $1000 now gimme the bag
>UBI (universal basic income)
Fucking finally. Give me the bag
This hasn't changed and won't change so I might as well get my money. Shit's fucked now give us the bag.
>MORE GIBS for single parents
Trump didn't cut any gibs. Now let me in on the gibs
>POLICE "Fake News"
Fuck the kike media. Make twatter and facebook public utilities and give me my $1000 boomer

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>i hate progressive policies, but CNN told me that Drumpf loves them now, so i now support this guy who loves progressive policies more than even CNN says Drumpf does!

Tranny logic

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Damn this post really made me want to donate $38 billion NEETbux to Israel. I was blind but now I see. MIGA!

Uh oh, Yangfags will call you a Boomer now!!!!!!!!

>Vote trump and get the status quo slide into oblivion
>Vote yang and get the status quo slide into oblivion plus the possibility of $1000
It's all gonna happen regardless so nothing is lost if yang cucks. You were gonna get all this shit anyway might as well take a shot at getting $1000.

Rich people?

>implying white people will get free money
That money's for niggers and you know it.


Shut the fuck up retard it's $1000 a month when yang gang is elected.

Read his policy retard

He's the most anti-gun guy I've ever seen

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No it's not you idiot

Voting for Yang is committing suicide

If you're gonna do that just do it right now faggot and save us the trouble

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You have no idea how communists work

They take your guns, they reduce your freedom until you are a complete slave, and if you try to fight back they kill you.

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Based. Doing your part Aussie, thank you


Nice try. Trump cucked like a bitch and gave up on everything.
Get that bag kill all boomers

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Friendly reminder that X GANG thing originated from /leftypol/ in format of nazbol gang memes.

>voting for yang is suicide for my boomer gibs
>the gibs program that won't exist in 30 years for you to draw from yourself but are being forced to pay into now
gas the boomers, now

Exactly sums up what is going to happen

Yangtards need to read their history. Look up the Chinese Communist Revolution.

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How to spot a Yang shill. They just call everyone boomers.

it's just insecure boomers that are terrified SSI will get defunded too early after they wasted their whole life doing drugs and working as a cashier. They dont want those gibs reduced or threatened by rival gibs.

sure is jidf in here.

stupid ameriniggers

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You are a complete and total retard

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I just looked through Yang's policies for the first time and Jesus Christ is a lunatic communist. He wants to make Puerto Rico a state, publicly fund CNN, gut the military, pay reparations to niggers, and make "Revenue Day" (the day taxes are due) a national holiday and "celebration" of taxation. I don't know what else i expected from a communist bugman but it's amazing to me that anyone could actually think this chink could be pushed on Jow Forums successfully

not an argument

How horrible! It's a good think we have Trump stopping this decline! Oh wait he helped accelerate it with gun control, amnesty, and pro-immigration rhetoric just like Yang? Fuck it give me my bucks since it's happening already. Only boomers bitch about communism anymore. Yangbucks are nothing like shit tier revolutions for the means of production no matter how much bezos shills it.

Yes he is terrible

I encourage everyone to actually go through his website and look at what he's planning to do

He's going to literally legalize all illegals currently in the US and stop all deportations.

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>he doesn't know literally everything he just listed is going to happen anyways as proven by Trumps inability to accomplish literally anything
>He wouldn't prefer at least getting a bag out of it himself
Trump has the best cuckolds.

>if things are bad, let's make it worse!

You're a suicidal idiot. Kill yourself now and do the world a favor.

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fuck off AARP nigger

YangGang is literally only a thing because that's true. Both sides are doing the exact same shit, and it's guaranteed to be R/D who win. If Yang doesn't deliver the bag then we get exactly what we were always going to get. And if he does we get that +$1000. There is no alternative in 2020. Now give me $1000. Absolutely none of you retarded boomers can actually make a coherent argument for how this shit isn't already guaranteed to happen. The countries is already dead. Now give me a thousand bucks

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People who say Yang is just like Trump are the biggest liars on earth.

Go through his website.

He's going to make all children brought into the US automatically citizens.

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Fuck you are stupid

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Fuck this guy. I am going to support him just to spite him.

Ameriburgers deserve nothing but gulags

Your ideology makes no sense fuckhead.

All you're doing is making everything even worse.

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Trump already signed a fucking amnesty bill into law without even attempting to stop it with a veto. So in 2020 I get amnesty Trump or Amnesty Yang +$1000

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Trump already did that when he gave amnesty to any illegal alien who is living in a house with an illegal alien child, it was basically blanket amnesty
Trump is doing everything Yang wants to do except not providing a bag

Now that's the spirit m8

Im 19

Everything is already fucked and the end is guaranteed. The death of the country is a fixed thing and Trump is not giving me any benefit in the short or long term. Nobody offers a viable alternative. Give me $1000. Shits fucked now buy my vote with $1000 bitches. Trump wants my vote he can offer me $2000.

the only people worried about "making things worse" are actually worried about "making things worse faster" so they can't die before the ponzi collapses

>All Dems are the same

According to 538, they come in six flavours.

>publically fund CNN
I didnt know about that one. Jesus christ

>another thread of neet shills not actually arguing just strawmanning trump as if anyone outside of the cancerous general is for zognald

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Except the worst case scenario for Trump is he loses 2020 having accomplished nothing more than he has today. Even in that scenario, i would not regret voting for him. 4 years of slower decline than anyone else was offering was worth the effort of getting out of bed before noon to go vote two years ago. What Yang is offering, if he were actually able to deliver any of it, is actual unironic accellerationism. Accelleration of America into South Africa, likely within my lifetime. That does not interest me, personally, because i have a family and am not a waste of space NEET with no reason to live, like yourself.

You're just a suicidal idiot.

lmao yangniggers are so inorganic. This entire shill campaign revolves around deflecting all criticism while waving around shiny keys in the hopes that people will take the bait. It's generic politician pilpul, and it doesn't work on Jow Forums because people come here to discuss things.

Tell your family I'll be happy to take their yangbucks if they don't want them.

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UBI will destroy this country, I fucking hate what the US has become and I long for a restart. #Yang Accelerationist Gang 2020

Dumbfuck read Yang's policies.

He's going to legalize ALL illegals. Stop ALL deportations.

Trump is nothing like Yang.

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where does yang promise everyone $1000?

Also like other anons have mentioned, do you really think politicians live up to their promises? I'm certain he'd like to disarm me, that's a promise he'll keep, and I'm also certain he's gonna renege on that promise to give your free gubmint money

Trump hasn't slowed shit, we're hitting immigration levels at a 12 year high with the president of the ICE union saying the administration is fraudulent in claiming they are doing anything to prevent aliens. They even accuse them of intentionally boosting the movement of detainees into releases in the interior of the country. GET THE BAG

>Neet shills
They're just shills.
Shills using really out of date memes and info to try to force their shitty D/C spam.

Self centered degenerate.
All you care about is quick pleasures. You fall quickly on swords of fake promised.

You are the weak men that will bring on the hard times.

You're accelerating into a brick wall. Your revolution will not be won by you, it will be won Yang and his Democrat friends who are going to put your head on a stick. They're going to round up all the people like you and enslave them or kill them. All you're doing is helping your enemies.

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Obliterate the country by 2030 and spics stop coming because there's nothing of value for them to leech off of. Give me $1000 a month to do it. YangGang rise up.
I have. He's a shit tier progressive, but so is everyone else so give me $1000. Trump's difference is that he has actually done the things you're afraid of Yang for and he isn't handing the bag over. Bezos is gonna give me money, and since you don't want your yangbucks you can redirect your check to me.
>Every U.S. citizen over the age of 18 would receive $1,000 a month, regardless of income or employment status, free and clear. No jumping through hoops. Yes, this means you and everyone you know would receive a check for $1,000 a month every month starting in January 2021.
If he doesn't deliver then you get the same cancer you were always going to get so it's no big deal. Shit is already irreparably fucked. Now hand me $1000


we already know. they have people who are hired from multiple sites to spam this place with yang shit. it's been exposed. we are not falling for it. go fuck yourselves.

Trump made more deportations last year than ever recorded.


Guess what Yang wants to do? Stop ALL deportations.

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Someone else said it perfectly, Trumpism was the fantasy America could still be saved, Yangism is accepting the reality that it can't be.

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i'm only in it for the MONEY. its the art of the deal my friend, let this country go down the shitter for free or let this country go down the shitter for a premium of $1000 a month.

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Hard times are happening because of shit that happened decades ago unabated and can't be stopped at this point. Since it's happening I want something of value out of the decline and anyone else can fuck themselves for trying to them their nose up at it. Yang Gang. Bring on the collapse, give me some yang bucks, and put the nail in the coffin of this dead shithole so we can make something worthwhile.

Trump is nothing like Yang.


Ya can't hang the Yang!
Freedom Dividend here we cooooome!!!!

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We got more illegals then that in just February this year, and those were ordered deportations which make take years if ever to find the individuals to execute.





Well, Puerto Rico is not a state, 80,000 refugees have been blocked by the travel ban in 2018 alone, no gun control legislation has been signed, and there are two new conservatives on the Supreme Court, so how exactly am I to believe that Hillary would have provided the same result, let alone better?

Hey yang fire this nigger he's too obvious.

Great pic

Perfectly sums it up. Yang is a Progressive Democrat supported by other Progressive Democrats.

Well maybe you're just too old to understand that the good ol' days of Murkia and burgers and freedumbz are over or you're just retarded. Our country is already dead, it's just a place where people buy shit and cut off their dicks and send their sons and now daughters to die to secure the existence of a shitty country in the middle east. You can reeee about communism all you want my dude but the "new Americans" that are invading every day will be given the right to vote and vote for communism anyway. Get the money while you can. Yang 2020.

>i would rather suffer a slow decline so that my kids can deal with the anxiety and frusturation of a new world while i continue to believe america can be saved by the republicans
shut the fuck up boomer

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Yang is a centerleft neolib. Same shit but with UBI on top. This country is fucked regardless of how much you try to pump air into it's collapsed lungs, it's heart is going to give out soon. Id rather collapse now with a chance at demographics than 30% face era