Wait...so Russia can just steal a shitton of Ukrainian land, but we can't retake Königsberg?

Wait...so Russia can just steal a shitton of Ukrainian land, but we can't retake Königsberg?

It's time. It's time to retake what rightfully ours.

Attached: kaliningrad.png (1200x627, 926K)

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Entschuldigung ?

I think he is implying lithuania with that zoom

Excuse you!

What the hell Germany? You don't want Königsberg back? You and Poland ought to team up!

How about we two sweethearts do a little "expedition" to the balts? Cut fair 50/50


Was ist das deutsche Vaterland?

Wait... so America can push towards the russian borders but Russia can't push back?
Remember that time WW3 almost started because the soviets stationed a couple of soldiers on Cuba?

Ok, russia will just nuke a european country.

>Wait... so America can push towards the russian borders but Russia can't push back?
Are you retarded? Russia first invaded Georgia, then Crimea. Then nations like Poland, Estonia, Romania and Lithuania have been holding NATO exercise. How is America pushing towards Russian borders? Especially considering the fact that Russia sends Iskander missiles to Kaliningrad which is illegal

Didn't the USSR/Russia offer it back in 89-91 but the Germans said no because they are cucks and its full of gopniks anyway?

I Concur

and later you establish Prussia, and later you do partitions
spierdalaj, this already happened

fuck off vicky

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>whats rightfully ours


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go and try cuck

> Russia invaded Georgia

ok cuck

>what is series of orange revolutions
>what is rearmament of Georgians since 2003

you mutts were creeping up to our borders since 1991

Sure, go and try but don't forget to report back how it went.

Germans only deserved what they currently have. Now I wouldn't even trust them to have the land they currently own. It'd be better off under Polish rule.

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its not even ours, but its ok
it is better in hands of anyone, even Wanya, then in hands of autismo germs

Wait...so America can interfere in Venezuela's politics and collude with their rebels, but we can't even state an opinion about Trump on the internet?

Just because its closer to you doesn't mean its your land.

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Konigsburg is rightful Lithuania clay

>It'd be better off under Polish rule.

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never change leaf

geographically it looks like rightful Lithuanian clay

>Wait...so Russia can just steal a shitton of Ukrainian land

Putin should reconstitute Prussia as a Grand Duchy under the Russian Crown and the annex Poland and the Baltics to it.
Would join the Prussian army and fight for the Tsar in a fucking heartbeat.

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> rightful Ukrainian land
No such thing
> Ukraine
A mistake waiting to be fixed
> Ours
From who's perspective are you talking about?

Nope. russia's too scared to do anything against the West.

How about you get Kiev and Germany gets Königsberg? Seems fair no?

Danzig for Minsk?

Its completely full of russians by now you imbecile

If you do annex Ukraine, do you honestly think you can survive against Ukrainian insurgency?
You'll have waves after waves of "domestic" "terrorism".

Was meant for


they will not let it go since its their only ice free port.
either they need to get one on the baltic sea either they should get one in the east (mandchuria or alaska)

It's not really ethnically German after the post-Potsdam exterminations and deportations.

>its their only ice free port
Is it even a port? Saint Petersburg is a major hub, Kaliningrad is cut off from the rest of the country and I don't think ships are stationed there.

There are three important sea stations: Saint Petersburg, Black Sea and near Japan somwhere.

Speaking of which..
>Von der Maas bis an die Memel...
>Von der Etsch bis an den Belt!

But they are Argentinas. Give back Gibraltar too, pirate fag

East Germany relies on gibs (like the rest of it but that's another story), so does Poland

St. Petersburg freezes pretty bad in winter and icebreakers are needed. Crimea is the only other major ice free port other than Kaliningrad

Nigger, what are you doing?

yea, haahah, ukrainian insurgency...what fuck are you talking about nigger ?!
i almost pissed my pants, ukrainian insurgency hahaha
btw nice flag cuck

I doubt he is afraid of peasants armed with axes, pinning kids and old people to trees with nails
Russian is top slav in terms of brutality, hohols are not even same tier

Nobody wanted to buy a city full or Russians in 1991.

>No such thing
>A mistake waiting to be fixed
Same applies to Russia

>russia dindu nuffin

Russia has bases in Nicaragua, Venezuela and advisors all throughout Latin America. They've been there since USSR times. And they're planning to reopen the Cuba base too.


You should have a quick search about what it looks like. Why would you want a rundown exclave filled with poisened environment and populated by Hep and HIV pozzed drug addicted slavs? No thanks.

What difference does make for Germany? You're full of Hepatitis and HIV infected niggers anyways.

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psshh, don't just shatter that little pride he has

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Reminder that Poland is a neocan paradise.


>more useless land filled with subhumans
Nah thanks, we had the chance in 1990 and declined the offer.

Nukes made everything so fucking boring


Yeah. They should have offered it to Poland right after Germany rejected the offer. It's fucked up that that German government didn'tt even talk to the Volksdeutsch if they should buy it back.

They were on their way up until the EU started putting restrictions on what could be made and where.

you creep on to our borders since 1246. how is that an argument for anything?

One minor technicality. The Russians don't give a fuck, and the Germans are now, sadly, cucked pussies.

Russia deals with insurgencys in kind of a different way then west does. Look at chechnya. Islamic state, won war against russia, ton of support and fighters from other muslim countries. But when you do regular purges every now and then, and a kid throwning a stone at an armoured trucks means all the people in his family that are male are arrested, and their houses burned, in the winter, in the mountains, people stop having thoughts about uprisings. Only jews were the nation to not stop, no matter how much Russians killed them or other nations living the empire. Won against them too, at least technicaly till stalin came. Still good live under Putin, so in hindsight they were probably right.

Well Serbians can do stuff Russians don't do, but then again Russians don't do those things, not because they can't or won't, but because it is just to inefficient. Some of the good germanic traditions are still alive in Russia. Seems to work for them too.

Go Russia! I am firmly pro-Russia because of all the Democrats "Russia is evil!" nonsense...and we all know the leftists really hate Russia mostly because it is full of white people.

you would have problems with understanding what a Russian is. Only germans can, and maybe some people who were born in the 50s in south America can. A friend tried to explain to me why a deep syberian dude that looks like a mongol is 100% Russian and a Tatar from main land Russia is not, but it was very esotheric. And it ain't if you loyal your Russian and not loyal not Russian.

>a kid throwning a stone at an armoured trucks means all the people in his family that are male are arrested, and their houses burned, in the winter
Retarded Sl*v, there's a reason you're a poor and can't live with your neighbours.

Not quite true. Yes - russans are white, but they are dying

>But they are Argentina's
Fuck off frog, the only reason you're upset is because you can't sell your missiles anymore.

>ukrainian land
fuck off, it always was our land, there is no such thing as "ukrainian identity" anyway, especially in the way that ukrainian state presents it, one day we will take all our lands back

ukrainians are as russian as siberians
do you even understand what does "annexation" mean?

Nato advancement to the Russian border is because of decisions of democratic governments in Eastern Europe meanwhile Russia literally invaded the ukraine.

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Dude do we really have to do this? Do I really have to list the stuff done by your dudes that pushed us back like a 100-200 years in development. Heck at the end of the empire, you had more liberal laws both in how law system or local goverment worked, then the ex polish kingdom had. I get propaganda, I get wanting do up owns own duddes over other dudes, but why the fuck through all early XX century did we get our butts kicked for something jews did. Worse because of how inefficient you were, you somehow manged to not be able to deal with them in the kingdom and then the empire fell apart we had to deal with them ourselfs. And with them making 30% of population you fucked us up royaly. And that is just one thing from like 10 years.

Plus don't tell us about living with our neighbours, maybe no body likes us, and truth be told there isn't much to like, but at least our state doesn't exist in a pernament state of either war, preping for war or civil war.

We always have and had the best trade with Russia, even with your retarded tax and customs systems. And by always I mean like since XV century. Yet somehow every time we get to an agrement and trade starts to work you start doing something stupid. Food trade with Russia was going great in the late 90s early 2000s, on the border with kalinigrad we had stores just for Russian border crossers.
But man try to mention that a monument to soviet soldiers in the middle of our capital should be moved, and suddenly you start a tariff war. Or how about we said that the countless russian soldier cementaries take up to much space here, often choking the growth of our cities. We propose that maybe we should move them, which is nothing considering you made parkings out of our gravyards in the 50-80s. What is your reaction? close of border and put iskanders in the kalinigrad region.
People wise you are nice people. I love to go hunt in Russia,plus you can hunt anything you like as long as you know proper people.

This one is right.
There will only be the need to jail Ukrainian nationalists, the rest of the population will change their mind very quickly

By what Putins own words, Russia ends where ever he says it ends. From my contact on daily basis with Russians, you guys think that your natural borders should include 1/3 of Poland and influenc should be world wide. It is really hard to talk with you guys about anything. Not that Poles are the most sweet people in the world. But at least we do not ask for borders to be brought back to the state from pre 1648.

But you do have Zerenosky, who I love to watch. Must say I had a hearty laugh when be beat up a Ukrainian Politican on TV,and proposed the partision of Ukrain between ye and us. Made me warm inside for like two days.

Only if Germany helps with Ukraine annexation
> t. Butthurt noncountry

uhm, actually russia and poland are the only slav countries that really matter, i don't have anything against poles, my friends like poland too

I would like to point out that does not work with populations going in to milions. You tried it with Fins and Poles, and it did not work. You can't, well you can technicly, put 1/3 of ukrain population in to a "jail", and lets face it we know it would be work camps.

Even with smaller populations it doesn't always work. You couldn't change the mind of Krym Tatars, and with Chechens you more or less had to wipe out the opposition physically. Plus you have to no deal with the chechen mob, which was never as strong as it is now.

The eastern uks? yeah, those aren't really ukrainians, more like soviet people. Not russians though. they wouldn't have to be forced to be pro Russia. Not sure about oligarchs though, Putin only likes his own people and he has the tendency to remove others. I mean the dude had the balls of steel, when he removed the old mer of Moscow.
What I do worry about is what is going to happen when he is gone. There is no Putin 2.0 and no man lives eternal. Going back to Yelcyn style russia would be scary with military being buffed up by oil money.

Oh no you poor soul, Poland is always an opressed victim.

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russian people were traditionally divided in three groups:
great(great as big in size probably) russians (russians)
little russians (ukrainians)
white russians (belorussians)

finns, tatars, chechens, poles are completely different people with their own worldview, ethnics etc

>The eastern uks?
the wast majority of ukrainians have the same mentality as those in the east, even western ukrainians, families of those who live in Lviv probably moved there in the soviet era, the rest are probably just poles

You are free to try. In fact i beg you try it. I really want to see the "blowback" that vaporizes your major cities.


There is literally nobody with half a brain on this planet that would willingly take Kaliningrad back after what the Russians have done to the place. It's a shithole of biblical proportions, a post apocalyptic nightmare. It's Metro Exodus IRL, and not even the Russian want to pay to fix that clusterfuck.

Same Russians are nice people, but man I wish your country was more efficient. Yes Moscow is great, as is the Burg. But god damn it does it really have to be good for so few people? Free water, electricity is great, my family grows stuff outside of city too, and I think it is healthy.

And by doing something, I don't mean retarded stuff like westerners think, democracy and free speach just doesn't work in russia, It ends in revolutions if it happens. But if the burocracy was a little bit more efficient, and law abiding. Now I know they are 100% loyal to the unwriten law, we have it here too. Only Poland is Russia without oild, diamonds, metals needed everywhere and with 1/10th the population.

China, and it hurts me to say it, does authoritarian rule better. I wish russia would get their version of Confucius. And I don't even mean a good writer, ton of good writers in Russia. But someone who can affect how the country works.

Had great hopes for Putin, and he did a lot of good things, great even. But man why do all good Russian rulers end up in a court web? And why does all the money laundring has to be done by the Jews? Its like Witte and Stolypin all over again. Let the oligarchs get rich, they seem to be an essential part of Russian. But let them be Russians, not 2/3 being made out of jews, ormians and chechens.

You heart it on reddit?

>because the soviets stationed a couple of soldiers on Cuba?
I didn't realize nuclear missiles were considered soldiers under the Geneva Convention. It would be interesting to study what makes someone so retarded as yourself.

That is not being oppressed, that is stating a fact. Like saying that albanians should be send back to turky considering they were a military colony of that country and existed only to give recruit, and nothing else. Albanians may not like it, but it is the truth.


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I heard it from my Russian wife. She speaks similarly of Samara incidentally.

Putin allows literal traitors with no national identity, no place to call home to rule the country and drain it of resources to enrich themselves. We will hang all of them on the red square in time, mark my words.

Чтo ты cлышaл, бapaн eбaный? Пoшeл нaхyй.

Finns and Poles are speaking a different language, have other religion and other historical self-awareness.
Eastern Ukraine would be easy, you are right. Not even sure I want the Western part.
Crimean tatars are what, 300 thousand people?

>burger flag

Attached: mutt2.jpg (460x250, 34K)

Caмapa - тa eщe жoпa...

Try us you fat ale loving bratwurst eating a*glos
You'll be wishing we didn't ally with the SS back in WW2 After we're done ethnically cleansing your lands for you

>You're full of Hepatitis and HIV infected niggers anyways.
Says the mutt with 40 million niggers. You would be surprised.