Is Finland the most based country on earth?

Is Finland the most based country on earth?
>allied the Germans to fight the soviets from 1941-1944
>proudly flies the swastika to this day
>compulsory conscription for all citizens
>"Jehovah's Witnesses are no longer exempted from service as of February 27, 2019."

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no, it's vietnam

>compulsory conscription for all citizens

Only men. Women are weak.

Yes, also don't forget one of the whitest Nations on Earth

Yep. They have nice gun culture too.

I don't think you can CCW, but still their good for Europe standards.

In finland we also had a eugenics program that castrated 7,000 people for racial impurities. :DDD

women shouldn't fight and they shouldn't vote. back to the kitchen.

being mothers will make them happier anyways


Checked and based.

It's a shame Finns aren't white.

Why would you even want people who won't fight to be in the military?
That doesn't make any sense.

I still got my grandpas old war medals and ones got a big swastika on it, I remember asking about it at a family gathering once when I was a kid and getting hushed.

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Isn't it kind of cold as shit there for like 10 months out of the year? Also, isn't the country about to collapse because of the free medical care and not enough young people to foot the bill?

Back in the day, in a Brigade that shan't be named, there was a Lieutenant Wesku(Or at least every based thing is attributed to him);

Once he reported his new platoon to the armory shouting; "The platoon consists of 30 men, 4 women and a negro, so we're going to need 30 rifles, 4 ladles and a spear!"

One sunny spring day he came out from the baracks smoking a big fat cigar, so one of the sergeants asked him; "Is it the Lieutenant's birthday?" He takes it out of his mouth and blows out a huge cloud of smoke; "No, Hitler's".

...Naturally... He was fired at some point a long time ago, it was a national tragedy.

sounds like you got jewed you know eugenicds is jewish btw Finland is just as cucked and satanic as the rest of the west

Well a lot of it is. The cities with universities not so much.
But the one thing we can be happy about is the army.
When I was conscripted and first got to my brigade there was an under-sergeant? that seemed pretty chill and all then he saw a sandnog in the ranks and just walked up to the guy started yelling something about perimeter defenses having failed and enemy being in the base. Needless to say the invader was bullied to all hell and transferred to civilian life pretty quick.

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Most people just own shitty hunting rifles.

We have 1k jews here mr :D
You faggots have millions and you are almost a minority in your country.
Our worst cities have 11,5% nigger populations and the political opposition to this is explicitly against becoming a minority where you faggets have a party that says "just as long as they come legally"

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You can get a reservist rifle rather easily if you dont live in the big cities.

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How? You need all kinds of gay permits from the police.


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So did Sweden (also until the 70s like us) and look where it got them.

Not all kinds of gay permits.
Just have the normal paperwork and ask for it :D
Not really that hard.

Been reading all the Finflag comments, especially liked
>30 rifles, 4 ladles and a spear
I'm gonna say yes OP, according to my new found knowledge they are.


>allied the Germans to fight the soviets from 1941-1944
wrong, they were co-belligerents, the implications of that are huge. If they actually allied with the Germans the soviets would've probably lost Leningrad and Moscow in the initial push. They pussied out because muh ebil Hitler or some shit, not so based.

Police and the government know you have weapons then. Best way to get weapons safely would probably be to buy them illegaly from russia.

memeflag jew

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You guys have a nice gunsmithing history*
Can we agree to that?

I think Sweden had you beat, they were castrating whores and other malcontents as well.

Hopefully it’s just an excuse to prosecute and extradite/execute, but one country can only be so based.

It's over. Finland is Sweden 2.0, except worse. There are Muslim rape gangs enslaving our children and the NPCs literally do not give a shit

Hitler was a backstabbing traitor who burned up Lapland because he got butthurt
fuck that gay ass austrian mustache nigger gay

Based Suomi!
Epic photo. Wish that we had a color version!

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>The Wehrmacht had anticipated the turn of events and drawn up plans for an organised withdrawal to German-occupied Norway called Operation Birke (Birch). Despite a failed offensive landing operation by Germany in the Gulf of Finland, the evacuation proceeded peacefully at first. The Finns escalated the situation into warfare on 28 September after Soviet pressure to adhere to the terms of the Armistice. The Finnish Army was required by the USSR to demobilise while at the same time pursuing German troops out of Finnish soil.
Absolutely NOT based.

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>A sign the Germans left in Lapland with "As a thanks for not demonstrating brotherhood in arms" written on it

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the cold is the natural habit of whites and fingolian super race, pussy

i really think /pol is populated by 8 year old fortnite players.
>gg...guys finland has SWASTIKAS!! based based based!!! and...and...and they allied with nazis!!! based based based!!

When you grow up kiddo, you will probably start seeing that "based" is not getting a a hard-on when you see a swastika.

Iceland, for example, is super based--- working eugenics programs, all mental illnesses and down syndrome fetuses get aborted, they literally never had a single jew for thousands of years, and are just awesome in general.

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can i train with a reserve rifle and shoot it recreationally?

>tfw you'll never be a finn

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this is my states emblem

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Filthy fucking gook bastards Finns aren't based they're the same asiatic deviants as Russians backstabing suana niggers.

As thanks for not practicing good brotherhood in arms.

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Yeah but you're a shit skin, so it doesn't apply.

I lost $50 betting on ence in the major they won me $200 in the playoffs tho so it's cool

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You just made 300 hate crimes
Reported to Fobba

They are half insectoid