this jew cunt right here
> this jew cunt right here
joe cia shill confirmed holyoldfuck what is going on

Attached: cunt.jpg (1058x698, 93K)

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would bang if 75% drunk

well idiot joe employment is comedy and he tours the world. so press of any kind is good for him.

I wouldn't touch her with your dick

Attached: 1549612856324.jpg (699x645, 30K)

I'd ram my dick in that schnoze of >her's

How many of joe's guest are jewish?

Literally who

whether joe means to or not, he brings a lot of these cockroaches into the light

Attached: 1546827287555.png (928x748, 343K)

waaah a girl says things i don't like she must be jewish waaaah.

a little fragile, ehh?