$3000 a month

>$3000 a month
>Free beer and cigs
Fuck Todd Barry, take the Dougpill already faggots

Attached: D1GHxlpV4AAOJen.jpg (408x550, 46K)

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Stanhope you fat fuck, lose some weight!

Attached: cocaine.jpg (3024x4032, 879K)

That's a slick suit too!

free house, no property tax..then we'll talk about ubi


i want a plane, dont care what kind, but it's gotta work

where's my horse
just want a horse

I want a free country with millions of servants devoted to me , until they promise me that I'm not voting for SHIT

im dying from lupus and get want a bullet in the back of my dead. pls help.

what does todd barry have to do with this?

boring, misanthropic douchebag yawn

Finally, 2020 we will have an honest election.
The presidency will go to the highest PUBLIC bidder!

Why not a million?
Cheap bastard.

Attached: image.jpg (455x437, 32K)

You need Jesus user.
Best burial policy in the business!

Attached: image.jpg (1920x1179, 1.09M)

doug stanhope is a vile uneducated unfunny degenerate drunk, if everyone followed his advice, the world would be fucked

i had to stop listening to stanhope because it was getting me depressed. the guy is funny but im pretty sure he's borderline suicidal

doug is the kind of guy i'd like to get black out drunk with, then push down a flight of stairs and pretend i was never there.

He isn't that bad when not around his hoards of retarded fans. He's basically libertarian. He sometimes agrees with logical thought on Twitter but his luddite fans jump on it. He gave up a long time ago.

>listen to every stanhope podcast
>one day tells a story about his "wife"
>she just got out of the mental hospital
>freaked out be people and life
>becomes friends with a guy they buy shrooms from
>only person she trusts besides doug
>guy tells her he used to be a massage therapists
>gets her naked on table and finger bangs her
>goes home and tells doug that he "raped her"
>doug does nothing about it
>tells their friends not to get pissed of and to do nothing
>"blah blah he is just an old man"
Deleted podcast on the spot. Weak pussy cuck.
Also he shouldn't be in a relationship with a mental case anyway.

Jesus this guy is such a degenerate



I would have given the episode if I could. I listened to the podcast on iphone and that episode was probably almost a year ago.

>leaving Doug Stanhopeland