7 shot in Chicago since Friday evening

Yikes! This is not OK. This is why we need common sense gun control and concealed carry should be banned.

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We need common sense nigger control.

Pretty sure we had 9 shot this weekend

This is why Mutts need to kill Blacks, en masse.


My mutt brother.

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If guns weren't running around shooting blacks this wouldn't be an issue.

Ban all guns
Use your heads dum-dums

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I agree that blacks shouldn't have guns.

You do know the Chicago as biggest gun control of the US, right?


Chicago has the most gun control and it doesn't work, shut the fuck up with all these slide spam threads you obvious shill faggot.

>gun control
>implying chicago shootings aren't fueled by ancient kike arithmetic, social engineering and psyops that have manifested through the focused efforts of weaponizing music, shaping and nurturing pop-culture for brown people that glorifies gutter rap and the Godless, "niggerish" behavior associated with it.

shiggy diggy, fucking newfag hours

this one weekend in Chicago would produce 21 million dollars in firearm manufacturer fines, that's alot of NEETbux to spread around


Chicongo has gun control. They just don't do anything to enforce it.

Stop and search every single nigger. Everybody who carries gets sent to prison for 5 years minimum. Prisons are full? Build fucking penal camps. It will be awesome to see the niggers freeze when the next arctic winter hits.

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This. It's illegal to carry a gun in public. Yet all these shootings happen in public places. Can anyone explain how this happens?

Hey, baby, this is clown world!
We'll just get Elvis to pray for Chicago and everything will be alright!
He'll TCB!!!

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kike. you're a kike and i know because youre desperately trying to spread the illusion that an Americans skin color means anything to a powerful Israeli whose invested in Israels wall expansion project. the kind of "person" who thinks of blacks and white as niggers alike, while wasting no expense, via blood, capital or otherwise, in tireless attempts to pit them against each other. a person who experiences great joy at watching brothers fight in an impressive and astonishing choreographed public theater thats designed to obfuscate the bottomless pit cowardice and ignorance thats so shamelessly and plainly embraced by your people and constituents

What are you going on about you autistic faggot? Blacks have destroyed many of our cities and turned them into virtual no-go zones. They can all fuck off, jews and hispanics included.

>Yikes! This is not OK. This is why we need common sense gun control and concealed carry should be banned for sub 100 IQ niggers.


you can't claim to be a greater race or corner stone of civilization because of genes or whatever and then say the world is fucked because blacks.
If you want to pretend to think like a God, youd atleast respect competition and the last thing you'd want to do, is play victim

it's "racist" to make black "people" follow the rules, and they mostly kill each other, so ya know...whatever.

7 niggers got shot? Why do niggers ALWAYS think guns are toys, anyway? FYI: Dead niggers is NEVER a bad thing - it's great! It means your taxes go down!

Liberal cities who already have gun control laws being shitholes are not my problem nor should I be punished for their obvious failings.

We need nigger control. Im willing to bet every single one of the people who were killed, were niggers involved in gang activities, and died by stolen or illegally procured pistols.

Yikes really makes you think how illegal guns ending up in illegal nigger hands, must be a problem for legal gun owning whites...

Really gets the noggin jogging man!


Chicago has some of the strictest gun control in the nation.